Software Vault: The Emerald Collection
Software Vault (The Emerald Collection) (American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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File List
4,365 lines
║ 1 - Hottest Current Software Hits ║
ACDC120.ZIP Audio Compact Disc Controller 1.20: A CD player.
DESK1WIN.ZIP Desktop Assistant: Personal Information Manager.
ECU15.ZIP Earth Centered Universe 1.5: Planetarium program.
FUN23_10.ZIP AMY'S FUN-2-3 ADVENTURE! 1.0 Game for 2-5 year old children
HOME26.ZIP HOME PLAN 2.6 <ASP> Draw, Save, Edit, Print house plans.
LSIGNW.ZIP Learn to Sign for Windows: Helps you learn sign language.
PIX20108.ZIP PixFolio Image Catalog system. Windows 3.1 Graphics Utility.
RAPTOR.ZIP RAPTOR 1.0. Excellent VGA space adventure game.
SBBACK.ZIP SPACEBAK 2.4: Frees space on Disk.
SHIH_V3U.ZIP Shih Dao is based on a game played in ancient China.
SMTPPR14.ZIP Allows .BMP Wallpaper INSIDE ProgManager, File Manager, etc!
WIZMGR15.ZIP WizManager 1.5 Fantastic File Manager add-on.
║ 2 - Business Applications ║
AHP_310.ZIP ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS 3.10 Proven analytical method.
AMS500.ZIP Action Management System 5.00: Menu-driven business tool.
APPT130.ZIP APPT Appointment Minder 1.30. Simple to use and fast!
BAS16.ZIP Business Accounting System 1.6.
BEEPME30.ZIP BeepMe 3.0. Calls your pager when someone leaves a message.
BF327.ZIP BigFin 3.27: Practical, multi-purpose finance program.
BIZPLN29.ZIP BUSINESS PLAN MASTER 2.7 <ASP> Every business needs one!
BPLAN35.ZIP B/PLAN DEVELOPER 3.5 Write A Pro Plan, Save $$ & get funded
CATAPP.ZIP Shareware Author Catalog Entry Program 2.10.
CHXMST65.ZIP Check/Financial/Budget/Small Business Management System.
CJPOS181.ZIP CJPOS: Complete Point-Of-Sale Program For Businesses.
CLAIM_11.ZIP Claims manager for TV/VCR repair shops.
CLOCK242.ZIP TimeCapture 2.42 Easy- to-use employee time clock manager.
CPLUS25.ZIP Contact Plus Personal 2.5. Many great features!
CREDITCD.ZIP Utility checks validity of credit card numbers.
D3SMARTP.ZIP D3 Smart Suite Plus: Great array of business programs.
DAS_250.ZIP DECISION ANALYSIS SYSTEM 2.50. Provides 2 analysis methods.
DBLTE12I.ZIP Tracks mailing lists, rolodex phone lists, DayRunner, & etc.
DEBTCOL.ZIP Professional software for financial institutions. Req: 286.
DMAIL52.ZIP DMAIL 5.2: A very friendly mailing list manager.
DMREPORT.ZIP Eye-opening report on Direct Marketing.
DTVPROFT.ZIP How To set up your own business and make big money.
ECRLK110.ZIP ECRLINK 1.10ß Utility for Type I Sharp cash registers.
EMPMGR19.ZIP Employee Manager 1.93: Employee Wage Calculator/Log.
ENERGY20.ZIP Quickly identify the cost of changing lighting systems.
EP407.ZIP Easy Project. Assists anyone who manages projects.
ESA200.ZIP SCHEDULING ASSISTANT 2.00: Yearly scheduler for businesses.
FC110.ZIP FINCALC 1.09. Memory resident (TSR) Financial Calculator.
FNA102B.ZIP First Name Almanac 1.02B: 14,000 names. Req: HPLJ-compatibl
FRANW94A.ZIP Franchise Opportunities, Winter 1994a: Franchise information
FRT176.ZIP Freight 1.76: Calculates UPS rates, insurance, COD, etc.
GCM11.ZIP Gift certificate database and printing system.
GPP202.ZIP General Invoice Sales Tracker PLUS 2.02.
HEM22.ZIP Hours/Expenses/Miles 2.2. For salespersons & consultants.
II63.ZIP INVENTORY INTERFACE 6.3. Extensive business POS system.
KEEPTRAK.ZIP KeepTrak keeps tabs of clients, client complaints & service.
KSTAT33.ZIP KWIKSTAT 3.3. Business data analysis package.
LBS300B.ZIP Business Solutions 3.00: Helps manage a small business.
LDT10.ZIP THE LAWYER'S DESKTOP: Complete Law Office Automation.
LOW111.ZIP LowPro 1.11: Freight Management Program. Req: VGA.
MARGCAL.ZIP Dedicated financial calculator. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
MOTEL152.ZIP Hotel/Motel B&B or Resort Management database system.
MRKMST65.ZIP MARKET-MASTER is a Multi-Level Marketing Management System.
OAW94A.ZIP Opportunity Awaits! Winter 1994a: Business ideas.
OSHASOFT.ZIP FastRegs 2.1 (OSHA) A commercial demo of OSHA-Soft Inc.
OWA94B.ZIP Opportunity Awaits! Winter 1994B. Start your own business!
PAYWIN10.ZIP PayWindow Payroll for Windows 1.0: Full payroll system.
PCDEAL26.ZIP PC-DEAL 2.61: Double Entry Accounts Ledger.
PCMECH22.ZIP PC Mechanic Maintenance Management System.
PDEPRIC5.ZIP ProDev*EPRICE 5.0. Price Service interface program.
PDQUOT5A.ZIP ProDev*QUOTE 5.0. Quotation and Bidding System. (1 of 2)
PMSYSTEM.ZIP PM System: Preventive maintenance program.
POLICE11.ZIP Program designed to help police keep records.
POS410.ZIP ESD Point of sale system for retail and wholesale.
PRL130.ZIP Computerized Book-keeping for Newspaper Carriers.
PS113.ZIP PHONE SECRETARY 1.01 - fax/modem & answer on 1 line.
PSP45.ZIP Parcel Shipping Program 4.5 for UPS shipping transactions.
PTA47.ZIP PTA treasurer's software 4.7. Plus cash flow management, etc
QAGLOSRY.ZIP A glossary of terms & formulas for Quality Assurance.
QPAY351.ZIP Quick-Pay 3.5 Medical Office & Billing. (1 of 3)
QPAY352.ZIP Quick-Pay 3.5 Medical Office & Billing. (2 of 3)
QPAY353.ZIP Quick-Pay 3.5 Medical Office & Billing. (3 of 3)
RETAILP4.ZIP RETAIL PLUS 4.0: Full-featured retail sales/inventory.
RIDE1.ZIP Ridematch 1.0: Matches Employees to car or Van pool.
SCROOG20.ZIP SCROOGE VERSION 2.0: Complete retailer's analysis system.
SIMPAY93.ZIP Simple Payroll Calculator and Record Keeper.
SOFTKT.ZIP Software Company Kit 1.0 - Package for authors and vendors.
STAX93.ZIP 1993 Share-Tax/1040 2.0: Federal tax prep program.
ST_BGT19.ZIP ST-BUDGET 1.9 Budget Tracking System.
SWT311A.ZIP Bookkeeping For Shareware Authors. (1 of 2)
SWT311B.ZIP Bookkeeping for Shareware Authors. (2 of 2)
TABSTOLL.ZIP An innovative Telephone System Controller saves big money.
TIMTRK11.ZIP Time Tracker 1.1: Helps you keep track of time.
TMSTAX27.ZIP TimeStax 2.7. Simple time management program.
TRENCH18.ZIP Trench 1.08: Contractor Trench Estimating Costs Program.
TRKIT307.ZIP Track-It 3.07 Inventory/POS package with invoicing and more.
VEND20GB.ZIP THE DISK VENDOR. An interactive sales catalog system.
VIDEO200.ZIP The Video Store Database Manager 2.0: Tracks late charges.
WAGES101.ZIP Wages 1.01: Wage Calculator.
WWAGES10.ZIP WinWages 1.0 calculates Hourly/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly wages.
XFONE210.ZIP Network Phone Directory System 2.10: Works with NetWare.
XOUT130.ZIP Network In/Out Tracking System 1.30: Works with NetWare.
ZPAY38A.ZIP 1994 ZPAY 3.8: Payroll system. (1 of 2)
ZPAY38B.ZIP 1994 ZPAY 3.8: Payroll system. (2 of 2)
║ 3 - Wordprocessing Programs and Utilities ║
AHD_WP60.ZIP Installs American Heritage Dictionary with WP WIN 6.0.
AMI_MCRO.ZIP Two macros for Ami-Pro.
APFF11.ZIP Amifind 1.1: Ami Pro file finder.
CALMAST.ZIP Print calendars with events added.
COLLAB.ZIP COLLABORATOR II. For writers. Used like your index cards.
DJPL21A.ZIP 60 Character Directory Names in WinWord.
ENVMAKR.ZIP Envelope Maker. A simple envelope addressing program.
EZDEX12.ZIP EZ-DEX 1.2 Auto-types names/addresses into word processors.
EZWORD50.ZIP Easy Word is an advanced easy to use DOS word processor.
FDMAN.ZIP FAX Direct manual for WP 6.0 and PCX logo files.
JSPL202C.ZIP JSPELL 2.02c. ASCII file spell checker.
PC_PRO20.ZIP PC-PROOF 2.0: Grammar Checker.
PETPE403.ZIP Converts all major word processing formats to ASCII.
REFUGEE.ZIP Personal Information Form in AMI PRO 3.0 format.
THLM5081.ZIP Grammar checker for WordPerfect 5.x files.
TTS11.ZIP THELMA'S SPELLPLUS 1.1: Finds spelling errors.
WF30A.ZIP Word Fugue 3.0 Heavy duty word processor with dictionary.
WF30B.ZIP Word Fugue 3.0 Heavy duty word processor with dictionary.
WF30C.ZIP Word Fugue 3.0 Heavy duty word processor with dictionary.
║ 4 - Desktop Publishing and Fonts ║
AGMINT.ZIP Pep-O-Mint True Type font for Windows 3.1 or DOS.
ASHTON01.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (1 of 10.
ASHTON02.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (2 of 10.
ASHTON03.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (3 of 10.
ASHTON04.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (4 of 10.
ASHTON05.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (5 of 10.
ASHTON06.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (6 of 10.
ASHTON07.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (7 of 10.
ASHTON08.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (8 of 10.
ASHTON09.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. (9 of 10.
ASHTON10.ZIP WP 6.0 font files. File 10 of 10.
ATM26.ZIP Adobe Type Manager 2.6 update for version 2.5 or 2.51.
CHEMFONT.ZIP Chemistry TrueType font for Win: Includes COMPOSE macro.
CRN_PC.ZIP Carrion Postscript Type 1 and True Type font.
CYRILLIC.ZIP Cyrillic (Russian) font in LaserJet bitmapped format.
DOCLIS.ZIP Automated Creation of Document/Macro info. for AmiPro.
DTPBBS11.ZIP International List of BBS' dedicated to Desktop Publishing.
FGLET20.ZIP Figlet 2.0: Large block characters for messages/titles.
FIKEYT.ZIP KeyCaps Type Font - Three different Styles.
FNTSH51A.ZIP A Font Cataloging program for Windows 3.1.
FSP520.ZIP FontSpec Pro 5.2: Font Manager.
GCPBUT.ZIP GCP Button Bar Symbol Font 3.1. An Adobe Type 1 symbol font
HIERO3.ZIP Egyptian Hieroglyphics font in HP.
KENSGEO.ZIP Dingbats font - geographical symbols. TrueType.
MLB_T1.ZIP MALABARS POSTSCRIPT TYPE 1 FONT: Heavy-letters hollowed out.
MORSE.ZIP Contains a Morse Code font in LaserJet bitmapped format.
MSPUB2.ZIP MS-Publisher 2.0 Text converter for Word for Windows 6.x.
OUSYMB.ZIP Often Used Characters Macro for AmiPro 2.0.
PANTON.ZIP Pagemaker 5.0 FIX: Upgrades pantone library.
PM50A.ZIP Patch for PageMaker 5.0 for Windows upgrades 5.0 to 5.0a.
PPDEXE.ZIP Pagemaker 5.0: PPD Upgrade utility.
QUENYA11.ZIP Windows TT font: Tengwar, Elvish writing like Tolkien.
RCPC3D.ZIP RatCaps PC 3-D TrueType font.
SPLBOUND.ZIP Collection of abstract black and white photographs.
SPLINE.ZIP Explains how to use the spline tool in GeoWorks Ensemble.
STAR_TT.ZIP A Star Trek TrueType font for Windows.
TBLEDT.ZIP Patch for PageMaker 5.0 Table Editor.
TOONZSCR.ZIP ToonzScript: True Type Font. Cartoonist's hand-lettered look
TT509A.ZIP THISLEBLOSSOM 5.09: Grammer and Style Checker. (1 of 2)
WRITEBKS.ZIP Catalog of books that are helpful to writers.
WSM13.ZIP WordSmart 1.3 File re-formatter/word wrap.
║ 5 - Windows Applications ║
4LANGS.ZIP Ultimate Language Tutor for Windows. Learn four languages!
9LIVE121.ZIP 9 Lives 1.21 for Windows: A desktop expander.
ABV30.ZIP Above & Beyond: Personal Information and Time.
ABVBND.ZIP Above & Beyond 3.0. Great Windows PIM. Dynamic Scheduling.
ACCEL10B.ZIP Investigating of acceleration. Req: VBRUN200.DLL/Windows.
ACCENT22.ZIP Accent 2.2: Win Program for inputting special characters.
ACUBO12.ZIP AccuBoard 1.2: Cumulative clipboard for Windows.
ADDER30.ZIP Windows calculator continuously displays accumulated SUM.
AF2MAC.ZIP WinWord 6.0 template allows you some extra functions.
AFCOLICO.ZIP Colored toolbar library for WinWord 6.0: All-color toolbars.
ALAB11D.ZIP Audio Lab 1.1D. Windows WAV/VOC/RAW Editor.
ALBT095B.ZIP ALBATROS: a CD player for PM.
ALW114.ZIP Astronomy Lab 1.14 For Windows 3.x.
AMO292.ZIP Master Amortizer Calculate payments, create tables, etc.
AMPRTSCN.ZIP PRINT SCREEN 1.0 for Windows. Print your Windows screen!
ANIMOUSE.ZIP Animated & non-animated Windows mouse cursor replacements.
APIM3.ZIP Achievement Planner for Windows.
APPRUN.ZIP Launch applications from WinWord with this macro.
ASTRO20A.ZIP Astrological program for Windows 3.1 (1 of 2)
ASTRO20B.ZIP Astrological program for Windows 3.1 (2 of 2)
AT201.ZIP Application Timer is a Windows application launcher.
AT202.ZIP Application Timer: Run program in Windows at specified time.
ATT302AL.ZIP Interesting clock for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
AUTOWAV.ZIP Play WAV easily. Req: Win/sound card/mouse/HD/VBRUN200.DLL.
AWMODEM.ZIP Latest modem file for PCAnywhere for Windows.
BAILOUT.ZIP BAILOUT 1.0 <ASP> Single-click Windows exit utility.
BCPORT.ZIP Porting Tool - Ports to WIN32 -from- Win 3.1.
BIMPZIP2.ZIP Window bitmap wallpaper manager. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
BJ600.ZIP Windows 3.1 updated driver for the Canon BJ-600 printer.
BLDHND20.ZIP BloodHound 2.0 for Windows: Locate DOS files.
BMPZW200.ZIP BITMAPS 2.00 For Windows: Bit Map Slide Show.
BOING1.ZIP A Windows 3.1 program for playing WAV sound files.
CAPCLK25.ZIP Win utility shows time/date on left side. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
CAPT31.ZIP Capture 3.1: Windows screen capture utility.
CBASE163.ZIP Windows database for software tracking. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
CBWLT120.ZIP Colorado Backup for Windows "Lite" 1.20: Tape Software.
CCCALC10.ZIP How long will take to pay off debt. Req: Win/VBRUN300.DLL.
CDDB07.ZIP CD Database 0.7e: CD Player for Windows.
CDMW211A.ZIP CD Master for Windows. Master your CD Library. (1 of 2).
CDMW211B.ZIP CD Master for Windows. Master your CD Library. (2 of 2).
CDPLAY34.ZIP CDPlayer 3.4: Windows Audio CD Player for Windows or DOS.
CDPLY232.ZIP CD Player 2.32: MS-Windows compact disc player.
CDPROW13.ZIP Windows record keeping system for CDs and tapes.
CDW200.ZIP CD Wizard: New Audio Player for Windows.
CEDW25IE.ZIP Menu-driven Win program to encrypt/decrypt files.
CLARWIN3.ZIP Clarion PIFs & icon for Windows.
CLIPEXT.ZIP Clipext 1.0: Clipboard Extender for Win.
CLONER.ZIP Copy components in other Basic projects to new sources.
CLPMON12.ZIP Windows utility captures data to a 2nd monochrome monitor.
CLRIGHT.ZIP Call up Windows Program, File or Task Manager with 1 click.
CLW201.ZIP CleanUp for Windows 2.00 Cleans and organizes hard drive.
CODEP240.ZIP CodePrint 2.40: Windows program used for printing ASCII.
CONSTIT.ZIP The Constitution compiled as a Windows Help file.
CQWK130A.ZIP CMPQwk Reader 1.30: Windows QWK mail reader.
CRPGN.ZIP Winword template to make auto-installer DOCs for macros.
CRPGN20.ZIP WinWord macro: Make auto-installer documents for macros.
CTHEMOON.ZIP Moon Pattern: For Crosstitch Designer for Windows 2.01.
CTRL_L11.ZIP File Control 1.11 for use with 1-2-3 for Windows AND DOS 3.
C_MSTR11.ZIP Dimensional and conversion calculator for Windows.
DAGW101.ZIP Disk-at-a-Glance 1.01 for Windows: Shows pie charts!
DASHV09.ZIP WIN: Windows System Information Dashboard.
DBMONO.ZIP Buffered Monochrome monitor debugger. Requires Windows 3.1.
DCLOCK11.ZIP PM based digital clock.
DESKSHOW.ZIP Desktop Slide show exchanges wallpaper randomly.
DHCIS.ZIP Track files under Windows.
DOCBROWS.ZIP Doc Browser add-in template for WinWord 6.x.
DODOS11.ZIP DoDOS 1.1: Win program to run unagreeable DOS programs.
DOSDOR11.ZIP DOS Doorway 1.1 Windows utility that launches a DOS window.
DRGNDR30.ZIP Windows image viewer and file launcher. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
DROPPOP.ZIP Provides icons on your desktop that call up icon menus.
DSKFAC11.ZIP DISK FACTORY 1.1: Windows-based Copy/Compare/Format Utility.
DSPOOLER.ZIP Windows: PRN/PS files to Print Manager. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
DSTRB3.ZIP DSTReader 1.X ßeta 3 Windows 3.1X QWK Packet Mail reader.
DT0121.ZIP DirTree 1.21: Window program graphically displays DIR tree.
EARTHS25.ZIP Earth & Sun 2.5. Windows clock icon shows earth's position.
EDIT13.ZIP EDITEUR 1.3 for Windows: User-intuitive editor.
ELEPHNT.ZIP Elephant Clock. A time display that gets out of the way.
EMAIL300.ZIP Email 3.00: Windows Network E-mail program. Req: VBRUN300.
EMAIL301.ZIP Email 3.01: Windows network e-mail. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
ENVEL233.ZIP PrintEnvelope 2.33 for Windows. Complete mailing system.
EXITFAST.ZIP Exit Windows fast.
EXW10.ZIP ExitWin 1.0. Elegant and functional exit to DOS utility.
EZCOMM.ZIP Ezcom: Windows file transfer utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
F12SHEL.ZIP VB3 source code & an executable file for a program launcher.
FAX_V117.ZIP Faxmail 1.17 For Win: Adds Faxing to Windows Applications.
FCLIP40.ZIP FileClip 4.0, a Windows 3.1 File and Clipboard manager.
FDIAL120.ZIP Dialer 1.20 for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
FILLST.ZIP Listing of where MS-Word 6 for Windows is installed.
FINDIT.ZIP Find-It 3.62 for Windows 3.0/3.1, NT and OS/2. File finder.
FINDR400.ZIP Finder 4.00 for Windows: Swap between applications easily.
FINDT362.ZIP Find-It 3.62: Windows disk file search utility.
FLASH_30.ZIP WinFlash 3.0. Adds fonts, colors, .BMP graphics, and more.
FMA11B.ZIP FM Applic 1.1B: Windows File Manager extension.
FMAPP11C.ZIP FM Applic 1.1c. Windows 3.1 File Manager extension.
FMONS342.ZIP Windows TT font utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
FMONST34.ZIP Font Monster 3.4 for Win: Excellent TT/ATM Font utility.
FMV3_5A.ZIP File Magician for Windows - handles compressed archives.
FOFF22.ZIP Font Off 2.2: MS-Windows program to organize TrueType fonts
FSP530.ZIP Font Spec Pro 5.30: Windows font utility to manage fonts.
FTASK120.ZIP Ftaskman 1.20 Windows 3.1 Taskmanager replacement.
FVW104A.ZIP New Fractal Vision for Win: Interactive Fractal designer.
FW25.ZIP Fileware 2.5: Word for Windows Macros.
GB302.ZIP GRADEBOOK for Windows 3.02. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
GFILE21.ZIP File HD Manager.
GINSTMST.ZIP Group Install Master. Adds & deletes Windows groups/items.
GLBTIM13.ZIP Windows program displays world time. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
GMW202.ZIP Grocery Manager 2.02 For Windows. Meal/grocery planner.
GTWIN170.ZIP Guitar Teacher with chord database for Windows.
GVIA15.ZIP ViaPrint! 1.5 for Windows. All-purpose printing program.
HELLLP20.ZIP HELLLP! 2.0: WinHelp Author Tool For WinWord 2.0/v6.0.
HELPED19.ZIP HelpEdit: Windows Help Tool Editor.
HGOPHR24.ZIP TCP/IP Internet Gopher 2.4 for Windows. Req: WINSOCK.DLL.
HITLINE.ZIP HitLine for Windows. An audio CD-Player/Database.
HLPCOL.ZIP HelpColr 2.0 for Windows - sets colors in help files.
HOTBSW.ZIP HOT BUTTON for Windows. Must-have for Windows users.
HOTTASK.ZIP Hot Corners 1.5/Task List 1.0. Handy Windows 3.1 utilities.
IC.ZIP ImageCommander 1.0 for Windows. Image manager/manipulator.
ICM34.ZIP Windows Icon manager 3.4.
ICOMAN14.ZIP IconMan 1.4: Ultimate Windows desktop enhancement.
ICONDT20.ZIP Windows program to draw/save icons. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
ICOUTL13.ZIP Scan utility for Windows 3.1.
ICOWIN30.ZIP Icon Editor 3.0: Windows icon editor. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
IFA200.ZIP Adds file management to any Windows application.
INFO34.ZIP INFO RECALL 3.4 for Windows: Info storage system.
INIEXE3.ZIP IniMaint 3.0: EXE, DLL.
INIUPDA.ZIP INI Update and Edit Utility: Helps maintain INI files.
IPWIN112.ZIP Info Pop for Windows - Windows Help file about the Internet.
IQ13.ZIP Import Quotes 1.3: Win program imports quotes to Quicken.
ITUTIL.ZIP Trash, View, Zip. Windows 3.1 File Manager extensions.
JDY10K21.ZIP JUDY'S TENKEY 2.1: Powerful Windows calculator.
JREHOM55.ZIP Track of your home inventory. Req: VBRUN300.DLL/Windows.
JWP11_1.ZIP Japanese Word Processor 1.1 for Windows. (1 of 4)
JWP11_2.ZIP Japanese Word Processor 1.1 for Windows. (2 of 4)
JWP11_3.ZIP Japanese Word Processor for Windows 1.1. (3 of 4)
KEY101.ZIP KEY Search 1.01. Windows Text Indexer searches hard disk(s)
KEYMC103.ZIP Win add-on for Wigwam. Req: WigWam 1.21i/Mouse/VBRUN300.DLL.
KEYPRO12.ZIP KeyPro. A text file editor for Windows.
KILL15.ZIP Task Killer 1.5 for Windows. Displays DLL's & EXE's loaded.
KURV1.ZIP Kurv+ for Windows. Curve fitting program for Windows 3.x.
KURV2.ZIP Kurv+ for Windows. Curve fitting program for Windows 3.x.
LABEL503.ZIP Label 5.03 for Windows: Prints text labels.
LANT5.ZIP Lantasti 5.0 Upgrade For Windows: LANTASTI.386/LANTNET.DRV.
LAUN16A.ZIP Launch! 1.6a for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
LBLMKRV2.ZIP Disk Label Maker 2.0 for Windows.
LBLWZ20A.ZIP Label Wizard 2.0a. Label utility program for Windows 3.1.
LOCK23.ZIP Windows file encryption program. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
LOGIMW62.ZIP LOGITECH MouseWare 6.20 for Windows.
MACSEE32.ZIP WIN utility reads/writes MAC floppy discs (HD) in PC drives.
MAKLOAD.ZIP Click on MAK file in File Manager & direct it to a program.
MATCHIT.ZIP Match It: Windows picture slide puzzle. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
MDRAW07E.ZIP MDraw 0.7E: Object-oriented drawing package for Windows.
MINIDB10.ZIP Mini-DB 1.0: Small database program for Windows.
MLTLBL.ZIP OSOSOFT's MULTILABEL 3.5. Complete Windows label system.
MOD4WIN.ZIP MOD player for Windows.
MPEGWIN.ZIP MPEG Audio player for Windows.
MYSPY.ZIP Enhanced Windows 3.1 Spy program.
NDW_SMHP.ZIP Updated Norton Desktop for Windows HLP File.
NORSK.ZIP English-Norwegian Translator for Win. Req: VBRUN200.DLL.
NUMORSE.ZIP Morse Code Tutor for Windows.
ODAY200.ZIP OmniDay personal calendar/journal for Win.
OKBUTTON.ZIP Fun! Windows OK button runs away from the mouse pointer!
OLEKB.ZIP Knowledge Base for Windows SDK OLE topics.
OLE_HELP.ZIP This is a Windows Help File on OLE.
OPTMIZ.ZIP Instructions on Optimizing Word for Windows.
ORG_CARD.ZIP Uses Windows Cardfile for Organic Chemistry flashcards.
PA57.ZIP Printer's Apprentice 5.7 Windows font printer/viewer/manager
PAGEME1.ZIP Send messages to an alpha-numeric pagers from Windows.
PAGER.ZIP Windows program dials alphanumeric pagers.
PAMMAF.ZIP WinWord 6.x Macro: Play ANY multimedia object.
PBBSW30B.ZIP POWERBBS FOR Windows 3.00 (2 of 2)
PBTIPS.ZIP All Tech tips for PowerBuilder in Win Help file format.
PCB101.ZIP PC-BARTENDER 1.0 for Win: Organize recipes. (1 of 2)
PCB102.ZIP PC-BARTENDER 1.0 for Win: Organize recipes. (2 of 2)
PEGIF.ZIP Desktop menu for Windows.
PLABL.ZIP Print Label prints labels on a dot matrix printer.
PLUGIN20.ZIP PLUG-IN FOR PROGRAM MANAGER 2.0. Fills holes in Windows!
PMMGR1.ZIP PMMGR 1.0. Allows editing of Program Manager groups & items
POLYG210.ZIP PolyGeometrics 2.10. A Windows 3.1 Screen Saver.
POW101.ZIP POW 1.0 Windows QWK mail reader. A "One QWK at a time" OLR.
PPINTRO2.ZIP PagePlus Intro. Windows Desktop Publishing program (2 of 2)
PRCLIP.ZIP PrClip: Easy way of doing screen prints. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PRINTF16.ZIP PrintFlip 1.6 for Windows.
PRJCT161.ZIP Projector for Win 1.61: Movie Screen Saver. Req: 4WRUN.EXE.
PROCD234.ZIP ProCD Audio Player 2.23b For Windows.
PROSCH1.ZIP Protel for Win Advanced Schematic: Evaluation. (1 of 2)
PRTY15D2.ZIP Stock chart/Analysis for Win. Req: VGA/Mouse. (2 of 2)
PSW21D.ZIP PrintSwitch 2.1d. Change default Windows printer in 1 click
PSW30.ZIP Easily change printers in Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
PTTD10.ZIP A full fledged paint program. Req: Windows/VGA/VBRUN300.DLL
PWF11.ZIP PGP Windows Front end for using PGP under DOS Windows.
P_RIP203.ZIP PowerRIP 2.03: Full-screen ripper for MODs/669s/etc.
QCD107.ZIP QuickCards for Windows: Walks you through Windows tasks.
QL2000.ZIP Fantastic toolbox to be used as or with Program Manager.
QUICL20.ZIP QuiClick programmable toolbar application launcher for WIN31
QW3R7.ZIP Quicken for Windows 3.0 release 7 upgrade patch and patcher.
RECOMM10.ZIP Recomm 1.0 for Windows: Share your modem across a Network.
REMEMBWN.ZIP Windows program reminds of appointments & repetitive events!
RIGMGR20.ZIP RigManager for Windows: Control HF radio.
RM.ZIP Radio Manager for Windows for the Icom R-7000 Radio.
RMETR101.ZIP Resource Meter 1.01: Windows resource gauge; configurable.
ROCKET11.ZIP Rockets 1.1: Window program designed to teach kids.
RUDCLKV1.ZIP RUDECLOCK 1.0 for Windows: Full sound support. RUDE clock!
SABDU250.ZIP Windows Diskette Utility to Format/copy/compare/save floppy.
SAMDU250.ZIP SAB Diskette Utility program for using the SABDU001.DLL.
SANTACLK.ZIP A Christmas clock for Windows. Time and shopping days.
SEARCHR.ZIP Searcher for Windows. Locate files based on file name, etc.
SEEDEE10.ZIP SeeDee Player 1.0: CD Audio Player for Windows.
SETTITLE.ZIP Changes title of window from command line. Req: Win/NT.
SHWCRD20.ZIP Print Windows CardFiles easily. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
SH_PIF14.ZIP Show-PIF 1.40: Windows utility shows PIF info visually.
SKYMP20A.ZIP SKYMAP 2.0 for Windows. (1 of 2) Draws accurate star maps.
SKYMP20B.ZIP SKYMAP 2.0 for Windows. (2 of 2) SkyMap data file archive.
SMISHL14.ZIP SmilerShell v1.4: Windows command line.
SMTADR10.ZIP SMART ADDRESS management for Windows! MDI support & more!
SMTCAT16.ZIP SmartCat Plus 1.6 The ultimate Windows Disk/CD Cataloger.
SMTDOC10.ZIP SmartDoc 1.0: Converts Windows Help to ASCII.
SMTFNT11.ZIP SmartFont 1.1. Ultimate Windows installed font previewer.
SMTTOP11.ZIP SmartTop 1.1 Always-on-Top utility for any Window.
SOLBAK.ZIP Soldier Backup. Easy-to-use backup system for Windows.
SPARTA12.ZIP Sparta 1.2. A Macintosh-like operating environment!
SPELLSEN.ZIP Spell Sentry 1.0: Win Word, Clipboard, and ASCII checker.
START11.ZIP Windows Startup Program Manager Utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
STEVES.ZIP 47 different screen saver files for Windows.
STICKY13.ZIP Sticky 1.3. Messaging system for Windows for Workgroups.
STRIPP11.ZIP The Stripper 1.1 for Windows: Strips codes.
SUNSET1.ZIP SunsetCAD 1.00 Object-based CAD program for Windows.
TASKLR13.ZIP Windows program designed to display loaded modules.
TBAR10.ZIP Define a toolbar for a particular task. Requires WIN31.
TBAVW610.ZIP ThunderBYTE 6.10 for Windows: Complete anti-virus package.
TC402PRO.ZIP Newest Time & Chaos 4.02: Lots of enhancements.
TIMEKE23.ZIP Timekeep 2.3: Alarm Clock for Windows.
TKB100.ZIP Track It! Books 1.0 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TKC100.ZIP Track It! Coins 1.00 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TKH100.ZIP Track It! Home Inventory 1.0 for Windows. Create a catalog
TKS100.ZIP Track It! Stamps 1.00 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TKV100.ZIP Track It! Videos 1.00 for Windows <ASP> Create a catalog.
TMLN4WN.ZIP Historical timeline for Win: Emphasizes religious history.
TMT201.ZIP Time & Money Tracker for Windows. Tracks project time.
TOOLBOX.ZIP Set of 42 toolboxes for Windows applications.
TRAXTIME.ZIP TraxTime 1.0. Personal punch clock for Win 3.1.
TWDYN11.ZIP Capture portions of Windows & put them in your clipboard.
TXTPRIME.ZIP A Windows program that computes primes.
UNIDR314.ZIP Uni Drive 3.1.4: Windows universal printer driver.
USDEBT53.ZIP Win program: Shows US debt. Watch it grow! Req: VBRUN300.DLL
USERKB.ZIP Windows SDK Knowledge base for Win32 API specification.
UTIL6WIN.ZIP Utilities for WPWin6.0 primarily relating to printers.
VALARM.ZIP Visual Alarm 1.0: A great little alarm clock for Windows.
VBGAMES.ZIP VBASIC games for Windows with run file.
VBRUN123.ZIP VBRUN100.DLL, VBRUN200.DLL and VBRUN300.DLL complete.
VBSYS134.ZIP Windows System/Setup displayer.
VERLOOK1.ZIP Windows file version resource reader. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
VIAPRINT.ZIP ViaPrint: Prints labels, business cards under Windows.
VIDVUE21.ZIP Win Multimedia Viewer/Slideshow Utility. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
VISDIF.ZIP Visual Diff 1.0.
VM14410.ZIP VideoMaster 1.0 For Windows: Keep Track of Video Library.
VOCAB109.ZIP Windows utility extracts a vocabulary list from a text file.
VSW14C.ZIP VidSwitch 1.4C Change video resolution quickly & easily.
VUEPRINT.ZIP VuePrint for Windows - display/print GIF, JPEG & BMP files.
VUPRNT12.ZIP VuePrint 1.2. Windows graphics display & print program.
VUPRNT14.ZIP Display/Print GIF/JPEG/BMP in Windows.
W4S31.ZIP Windows utility to set up mouse and keyboard buttons.
WALLY.ZIP Wally changes your Windows wallpaper.
WALMAN.ZIP Windows Wallpaper changer allows a separate BMP directory.
WAVPLY10.ZIP Windows quick WAV launcher. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WAVUTL23.ZIP Wave Utilities 2.3: A Multimedia Tool package for Windows.
WBANK22.ZIP BankExpert: Windows program to automate checking accounts.
WBOOK16U.ZIP WordBook 1.6U for WinWord is an address & phone book manager
WCHG23.ZIP Win Change 2.3. Globally change text in GRP, INI, PIF files
WCLK45.ZIP A Windows global time program.
WCMDE11E.ZIP Windows Commander 1.10e. Replaces File manager for Windows.
WCTRL11.ZIP WinCONTROL. Quick access to several handy Windows functions
WCV32.ZIP WinCover v3.2: Prints FAX cover sheets. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WDAT33.ZIP WingDate 3.3: Provides visual reminder of upcoming events.
WDF131.ZIP DF Lite 1.31 Small MS-Windows diskette copy utility.
WDF140.ZIP Windows utility to do multiple DISKCOPYs.
WDISC110.ZIP A CD player for Windows.
WDT100.ZIP Debt Analyzer for Windows 1.00 <ASP> Helps reduce debt.
WFIND21.ZIP FILE FINDER 2.1 for Windows. Powerful file search program.
WFLASH30.ZIP WinFlash 3.0. Upgrade adds fonts, colors, .BMP graphics, etc
WFTPD1_7.ZIP Win 3.x FTP Daemon 1.7: For Winsock.
WFUND36.ZIP FundExpert 3.6 for Windows: A portfolio manager.
WG0970.ZIP VNETBIOS.386 Corrects WFW311 Real-Mode Transport Problems.
WG0971.ZIP Windows for Workgroups VNETBIOS.386 Corrects CORRECTION!
WG0973.ZIP Windows for Workgroups RMM.D32 Corrects Five-Second Delay.
WIN3_11U.ZIP Upgrade Windows 3.1 to 3.11.
WINBAG23.ZIP Windows utility tool bag for DOS 6.
WINBAR40.ZIP Winbar 4.0: Clock/system info all displayed on a bar.
WINCAT34.ZIP WinCat/PRO 3.4. Catalogs floppy disks, CDs, harddisks, etc.
WINCRYPT.ZIP WinCrypt for Windows. An encryption/decryption game.
WINCUR2.ZIP WinCur Vol. 2. Collection of 10 "see thru" Windows cursors.
WINDIGO0.ZIP Windows program allows 2 people to play GO through eMail.
WINDIR22.ZIP Windows Directory Compare 2.2.
WINDIZ10.ZIP WinDIZ 1.0 The first Windows ZIP file ID generator!
WINEXM11.ZIP EXE Master for Windows: Shows practically ANY file.
WINFAXJN.ZIP WinWord 6.0 macro: Sends document to WinFax.
WINFDATE.ZIP Change a file's date/time from the Windows RUN command.
WINFIN34.ZIP Does standard financial calculations under MS-Windows 3.1.
WINHP505.ZIP Windows 3.1 Help Compiler 5.05: HC505.EXE contains four.
WINIMA20.ZIP WINIMAGE 2.0. THE Windows Disk Imager - Run in background.
WINIMAN.ZIP WiniMan. Allows you to configure INI files on the fly.
WINLINK.ZIP Expands the capabilities of a DOS box in 386 Enhanced Mode.
WINPAS11.ZIP PW-Lock Windows. Req: Windows/VBRUN300.DLL/THREED.VBX.
WINSP05.ZIP Intelligent Windows print spooler. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WINTED.ZIP Turbo Editor for Windows 3.1.
WINWAV30.ZIP WinWAV 3.00: Attach WAV file to ANY Windows application.
WINX10.ZIP WinX allows any window to be moved easily in the background.
WIPEO122.ZIP Wipe-Out 1.22. DOS program deletes unwanted Windows apps.
WLAB1B.ZIP Windows Label program specifically for Avery Laser Labels.
WM2.ZIP A desktop unit conversion program for Windows.
WMB009A1.ZIP WIN-MAIL Pointe System for Windows: Beta update. (1 of 2)
WMB009A2.ZIP WIN-MAIL Point System for Windows Beta update. (2 of 2)
WMOS1_0.ZIP WinMosaic: Now easily traverse the Internet.
WNBFF19A.ZIP Mail notification utility for Windows.
WNFAM10E.ZIP Win-Family 1.0e. Windows Genealogical program.
WNGDIR10.ZIP WingDir 1.0: Windows DIR match/compare. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WNOT15.ZIP NotGNU Emacs-like editor for Windows.
WOLRS29.ZIP WinOnLine Review Num 29: The Original WinHelp Magazine.
WOLRS30.ZIP WinOnLine Review Num 30: The Original WinHelp Magazine.
WORDCB21.ZIP WordCab 2.1: File cabinet for WinWord 2.x.
WORDINI6.ZIP Word 6.0 for Windows: WINWORD6.INI setting.
WPTOOL11.ZIP Assorted WP Utilities.
WR10A.ZIP Wave Rider 1.0. Windows .QWK & BlueWave mail packet reader.
WR10B.ZIP Wave Rider 1.0. Windows .QWK & BlueWave mail packet reader.
WRDINFO.ZIP WordInfo: WinWord 6.0 add-in.
WRDR06C.ZIP DirChanger 0.6C: Word for Windows 6.x DIR changer macro.
WRITEL.ZIP Windows Logging Program: Updated drivers.
WSH12.ZIP Windows file deletion. Sound/animation. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WSTIME40.ZIP Win SetTime sets your system clock by the atomic clock.
WSTIME45.ZIP Win SetTime 4.5: Program to set the PC clock from NIST.
WUNZIP40.ZIP WinUnZip 4.0. MS-Windows unZIP utility. ZIP is built in!
WW0981.ZIP Windows upgrade: Go from 3.10 to 3.11.
WWAGES1A.ZIP Calculates Hourly, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly wages.
WYNSAG11.ZIP WynSage 1.1: Windows daily display of famous quotations.
XF45.ZIP Crossfire update to work with Paradox 4.5 for Windows.
YEAR.ZIP WP for Windows 6.0 macro creates year-at-a-glance calendar.
YELLOW.ZIP YELLOW STICKY 2.0: "To Do" manager for Windows.
ZIP2X.ZIP File to make PC-Tools for Windows 1.0 work with ZIP 2.04g.
ZP101A.ZIP ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: Area Code Finder for Win. (2 of 7)
ZP101B.ZIP ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: ZIP Code Finder for Win. (3 of 7)
ZP101F.ZIP ZIPPIDY DO DA 1.01: Area Code Finder for Win. (7 of 7)
_9VIAWIN.ZIP Viaprint For Windows Update 1.5: Printing program for Win.
_SYSINFO.ZIP SYSINFO Extracts Windows system info using VB 3.0.
║ 6 - Windows Games, BMP and WAV ║
1KING.ZIP WAV sound file.
34WAVS_1.ZIP 34 WAV files by Nick Vargish. (1 of 3)
3DXWD125.ZIP 3-D Crossword Puzzle 1.25 for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
4WINGAM.ZIP 4 nice Windows games.
4WINS202.ZIP Windows version of Connect 4 game. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
ADCMD11C.ZIP Windows Battleship game. Req: VGA/Mouse/VBRUN300.DLL.
AICAPWAV.ZIP WAV sounds of ceremonial/social dances. Req: SBPro/SB16.
AIRAID.ZIP Authentic sound effect of a air raid alert siren.
ALPINE.ZIP BMP image: An alpine lake and mountains. 725x492x256.
AMAZE402.ZIP 3-D Maze Game for Windows.
ANTINT.ZIP Humorous 256-color BMP file of Windows NT start-up screen.
APLLO11.ZIP WAV: Apollo 11. Countdown/launch/landing/first step on moon!
AUTOCE20.ZIP AutoCell 2.0: Windows artificial life puzzle.
AUTUMN2.ZIP Gorgeous 640x480x256: Color image of mountainous landscape.
BACKWARD.ZIP WAVs of reversed speech and upper class English greetings.
BEAR.ZIP BMP image: A bear brousing around a river in Alaska.
BIGDRL.ZIP WAV: A big drill.
BILLTAX.ZIP Slick Willy screen saver For Win. Cleaning up "loose cash".
BIRD2.ZIP WAV: Another bird.
BIRDWHS.ZIP WAV: A bird whistling.
BLESS_JC.ZIP Warm Picture of an Entrance to a house. Art: BMP format.
BLUEROCK.ZIP BMP image: A great bitmap of a waterfall!
BOBBIT.ZIP WAV: From the Bobbit Trial.
BOGL11.ZIP Bogle 1.1: Windows word game. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
BOXMASH.ZIP WAV: A box getting smashed.
BRAINJ17.ZIP Brain Jam 1.7: Windows solitaire game, card puzzle.
BROKENLG.ZIP Sound clip of "Broken Apart" from the Violet Arcana's album.
CALSOL.ZIP Windows Card games with a mathematical twist.
CANADA2.ZIP Map of Canada in Windows Write format.
CASINOX.ZIP Black Jack Game for Windows. Uses Soundblaster.
CBWAVES.ZIP Collection of various assorted WAVs.
CFD132.ZIP Confound 1.32 for Windows: Strategy game.
CHICKAD1.ZIP Bird Sound: Black-capped Chicadees. WAV.
CHOMPW12.ZIP Chomp for Windows 1.2: Like Pac Man.
CIPHWN10.ZIP Cipher 1.0 for Windows. Word puzzle game.
CIVWINV2.ZIP Upgrade patch 2.0 for Civilization for Windows.
COLLISN.ZIP BMP: collision with Earth.
COLUMNS1.ZIP Game for Windows: Like Sega's Columns.
CONCEN21.ZIP Concentration Solitaire 2.1. A Windows card game.
COUNTRY8.ZIP BMP image: A beautiful country scene in Sweden.
COUNTRYW.ZIP BMP image: A beautiful winter scene of Sweden.
CRIB101.ZIP Cribbage 1.01. Windows classic card game of cribbage.
CRYHAV.ZIP WAV : "Cry Havoc!". Excellent for a Windows system error WAV
CSHR406A.ZIP Hearts game for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL. (1 of 2)
CYBRTILE.ZIP Cyberpunk-style wallpaper for Windows.
D4W20.ZIP Destroyer 2.1 for Windows. Fun, easy-to-play graphic game.
DAVINCI2.ZIP BMP image: Da Vinci's "Madonna of the Rocks"
DEMWAR12.ZIP Declaration of War 1.2: Windows game.
DOLECRIM.ZIP WAV of Bob Dole hitting Clinton's crime record.
DQUEST33.ZIP Dragon Quest 3.3 for Windows. Text role-playing game.
DRUM45.ZIP Drum WAV files for Windows.
FISH1WO3.ZIP Windows Fishy Arcade Game. Swim upstream! Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
FONCHES1.ZIP New Chess game for Windows: Can be played on network/modem.
FRACWAL.ZIP Fractal Wallpaper: Set of four BMP wallpaper fractals.
FS102.ZIP Four Seasons 1.02, solitaire for Windows 3.1.
FUNPLAY.ZIP Video For Windows (AVI); Demo of Astronauts.
GPOKWN10.ZIP Poke-It Poker! for Windows. Las Vegas Video Poker!
GREDSP20.ZIP Jupiter's Great Red Spot in a Win 3.x icon.
GTRIFF1.ZIP Guitar Riff in Windows: WAV format.
GWEMPR15.ZIP World Empire II For Windows. Award-winning DOS game.
HHGTTG2.ZIP WAV sample: Deep Thought giving the answer to life.
IQ150.ZIP IQ test for Windows. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
IVYLAK.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature: Ivy Lakes.
JAZZ4.ZIP WAV: Jazz file.
KINGBIRD.ZIP Bird Sound: Eastern Kingbird WAV file.
KSINK800.ZIP BMP image: A great, 3D graphic of a kitchen sink.
LL_TCHNO.ZIP A long techno WAV file.
MAJEST1.ZIP BMP: Mountain. Ideal for Windows wallpaper. 640x480x256.
MAJEST2.ZIP BMP: Mountain Scene. 640x480x256.
MAJEST3.ZIP BMP: Mountain Scene. 640x480x256.
MAUI.ZIP BMP image: An aerial view of Maui. 640x480.
MEDWAR.ZIP MEDWAR 1.1. Medieval War is a Windows based war game.
MOAB.ZIP A Simple Windows-Based Shareware War And Conquest Game.
MONTY21.ZIP One-armed bandit for Windows. Req: VBRUN100.DLL.
MTRACK10.ZIP M-Tracker 1.0: Windows dice/board game of strategy!
MYWAVE.ZIP WAV: Various homemade files recorded in 11khz, mono, 8-bit.
M_FWAVS.ZIP 4 "interesting" .WAVS for your Windows setup.
NEWWAVS.ZIP Collection of WAV files created in a corporate office.
NMMW07.ZIP Nine Men Morris: Game for Windows.
NTHAWKS.ZIP BMP image: Edward Hopper's Nighthawks. 800x438x256.
OS2ROCK.ZIP BMP image: POV Rendered OS/2 logo on Red marble monolith.
PATRN005.ZIP Patterns 0.05: Windows geometric puzzle Game.
PELVIS.ZIP Cute Windows Game: Star Trek spoof.
PEND12.ZIP Pendulous 1.2: Windows warfare strategy game.
PENTA10.ZIP Pentamino 1.0: Windows game. Put figures on board.
PFW40.ZIP Windows 2-player tactical combat game. (1 of 2)
PFW40D.ZIP Windows 2-player tactical combat game. (2 of 2)
PLATEGLS.ZIP A very realistic WAV sound file of shattering glass.
PRPMARTN.ZIP Bird Sound: Purple Martin .WAV file.
PUBLIUS.ZIP TrueType font converted from the Macintosh.
PUBW30.ZIP Additional files required to run Pub Poker under Windows 3.0
QCWGAME1.ZIP Quatra Command - Total action, shoot-'em game for Windows.
QUENZR12.ZIP Quenzar's Caverns: Windows dungeon game. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
QUEST31.ZIP QUEST 3.1 text adventure game for Windows 3.1.
SALSA8.ZIP WAV: Latin Music.
SCENE.ZIP Sound clip from Violet Arcana's "In the Scene of the Mind".
SCENELG.ZIP Sound clip from Violet Arcana's "In the Scene of the Mind".
SHAPEIR.ZIP A WAV file from Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters.
SHOTGN10.ZIP ShotGun(TM) 1.0 (Wave Sound Effects) ShotGun Town game.
SHUFFL10.ZIP Shuffle! 1.0. Windows index-style card deck system.
SINKV11.ZIP SinkSub: Nice game for Windows.
SLGLF205.ZIP Solitaire Golf 2.05: MS-Windows solitaire game.
SNDMGR10.ZIP WAV manager for Windows.
SPCTRS12.ZIP Mario/Tetris clone game for Windows.
START_01.ZIP WAV: An engine trying to start.
STORM16.ZIP 16-bit WAV sound file of a storm.
STR_WAV.ZIP A Stereo WAV file for Windows.
TAZ.ZIP Windows game: Fancy Tetris clone.
TAZ05.ZIP Taz 0.5: Windows game like hyped-Tetris.
TOWNS11.ZIP Towns 1.1: Puzzle for Windows. Bug Fix for 1.0.
TRAINS.ZIP Train sound effects: WAV.
TWOLIVES.ZIP Sound clip of "Two Lives" from the new Violet Arcana album.
UFOTK10.ZIP Windows UFO shoot'em up game.
VALK2.ZIP Bitmap picture of a Mech Warrior.
VRFLYCAT.ZIP Bird Sound: Vermillion Flycatcher. WAV file.
VUESAV10.ZIP VueSav 1.0: Windows screen saver views GIF/JPEG/BMP.
WAGT.ZIP Adventure Game Toolkit for Windows!
WAVSORT.ZIP WavSorter 3.0. Easily play & sort sound files into folders.
WBRDG325.ZIP Bridge 3.25: Windows bridge game. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WDETCT10.ZIP WINDETECTIVE 1.0 for Windows: A fun game like clue!
WDGNDP30.ZIP Win Drag N Drop 3.0: Image viewer. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
WHCAVE.ZIP Windows HUMONGOUS CAVE: Windows version of great game.
WHOUSE.ZIP A cool BMP of the White House!
WINCOINS.ZIP Windows Slot Game. Great Sound & Graphic.
WINDHAM.ZIP Windham Hill Christmas Sampler: WAV File.
WINJACK3.ZIP WinJack 3.0i - The original Windows BlackJack game.
WNCHS13W.ZIP Waxman 1.3W: Pocket Chess game for Windows.
WNCRP102.ZIP Craps! 1.02. Windows game tries to re-create casino play.
WRDHNT20.ZIP Word Hunter 2.0 for Windows. Create, play, & print puzzles.
WWS100.ZIP Windows Word Search Mania 1.0 <ASP> Multimedia puzzle game
XMASBMP2.ZIP Seven Christmas Bitmaps for Windows.
XMASFUN9.ZIP WAV: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, Robin laid an egg....
XMAS_CAT.ZIP Merry Christmas from Jake the cat: 256-color BMP.
XM_WIN51.ZIP X-Manager for Windows Game editor interface.
YAM10.ZIP Yam 1.0: MS-Windows dice game. Luck helps, but takes skill!
YAWCWP.ZIP Randomly changes your Windows wallpaper when you execute it.
║ 7 - Spreadsheets and Utilities ║
123EXP.ZIP Example of reading/writing a Lotus-123 Worksheet.
123TESTS.ZIP Lotus 1-2-3 tests help you determine your proficiency.
ASA55E_1.ZIP As-Easy-As Spreadsheet program. Award winning!
║ 8 - Database Programs and Utilities ║
123UTILV.ZIP DBF file with spreadsheet add-on.
ALLPHON.ZIP Contains a phone dialing routine for MS Access.
BOOKS562.ZIP ORGANIZE 5.62: Designed specifically for book cataloging.
BRITINT1.ZIP A Members Interest database using Q&A.
CBFD92B.ZIP The Comic Book Fanatics Database: Complete record keeping.
CBFD98.ZIP The Comic Book Fanatics Database 9.8.
CDSK730D.ZIP CatDisk/D v7.30: Disk Catalog System. DPMI-compliant.
CONG303K.ZIP Congressional Database and Contact System New Version 303K.
CTREE11.ZIP Calling Tree 1.2 Relational Organizational Database program
CUBMAT12.ZIP Cubmate 1.2. Comprehensive pack/den database program.
DB2SQL.ZIP Converts xBase files to Sybase or SQL files.
DOCSNX11.ZIP Record keeping for collections of documents or records.
EM_1293.ZIP DBF file with over 1000 E-Mail addresses of PC companies.
GSCOUT11.ZIP Comprehensive girl scout troop database program.
IDEX101.ZIP Infodex 1.01: Multi-purpose Database.
LIFLST11.ZIP Lister 1.1: Birdwatcher's database.
MLIST160.ZIP Master List v1.60: Flexible database with many data formats.
MOVIEA22.ZIP Movies To Go: Information on over 1,000 films. (1 of 3)
MOVIEB22.ZIP Movies To Go: Film database. Req: 640k/VGA. (2 of 3)
MOVIEREC.ZIP Fast saved data retrieval & alphabetical/numerical printouts
MOVILG25.ZIP Video Movie Log 2.5: Track your Movie collection.
MYB_241.ZIP MyBASE 2.41. Powerful database package for DOS or Windows.
NAME32.ZIP NAMEBASE 3.2. Easy-to-use personal address book.
PBLUS.ZIP B-Plus b-tree indexing program - C source code included!
PHOTNX11.ZIP Record keeping for collections of photographs and related.
POP562.ZIP Organize 5.62: Catalogue CDs, tapes, and VCR tapes.
PPQWK115.ZIP Professional Point MODULE: Optional QWK support.
PRICE10.ZIP Database tells you what a dollar was worth in 1898.
REPLC105.ZIP Find/replace function for queries, forms, etc. for MS-Access
SBOOK13.ZIP Sandd's Book Guide 1.3. Library catalog system.
STAMP562.ZIP Organize 5.62: A specialized database for postage stamps.
VLB402.ZIP Video Librarian v4.02: Easy-to-use menu video organizer.
║ 9 - Home and Family Computing ║
1WATERLO.ZIP 1871 heads of household for Waterloo area of Ontario.
1YORK.ZIP 1871 heads of household for York region of Ontario.
4STEP.ZIP Helps those in 12-step programs to complete their 4th Step.
911V25.ZIP Emergency First Aid: Major Upgrade 2.5.
ATH20.ZIP AROUND THE HOUSE 2.0: A complete home PIM. Req: HD.
BA4PAF20.ZIP BA4PAF 2.0: Accessory utility for PAF users.
BDRAWER.ZIP Bill Drawer. Helps you organize and pay your bills.
BL153.ZIP Book Librarian 1.53. Powerful library organizer/manager.
BM105.ZIP Bike Manger From Norway: Does Gear Charts, mileage, etc.
BOND9311.ZIP EE BONDS TRACKER 93.11 Track your savings bonds.
CB_101.ZIP Quick and dirty checkbook reconciler includes C source.
CDIARY13.ZIP 1.3 Powerful diary/journal entry program with many features
CHART113.ZIP Chart1 1.3: Easy-to-use stock/mutual fund charting program.
CM13.ZIP Checkmate 1.3 Terrific checkbook program.
CSTORY12.ZIP 1.2 Write your ancestor's life story. With many features.
CTREE35.ZIP 3.5 User-friendly genealogy program with many features.
DABUCS10.ZIP DA BUCS 1.0: History of Tampa Bay Football.
DBTMG104.ZIP Credit Card Payoff. A complete debt management package.
DESIGN22.ZIP Design-A-Room 2.2 Draw rooms, add furniture, fixtures, etc.
ELPLS2W1.ZIP ELPL Links386 Pro files from Week 1 play at Torrey Pines.
ETF93A4.ZIP ETF93A4.ZIP 1.4: Electronic Tax Filing 93. (1 of 2)
EXECTRAV.ZIP How to use the Travel Search database to find information.
EZT221.ZIP EZ-Tree 2.2A: A Family Tree Tracking and Reporting System.
FIREARMS.ZIP PERSONAL GUN CONTROL: Good gun tracker for collectors.
FNDSYM.ZIP List of over 3000 US Mutual Funds.
FSB200_C.ZIP Family Scrapbook 2.00: Genealogy database. (3 of 3)
GD93364.ZIP 124 new Tiny Tafels from Genealogy Database. Number Game 1.0
GD94039.ZIP 150 new Tiny Tafels from Genealogy Database.
GLFHCP27.ZIP Score keeping and calculation of Golf Handicap Index.
GOLFLG83.ZIP GolfLog 8.3d: The Golfer's Database.
GRPSY109.ZIP GROUPSYS 1.09: A Canade Scouts database to track the troop!
HOMR101A.ZIP HOME REFINANCING: Computes refinancing savings. (1 of 2)
HOMR101B.ZIP HOME REFINANCING: Computes refinancing savings. (2 of 2)
HR312.ZIP Household Register 3.12. Protect your home or office!
IGI25543.ZIP IGI255 4.3: Utility for genealogists using PAF.
IUKSTATS.ZIP Ireland/United Kingdom Genealogy World Statistics.
I_OKL.ZIP Family history centers.
JNL101A.ZIP Sensible Home Journal 1.01a.
KINGDB.ZIP 1871 Kingston area Census in DB format.
KRISTI.ZIP Help find Kristi Krebs: $20,000 REWARD. Picture/Information.
LEAGBB02.ZIP League Basketball 02: Fantasy league statistics tracking.
LEGAL8A.ZIP YOUR PERSON LEGAL GUIDE 8.0. Legal information. (1 of 2)
LGMGR.ZIP LEAGUE MANAGER 1.1 Facilitates managing a league of teams.
LOAN200.ZIP HOME LOAN DIARY 2.0. Mortgage diary calculates loan payoff.
LOAN24C.ZIP Loansmgr 2.4: Program For Dealing With Consumer Loans.
LOANL200.ZIP GENEBIT LOAN CALCULATOR 2.00 Loan Calculator. Pro quality.
LWMMONEY.ZIP Personal Saving, Investment, Retirement, Networth, etc.
ME402.ZIP MUSICEASE 4.02. A WYSIWYG music score editor.
MEDITRAK.ZIP Avoid over-payment of medical bills. Track payments.
MORTANAL.ZIP Mortgage Analyst 1.0: Analyze "what If" Scenarios for Loans
MRT113.ZIP THE MORTGAGE ANALYZER 1.13. Amortization schedules and more.
NAMCL12B.ZIP NAMCLEAN 1.2B: This is an accessory for PAF.
NE4PAF62.ZIP Personal Ancestral File (PAF) 6.2. Genealogists accessory.
NOTES200.ZIP Promissory Notes 2.00: Make/Buy/Sell.
OPPM50.ZIP OPPM 5.0: Stock Charting/Portfolio Management.
ORE_WYO.ZIP Family history centers.
PAFOCH11.ZIP PAFOCH 1.1 PAF Ordinance Check is for genealogists.
PERIN212.ZIP PERSONAL INVENTORY 2.12. Keeps track of personal inventory.
PFROI39.ZIP PortFolio manager. Handles stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc
PGOLFTRK.ZIP PERSONAL GOLF TRACKER 3.0 <ASP> Track gold scores and more.
PORTMGR1.ZIP INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MGR. 4.5 (1 of 3) Record keeping system
PORTMGR2.ZIP INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MGR. 4.5 (2 of 3) Record keeping system
PORTMGR3.ZIP INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MGR. 4.5 (3 of 3) Record keeping system
PRTY15D1.ZIP Stock chart/Analysis for Win. Req: VGA/Mouse. (1 of 2)
PSTOCK1.ZIP PowerStocks 1.0: Stock Market Simulator.
PTCSHARE.ZIP Personal Coach: Use your computer to play better tennis.
SB51.ZIP STATTRAK FOR BASEBALL 5.1: Baseball Stat Management.
SHOPR401.ZIP Shopper's Assistant 4.01: Menu-driven grocery shopping aid.
SPEEDCAL.ZIP Calculate top speed of a car based on tire size/gear ratio.
SPORTS31.ZIP Rob's Pro Sports Autograph Kit 3.01 on collecting autographs
STATB20.ZIP STATMAN Fantasy/Rotisserie Baseball 2.0.
STOCK200.ZIP THE STOCK ANALYST 2.00 Easy-to-use stock analysis program.
TAXFX93A.ZIP TAXFAX93 1.1: Electronic Tax Filing 93, 1040EZ Series.
TCDUAL74.ZIP The famous Talking Checkbook 7.4: Protected mode version.
UKWITBDF.ZIP UK marriage info for Bedfordshire (GENE).
UKWITBKM.ZIP Buckinghamshire (GENE).
UKWITCAM.ZIP Cambridgeshire (GENE).
UKWITCHA.ZIP Channel Islands (GENE).
UKWITERY.ZIP East Riding Yorkshire (GENE).
UKWITGLS.ZIP Gloucestershire (GENE).
UKWITHEF.ZIP Herefordshire (GENE).
UKWITHRT.ZIP Hertfordshire (GENE).
VES10.ZIP VES: Softball statistics program.
VFT11.ZIP Visual Family Tree 1.1 - Windows based family tree program.
VNTSY101.ZIP VENTSYS 1.01: Canada Scouts tracker. Track the troops!
WATERDB.ZIP 1871 Census Waterloo Region in DB format.
WVH23B.ZIP What Vehicle History? 2.3b: Vehicle service history.
X10DC150.ZIP X10DC 1.50: X10 Direct Control.
X10EC102.ZIP Event Scheduler for the X-10 CP290 Controller.
X10XA201.ZIP XA X10 Command Interpreter v2.1: Send X10 commands in DOS.
YORKDB.ZIP 1871 York Census in DB format.
║ 10 - Text Editors, Viewers and Utilities ║
ABATV2.ZIP View, create or add to AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.
ADDCL101.ZIP Free DOS utility. Adds a column of numbers in a text file.
ANSIP302.ZIP ANSIPLUS 3.02: Great console driver for SVGA/VGA/EGA.
ASAVITV3.ZIP Add auto time save feature to your favorite editor.
ASCMER.ZIP ASCII File Merger Merges any or all files in a directory.
ASCTO123.ZIP ASCTO123 1.1 Converts ASCII data files to WK1 format.
AUROR120.ZIP AURORA v1.20: High performance text editor.
AV22.ZIP ANSI View 2.2: The ultimate ANSI shell.
BOOKE106.ZIP The Book-E 1.06. Make stand-alone EXE's from text files.
BOXER600.ZIP BOXER Text Editor 6.0 Top Rated! <ASP> 75 New Features!
BOXER60A.ZIP WP BOXER Text Editor 6.0a: 75 New Features.
BSS138.ZIP String search program modeled after VAX/VMS.
CE318.ZIP CMEDITOR 3.18: Agile, Small File Text Editor.
DELIM12.ZIP Program that scans columnar reports for relevant data.
DIGIPAD.ZIP Colorful scrolling notepad displays information you choose.
EDITPTH2.ZIP One line text editor for your existing PATH environment.
FGREP180.ZIP Dunford's excellent text search utility 1.80.
FPALN101.ZIP FPALN 1.01 Free DOS utility: text file page & line counter
FPALN102.ZIP FPALN, 1.02: Text file page/line counter. Sup: Wildcards.
FR21.ZIP FRANK'S READER 21.0: New concept in ASCII management.
GBROWS11.ZIP Graphic Browser 1.1: Powerful GUI text file browser.
IFON21.ZIP IfOnScrn watches screen for any of 3 text strings to appear.
JWP11_4.ZIP Japanese Word Processor for Windows 1.1. (4 of 4)
LNDMPR97.ZIP Line Dumper 0.97: Trim CALLER logs or ASCII file.
MARG32.ZIP Adds left, top, and bottom margins to text files.
MBEDIT61.ZIP Text editor with macro option, online calculator, and more.
ME141.ZIP Hex/ASCII Editor: Fully-featured, documentation in German.
NEWFIND.ZIP NEWFIND: Locate a word/line number in an ASCII text file.
NEWSDB10.ZIP Create hypertext databases from Internet Usenet articles.
ORPH165A.ZIP Orpheus 1.65. Hypertext authoring for electronic books.
ORPH165B.ZIP User's Guide to Orpheus, complements the online help.
ORPH165C.ZIP Orpheus Reader, clean hypertext interface for online books.
QEDIT3C.ZIP QEDIT ADVANCED 3.00C Fast, multi-file, DOS text editor.
RDUP103.ZIP Free DOS utility. Deletes duplicate lines in multiple files
READ312.ZIP READ 3.12: Text File Browser.
READ_204.ZIP READ 2.04: Text File Browser.
SEE400.ZIP SEE File Viewer 4.00: Scroll any size file.
SHERL272.ZIP SHERLOCK.EXE 2.72: Dual window ASCII file comparisons.
SHERL273.ZIP SHERLOCK.EXE 2.73: ASCII file comparison utility.
STARW60.ZIP StarWriter Lite 6.0: Exceptional Word Processor.
STRING20.ZIP STRING SEARCH 2.0: Text file string extractor.
THEOS215.ZIP THE 1.5: CMS/XEDIT look-alike editor executable.
TOGE40.ZIP Mix text-based applications with pictures on the fly.
TOPICS.ZIP A way to clip topics of interest from mail readers.
TXTVU120.ZIP Text View: File viewer for ASCII files.
TYPEANSI.ZIP Types ANSI files without having ANSI.SYS.
VDE171A.ZIP Visual Display Editor 1.71A: Small, powerful text editor.
VIEWSRCH.ZIP VIEW Template with RT ability to search text for phrases.
XEOFF.ZIP Utility program to remove EOF and FF from ASCII text.
YARN_052.ZIP YARN: A Usenet mail reader. This reader reads SOUP, not QWK.
║ 11 - Text and Reference Material ║
08NOV93.ZIP Rush Limbaugh Radio Program: November 8th.
0TC_TIPS.ZIP Shooting Tips from Target Central Gun Owners.
141ANS.ZIP Eeek Bits Online Magazine: Num 141.
141IBM.ZIP EEEEK Bits Online Magazine, Iss 141.
17NOV93.ZIP Transcript, Rush Limbaugh: 11/17/93, NAFTA.
18NOV93.ZIP Transcript, Rush Limbaugh: Clinton's leadership.
19NOV93.ZIP Rush Limbaugh transcript, Student uprisings.
1ST_LORE.ZIP Star Trek: TNG-based story from alt.startrek.creative.
20_V1.ZIP TWENTYNOTHING Electronic Magazine. Req: VGA.
22NOV93.ZIP Rush Limbaugh transcript: NAFTA, Brady Bill.
23NOV93.ZIP Rush Limbaugh transcript: Kasich/Penny Bill.
24NOV93.ZIP Rush Limbaugh transcript: Power women have.
30NOV93.ZIP Rush Limbaugh transcript: Feminists.
800INF.ZIP User guide for people that call the IBM 800 Support Center.
9311XX.ZIP NASA Files for November, 1993.
93STATS.ZIP Final stats for 1993 baseball season.
9401XX.ZIP Zipped NASA files for Jan 1994.
95BUDGET.ZIP Slick Willy's 1995 Budget in all it's glory.
ACC_IN.ZIP Microsoft Access help file. Req: ACC_KB.
ACC_KB.ZIP Microsoft Access help system. Includes 1000 articles.
ACMAG2.ZIP Electrified Access Magazine: Magazine in Win Help format.
ADS31129.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 11-29-93.
ADS31130.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 11-30-93.
ADS31201.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 12-01-93.
ADS31202.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 12-02-93.
ADS31203.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 12-03-93.
ADS31206.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 12-6-93.
ADS31207.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 12-7-93.
ADS31208.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary: 12-8-93.
ADS31209.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary for 12-09-93.
ADS31213.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary for 12-13-93.
ADS31214.ZIP AIDS Daily Summary for 12-14-93.
ALICEUS1.ZIP The Alice Messages from Channel One Vol 1. Text file.
AMAG2A.ZIP Electrified Access Magazine Iss 2: Windows Help Format.
AMN31018.ZIP Med Notes: American Medical News, 10/18/93.
AMN31101.ZIP Med Notes, American Medical News 11/01/93
AMN31227.ZIP Med Notes: American Medical News 12/27/93.
AMSAT036.ZIP AMSAT Bulletin: Num 36.
AMSAT324.ZIP AMSAT Bulletin: Num 324.
AMSAT359.ZIP Amsat Bulletin #359 12/26/93.
AM_UNI.ZIP Unicorn: by Annie Mendetta.
ANART790.ZIP ANART Bulletin #790 12/19/93.
ANART795.ZIP ANART Bulletin Num 795.
ANART796.ZIP ANART Bulletin Num 796.
ANDRASLT.ZIP Andorian Assault - story from alt.startrek.creative.
ANR9311.ZIP Ablenews Review 11/93.
ANR9312.ZIP Ablenews Review December 1993.
ANR93DIR.ZIP Ablenews Review directory 1993.
ANS331.ZIP AMSAT News Bulletin Num 331.
ARRL0219.ZIP ARRL Newsletter: February 19, 1994.
AVON10.ZIP "Road to Avonlea" by Lucy M. Montgomery: TXT.
BD20.ZIP Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet 2.0.
BENNET.ZIP REVOLT AGAINST GOD: America's Spiritual Despair.
BEST.ZIP "Superior Shareware" Windows Mag, April 1994.
BEST1993.ZIP 1993 best seller list from The SciFi & Mystery Bookshop.
BIGDUM20.ZIP New Text on Navigating the Internet.
BIGD_TXT.ZIP Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet 2. A beginner's guide.
BIOSURVY.ZIP TXT: Secretary Babbitt's plan to count all US animals.
BIOVST.ZIP Text files describing aspects of bio-technology companies.
BODHI042.ZIP Buddhism: A Method of Mind Training (L. Bullen).
BOFR.ZIP The 1st 10 Amendments updated for our time?
BRADYBIL.ZIP TXT: The Brady Handgun Control Act of 1993.
BRLM9402.ZIP The Braille Monitor: February 1994.
BROKNDRM.ZIP Broken Dreams - story from alt.startrek.creative.
BSTSELLR.ZIP Bestseller - story from alt.startrek.creative.
BTN063.ZIP TXT: Birmingham Telecommunications News #63.
BTN064.ZIP TXT: Birmingham Telecommunications News #64.
BTN065.ZIP TXT: Birmingham Telecommunications News #65.
BUDBACK.ZIP Information on how to access Budget of the US ELECTRONICALLY
CAD08N10.ZIP ACAD NEW: CADENCE magazine files Oct 93.
CAD08N11.ZIP ACAD NEW: CADENCE magazine files Nov 93.
CALBBS01.ZIP California BBS Listing: Over 1000 entries.
CBOC0194.ZIP The Cinnamon Bear Online Catalog Jan. 94. Great deals!
CCV3N6.ZIP Chaos Corner PC News: Vol 3, Num 6.
CENT9402.ZIP The Centipede Literary: Poet Network Information Packet.
CFS24.ZIP Chronic Fatigue Syndrome News: Vol 24.
CFS25.ZIP Chronic Fatigue Syndrome News: Vol 25.
CHGO95.ZIP Why Windows 4.0 will not be available until 1995.
CHICQA.ZIP Questions and Answers about Microsoft's "Chicago" project.
CLIPCHIP.ZIP ASCII: Electronic Freedom Foundation comments on "Clip Chip"
CLOUD9.ZIP Info on Cloud 9 Internet, Westchester's public Internet site
CODEBEEP.ZIP Training Aide, press letter, sounds character.
COMSEN02.ZIP ASCII: Common Sense Digital Magazine. Winter 1994.
CON0294.ZIP CONNECT Magazine, BBS Edition: Articles for February 1994.
CONBASE1.ZIP Database of materials/prices for Mexico construction market.
COURTRL2.ZIP Court Rules Service 2.0. Guide of Federal Court rules.
CPD349.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 49.
CPD358.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 58.
CPD368.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 68.
CPD369.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 69.
CPD370.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 70.
CPD371.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 71.
CPD372.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 72.
CPD373.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 73.
CPD374.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 74.
CPD375.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 75.
CPD376.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 76.
CPD377.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 77.
CPD378.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 78.
CPD379.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 79.
CPD380.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 80.
CPD381.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 3, Iss 81.
CPD405.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 4, Iss 5.
CPD406.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 4, Iss 6.
CPD407.ZIP Computer Privacy Digest: Vol 4, Iss 7.
CPDSPHSR.ZIP Cupid's Phaser: ST-TNG. Valentine Story.
CPSRA106.ZIP CPSR Alert 1.06 About various computer privacy issues.
CRAKDOWN.ZIP Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling Electronic Edition.
CRB_JURY.ZIP Citizens Rule Book - Jury Handbook
CRLUNVRS.ZIP Cruel Universe" story from alt.startrek.creative.
CRN0010A.ZIP Text of the Memorial Service for Dr. Walter Martin.
CROATIAN.ZIP A pop-up English-Croatian-English translator and dictionary.
CTM9401.ZIP COMPUTERTALK(tm) MAGAZINE Vol 2, Num 7: January 1994.
CUD584.ZIP Computer Underground Digest Num 5.84.
CUD587.ZIP Computer Underground Digest: Num 5.87.
CUD589.ZIP Computer Underground Digest Num 5.89.
CUD590.ZIP COmputer Underground Digest Num 5.90.
CUD591.ZIP Computer Underground Digest Num 5.91.
CUD592.ZIP Computer Underground Digest Vol 592.
CUD594.ZIP Computer Underground Digest Num 594.
CUD602.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #6.02 1-4-94.
CUD608.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #608.
CUD609.ZIP Computer Underground Digest Num 609.
CUD610.ZIP Computer Underground Digest: Vol 6, Num 10.
CUD611.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #611
CUD612.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #612
CUD613.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #613
CUD614.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #614
CUD615.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #615
CUD616.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #616
CUD617.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #617
CUD618.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #618
CUD619.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #619
CUD620.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #620
CUD621.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #621
CUD622.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #622
CUD623.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #623
CUD624.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #624
CUD625.ZIP Computer Underground Digest #625
CUD6_02.ZIP Computer Underground Digest. Weekly text Emag from UseNet.
CUD90.ZIP Computer Underground Digest: Num 90.
CUD_591.ZIP Computer Underground Digest: Num 591.
CYB1193.ZIP CYB1193.ZIP: Premier Issue of Cyber Magazine.
DATA_FND.ZIP Star Trek: TNG-based story alt.startrek.creative story.
DBATE013.ZIP ShareDebate Mag: Num 13.
DBLJPRDY.ZIP Double Jeopardy - story from alt.startrek.creative.
DBM9401.ZIP DirtBytes Magazine, January 1994: OffRoad READROOM magazine.
DCLWIN.ZIP How many people have been killed by firearms since 1/1/94?
DDJ9403.ZIP Dr. DoBBS' Journal for March, 1994.
DECARTES.ZIP Descartes' Discourse on Reason: Text.
DEFENSE1.ZIP Self Defense At Work: Helps to improve working skills.
DJ123193.ZIP Dow High Yield Magazine Outperform the market with low risk
DL_NYTIM.ZIP Dalai Lama interview, NY Times, 11/28/93.
DOOMNFO.ZIP More information on DOOM.
DOS56UN.ZIP Microsoft DOS 6.0 & 5.0 undocumented features.
DOSIMP2D.ZIP DOS SIMPLY 2.0 DEMO: Sample of a beginner's guide to DOS.
DOS_TSR.ZIP TSR DOS HELP on line in Portuguese, by Rui DUARTe barros.
DPA_20.ZIP Digital Publishing Association News. Electronic publication
DQUOTE1.ZIP DeScribe 4.0 typographical quotes macros.
DTAVLNTN.ZIP "Data's Valentine" Short Story from alt.startrek.creative.
DUGL210.ZIP Collected Articles of Frederick Douglas.
EARTHSCI.ZIP Earth science information on the INTERNET.
EB143_RR.ZIP Eeeek Bits! Electronic Magazine: Iss 143. READROOM format.
EENEWS3.ZIP Emergency News Vol 1, Num 3. Req: VGA/HD/386. Recommend SB.
EFF604.ZIP Effector Online Num 604 from Electronic Freedom Foundation.
EFF608.ZIP EFFector Online vol. 6, iss. 8. From the E.F.F.
EFF_604.ZIP EFFector On-line Vol 6, Num 4: EFF Newsletter.
EFF_606.ZIP EFFector Num 606: Electronic Frontier Foundation Newsletter.
EJ10.ZIP Electronic Journal: Diary Program like Doogie Howser's.
ER_9312.ZIP Electronic Review Literary Magazine: Vol 1, Num 8.
ER_9402.ZIP Electronic Review Literary Magazine: Hypertext magazine.
EUFON_21.ZIP Electronic UFO Newsletter Vol 2, Num 1.
FACT1993.ZIP Happened in 1993.
FEDJOBAC.ZIP MS Access data file: Full list of 1600 Federal jobs.
FEDRES3.ZIP More on the fraudulent Federal Reserve system!
FLDFDRMS.ZIP Field of Dreams: Next Generation/Deep Space 9 story.
FOIA_10.ZIP FOIA for the states of Texas, Utah, and Virginia.
FSN40102.ZIP FOUNDATIONS IN SCIENCE NETWORK - Electronics and Engineering
GB14.ZIP Game Bytes Magazine: Iss 14.
GB14_GRA.ZIP Graphics Library for Game Bytes Magazine Iss 14. Req: SVGA.
GB_DEC93.ZIP GEOBYTES Magazine: December 1993.
GRAVPROD.ZIP Advanced Gravis Products listing. From the Gravis BBS.
GUNCON1.ZIP Public Law 87-297, authority to confiscate weapons. (1 of 6)
GUNCON2.ZIP Public Law 87-297, authority to confiscate weapons. (2 of 6)
GUNCON3.ZIP Public Law 87-297, authority to confiscate weapons. (3 of 6)
GUNCON4.ZIP Public Law 87-297, authority to confiscate weapons. (4 of 6)
GUNCON5.ZIP Public Law 87-297, authority to confiscate weapons. (5 of 6)
GUNCON6.ZIP Public Law 87-297, authority to confiscate weapons. (6 of 6)
GUNDEBAT.ZIP A file refuting most gun control arguments.
HACKCRA.ZIP Bruce Sterling's "The Hacker Crackdown" - electronic version
HAPLINK3.ZIP Haplink 3.0: Make Hypertext or Program menus. Req: Mouse.
HB3RED.ZIP 1994 Red Sox Baseball Team Information for Hard Ball III.
HEALTHC1.ZIP Clinton's Health Care Plan. (1 of 2)
HEALTHC2.ZIP Clinton's Health Care Plan. (2 of 2)
HIC6_55.ZIP Internet Medical News Vol 6, Num 55.
HICN657.ZIP Internet Medical News Vol 6, Num 57.
HICN701.ZIP Health Infocom Net Medical News: Vol 7, Num 1.
HIVNOV93.ZIP HIV AIDS CDC Surveillance Report.
HOTLIN93.ZIP Government descriptions for getting onto Environmental BBS'.
HR3627.ZIP Bill to amend Export Admin Act of 1979.
IF000078.ZIP Computer Underground Digest: Num 5.90.
IGU4ASC.ZIP Inside Games Issue 4 update.
II000033.ZIP Info-Mac Digest: Vol 11, Num 215.
II000034.ZIP Info-Mac Digest: Vol 11, Num 213.
II000035.ZIP TidBITS: Num 200.
II000036.ZIP Info-Mac Digest: Vol 11, Num 216.
II000038.ZIP Info-Mac Digest: Vol 11, Num 218.
II000039.ZIP Info-Mac Digest: Vol 11, Num 219.
II000042.ZIP Info-Mac Digest Vol 11, Num 221.
II000043.ZIP Info-Mac Digest Vol 11, Num 222.
II000045.ZIP Info-Mac Digest Vol 11, Num 223.
II000046.ZIP TidBITS Num 202.
IK000002.ZIP Info-IBM/PC Digest Vol 93, Num 95.
IK000003.ZIP Info-IBM/PC Digest Vol 93, Num 94.
IMOUNT.ZIP Text on a 30 year old secret US government study to end war.
INTERDOC.ZIP Internet Help files. There are eight text files.
IRIDI_02.ZIP Iridium Magazine Issue #2.
IRNMOUNT.ZIP Information a secret US government study dating back 30 yrs.
IRS_SSA.ZIP How a US citizen "de-registered" himself with the IRS & SSA.
JFK.ZIP TXT: What if JFK lived to win reelection in 1964?
JOBNET2.ZIP JOBNET 2.0. A 1-800 directory of contract service firms.
JOYWOMAN.ZIP The Joys of Being a Woman and Other Papers.
JRGN300.ZIP TXT: The Hacker Jargon File 3.0.0.
KGL_9401.ZIP The Boston Kugel Online Vol 10, Num 1.
KILOB03C.ZIP KILOBYTE 0.3C. Poetry, humor, stories, politics, & more!
LBL34770.ZIP Health Care Reform: Systems architecture. Postscript files.
LEAPTRK3.ZIP "Leap of Faith": Continuing adventures aboard the Enterprise
LEB94JAN.ZIP Law Enforcement Training Guide.
LHAIM289.ZIP L'Chaim: The Weekly Jewish Publication. Iss 289.
LHAIM290.ZIP L'Chaim: The Weekly Jewish Publication. Iss 291.
LHAIM291.ZIP L'Chaim: The Weekly Jewish Publication. Iss 291.
LHAIM292.ZIP L'Chaim: The Weekly Jewish Publication. Iss 292.
LIBTY1.ZIP The decline of a nation into slavery. Thought-provoking text
LNRDEC93.ZIP Love & Rage: Political Commentary.
LNRNOV93.ZIP Love & Rage: Political commentary.
LOTO0105.ZIP TX Lotto results to date 1/5/94 '94.
LP_PILGM.ZIP Pilgrims: by Linda Petrus.
LSMITH.ZIP Collection of L. Neil Smith RKBA Editorials.
LW0294MM.ZIP GEnie Multimedia Livewire magazine Feb. 1994
MACVPC.ZIP TXT: Differences between Photoshop/Mac and Photoshop/PC.
MANALIV1.ZIP MANALIVE: 1912 novel. Delightful story.
MARVELL.ZIP "Miscellaneous Poems" by Andrew Marvell.
MIA10.ZIP McAlvany Intelligence Advisor: Censoring free speech.
MLINKDOC.ZIP MicroLink 1.04: ASCII Documentation.
MLPANSI.ZIP From The NASA MLP BBS in Washington - great shuttle ANSI art
MN931220.ZIP American Medical News: 12/20/93.
MN940103.ZIP American Medical News: 01/03/94.
MN940117.ZIP American Medical News: 01/17/94.
MOFFIT.ZIP FRANKENSTEIN: The Gory Details of Clinton's Health Plan.
MONEYIRA.ZIP FREE E-BOOK: The Vesting of America.
MOREJAG.ZIP Info on The Atari Jaguar, a 64-Bit, 17,000 color system.
MOSAICST.ZIP Mosaic start-up documentation in Postscript format.
MOUSNG.ZIP Norton Guides for MOUSEG.ZIP.
MSA_KB_2.ZIP MS-Access 1.0/1.1 Knowledge Base: 100s of technical Q&As.
MS_TXT.ZIP Information about MS-DOS from Microsoft BBS.
MWFEB94.ZIP MaxWorld Magazine: February 1994.
NAFTA2.ZIP NOAM CHOMSKY'S thunderous warning against NAFTA.
NAFTA4.ZIP Chilling details about the what happened BEFORE NAFTA!
NBAJAM.ZIP Text file from Internet: Tells all codes for NBA JAM.
NBFAX103.ZIP PCX: Boortz Shortz. Vol 1, Num 3. FAX Newsletter.
NCFINFO.ZIP National Capital Freenet Survival Guide.
NETHIST.ZIP Text file explaining the history of the Internet.
NEWS0023.ZIP Sahara Club Newsletter: Num 23.
NEWS860.ZIP NewsLine Num 860.
NEWS861.ZIP NewsLine Num 861.
NEWSFE.ZIP How much to charge for press release? By hour or project?
NIN_NET.ZIP NinnyNet Network Information Packet.
NLN9401.ZIP National Library News, January 1994. From NL of Canada.
NLOG315S.ZIP NewLog 3.15 Standard.
NUGU93.ZIP New Users Guide to the Internet - a Windows 3.1 help file.
NVET0711.ZIP Vietnam Veterans Newsletter: Nov 1993.
NWARMY.ZIP Details to merge the U.S. Army with Russian & Chinese armies
NWBOOKS2.ZIP TXT: List of new SF, Fantasy & Horror books.
NWO_CFR.ZIP Text file about "New World Order."
ON9401A.ZIP Of Note, by CURE 1/1/94.
ONSE50.ZIP Of Note, Special Edition 12/1/93.
OPDX134.ZIP Ohio-Pa Packet Cluster DX Bulletin.
OPENDOC.ZIP White Paper Analysis of Compound Document Architectures.
ORBKS94.ZIP SciFi, Fantasy & Horror books from SF & Mystery Bookshop.
ORTHO13.ZIP G.K. Chesterton, ORTHODOXY transcription. Project Gutenberg.
OS.ZIP Text file on Operating Systems. "If OS were airplanes".
OS2_4WIN.ZIP IBM Announcement: OS/2 for Windows.
OURSNGS3.ZIP 8,400 songs with lyricist and composer.
OVK2000.ZIP Copy of Jack McLamb's Operation Vampire Killer 2000 report.
OVK_2000.ZIP OPERATION VAMPIRE KILLER 2000 2.0. Interesting text file.
OXFORD.ZIP Catalog of text files in Oxford Text Archive.
PATRIOT1.ZIP The latest edition of the PATRIOT'S RESOURCE FOLDER. (1 of 7
PATRIOT2.ZIP 2nd file in the Patriot Resource Folder series. (2 of 7)
PATRIOT3.ZIP 3rd file in the Patriot Resource Folder series. (3 of 7)
PATRIOT4.ZIP 4th file in the Patriot Resource Folder series. (4 of 7)
PATRIOT5.ZIP 5th file in the Patriot Resource Folder series. (5 of 7)
PATRIOT6.ZIP 6th file in the Patriot Resource Folder series. (6 of 7)
PATRIOT7.ZIP 7th file in the Patriot Resource Folder series. (7 of 7)
PAT_PUBL.ZIP Information about how to publish a patriot's newspaper?
PCCABLE3.ZIP PC Cables Num 3: Has a lot if information on PC Cables.
PCLEX.ZIP Text File: How to be "Politically Correct".
PCMVOL1T.ZIP Text file for PCMVOL1.ZIP that describes the programs.
PIM9401A.ZIP Poetry In Motion - Internat'l Poetry Newsletter Vol IV, # 13
PIPEINFO.ZIP The Pipeline-Internet gateway-information.
PP931228.ZIP Putting People First - People's Bulletin for Dec 28, 1993.
PP940114.ZIP Putting People First People's Bulletin for Jan. 14, 1994.
PQ4SOLVE.ZIP Police Quest 4: Open Season Full Solve.
PUBLST21.ZIP Electronic Publisher Listing Data Base.
QWTIPS01.ZIP Miscellaneous text files from CIS Quicken support forum.
RAH9402.ZIP Random Access Humor February 1994: ASCII Humor Magazine.
RAH9402R.ZIP Random Access Humor February 1994: READROOM Humor Magazine.
RCNTX323.ZIP RACONTEX 3.23: Indexing Text Search.
REFERAL.ZIP Special pager offer for BBS users: Special Services.
RELEASES.ZIP Text file press releases: Fileware and DocuPower Pro.
RESOL.ZIP Stop the federal spending spree!
REV00130.ZIP MISCELLANEOUS: The Best Films of 1993.
RF1462.ZIP Explains the Internet for the Novice/Curious Bystander.
RGD12_25.ZIP Renegade Documentation for the 12-25 ßeta release.
RO93.ZIP Ablenews Resources for 1993.
ROTFL_6.ZIP ROTFL Digest, Vol 1 Iss 6. Electronic Humor Magazine.
RRSP94.ZIP 1994 RRSP & RRIF Income Tax Newsletter: Windows HLP Format.
RT_NOV93.ZIP Random Thoughts Magazine: Nov 1993.
RUBYV28.ZIP Vol. 28 of Ruby's Pearls Paperless elecmag. Readroom format
RUBYV29.ZIP Ruby's Pearls Paperless Magazine: Vol 29.
RUNE0194.ZIP Rune's Rag: Electronic Magazine. ASCII version.
RUNE0294.ZIP RUNE'S RAG: February 1994 ASCII.
RUNE9401.ZIP Rune's Rag: Electronic Magazine. READROOM version.
RUNE9402.ZIP RUNE'S RAG: February 1994 READROOM.
RUSEN135.ZIP Russian to English dictionary TSR.
S21_PRO.ZIP The Pro-S.21 (Desert Lockout Bill) Senators.
SAVEWRLD.ZIP One VERY simple way you can save natural resources.
SCA_TIPS.ZIP Information on the "Society for Creative Anachronisms".
SCRABFAQ.ZIP Everything You'd Ever Wanna Know About Scrabble.
SDBZ0493.ZIP ShadowBuzz Electronic Magazine: Num 4.
SEC_SEGA.ZIP Secrets for Sega games. Dated December 1993.
SHA9312.ZIP Information Packet for Shades 'n Shadows.
SIGNLANG.ZIP Paper on sign language communication.
SM9401.ZIP Smoke and Mirrors Electronic Magazine; Jan 1994.
SOS11213.ZIP SOS With Roger Crossley: 11/21/93.
SOS11283.ZIP SOS With Roger Crossley: 11/28/93.
SOS12053.ZIP SOS With Roger Crossley: 12/05/93.
SOS12123.ZIP SOS With Roger Crossley: 12/12/93.
SOSRDR2C.ZIP SOSReader 2.0c:
SOSRDR2D.ZIP SOSReader 2.0d: Get SOSSBKIT.ZIP for SB for new SB support.
SOU94.ZIP Transcription of Clinton's 1994 State of the Union address.
SSFII.ZIP This is a collection of moves for Super Street Fighter II.
ST1293.ZIP Star Trek location of Starships based on ST: TNG.
STACTEK1.ZIP Complete set of Stacker Tech notes from 1993.
STAC_CIS.ZIP Recent messages in Stacker Forum on Compuserve.
STATDOCS.ZIP THE NEW WORLD ARMY! For text of State Department documents.
STEPGD42.ZIP Star Trek Episode Guides: TNG/DS9. WP 5.1/ASCII formats.
STEPGDWG.ZIP Star Trek Episode Guides: WinWord 2.0.
STR941.ZIP STR 941. "The Original Independent Online Magazine!"
STS_61PK.ZIP NASA press kit for the 12-93 shuttle mission.
SUN9311.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows Vol I, Num 5. READROOM.
SUN9311T.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows Vol I, Num 5. ASCII.
SUN9401.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine Vol. II; No. 1; 1/94.
SUN9401T.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine Vol. II; No. 1; 1/94.
SUN9402.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine: Vol 2, Num 2.
SWAN_AM.ZIP Swan Lake: by Annie Mendetta.
S_M1193.ZIP Smoke and Mirrors Electronic Magazine: Vol I, Num 9.
TARZ510.ZIP TARZAN AND THE JEWELS of OPAR by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
TC14_50.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 50.
TC14_51.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 51.
TC14_52.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 52.
TC14_53.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 53.
TC14_54.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 54.
TC14_55.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 55.
TC14_56.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 56.
TC14_57.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 57.
TC14_58.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 58.
TC14_59.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 59.
TC14_60.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 60.
TC14_61.ZIP Internet Telecom Digest Vol 14, Num 61.
TCNWTP.ZIP The Constitution notebook.
TIB_1193.ZIP Tibetan Bulletin (November/December 1993)
TORNDREV.ZIP Review of Tornado!
TOSH9311.ZIP Toshiba Canada Product Announcement Package.
TTC18.ZIP THELMA'S CLICHEPLUS 1.8: Finds cliches, idioms, etc.
TVGUIDE1.ZIP TV EPISODE GUIDES VOLUME I: Complete TV series guidebook.
TWZN13.ZIP Twilight Zone Online Magazine: Vol 1, Iss 3. Sci-Fi/Weirdnes
TYEIT2.ZIP Hayes info - TIES Escape Sequence. (2/4).
TYEIT4.ZIP Hayes info - TIES Escape Sequence. (4/4).
UIE104.ZIP Sunshine 1.04: Glossary of computer jargon.
V13N04.ZIP PC Magazine Utilities: Vol 13, Num 4.
V13N05.ZIP PC Magazine Utilities: Vol 13, Num 5.
V612DOCS.ZIP Convert documentation files to hypertext file automatically.
VEDA4.ZIP VEDA Newsletter, Winter/94: Vestibular Disorders Assn.
VIRTUE.ZIP VIRTUE: What it is, why you want it, how to get it.
VOL13N01.ZIP PC Magazine Utilities: Vol 13, Num 1.
VPUBCIS.ZIP Recent messages about Ventura 4.2 and desktop publishing.
WACOVID.ZIP Did a tank deliberately set ablaze the Waco "compound?" Read
WARPTE.ZIP A text file describing the warp process on the Enterprise.
WHEEL014.ZIP Everyman's Ethics: 4 Discourses (Narada).
WHEEL019.ZIP The Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta).
WHEEL026.ZIP The Five Mental Hindrances (Nyanaponika Thera).
WHEEL061.ZIP Simile of the Cloth/Discourse on Effacement (Nyanaponika).
WHEEL065.ZIP The Way of Wisdom (Edward Conze) Wheel 65/66.
WIN60SHP.ZIP Press release on WordPerfect 6.0 for Win.
WIN7101.ZIP ASP Catalog 7101: Windows/OS/2 Catalog Vol 3, Num 16.
WINMAG2.ZIP Well here it is again, the latest news: WinMag.
WOLR81.ZIP WinOnLine Review #81, Electronic Magazine in 3.1 HELP format
WOLRS32.ZIP WinOnLine Review Num 32: The Original WinHelp Magazine.
WOLRS34.ZIP WinOnLine Review Num 34: The ORIGINAL WinHelp Magazine.
WOLRS36.ZIP WinOnLine Review SHAREWARE ED. #36 WinHelp Magazine 01/10/94
WORLD192.ZIP TXT: The CIA's World Fact Book.
WORLD93.ZIP Text transcription of the CIA World Factbook.
WSTAR305.ZIP Jews for Jesus Newsletter: February 1994. Req: WSTAR reader.
YR_9311.ZIP Ygdrasil: Journal Of The Poetic Arts: Vol 1, Num 7. READROOM
YS_9311.ZIP Ygdrasil: Journal Of The Poetic Arts: Vol 1, Num 7. ASCII.
Y_0194.ZIP Ygdrasil - A Journal of the Poetic Arts Vol.II No. 1.
ZSHR06.ZIP Jan 1994 edition of ZShare. Review of the game DOOM.
ZSHR07.ZIP ZShare Magazine Iss 7: Windows HLP File.
║ 12 - Lists and Information Files ║
0194ASST.ZIP 1994 Houston Area People-Help'n List. Useful to visitors!
0194LIST.ZIP Georgina, Newmarket & Aurora BBS LIST from Showcom Online.
94JAN216.ZIP Cleveland 216 BBS List for Jan 94.
96CDAKC.ZIP List of 2092 BBS' in Canada that support 9600bps or better.
96DB0294.ZIP 9600 bps BBS List: DBF Format.
96LISTA4.ZIP Lotsa BBSs that support 9600 bps 1/1/94.
96LISTB4.ZIP 9600 bps BBS List: ASCII BBS list of over 3000 9600bps BBSs.
AIRNOV93.ZIP Aviation shortwave frequencies in 1-2-3 and ASCII.
ALT1193.ZIP Usenet Alternative Newsgroup Listings as of Nov 1993.
AMLST021.ZIP Ameriboard BBS Listing: Num 21.
ASP7101.ZIP ASP Product Catalog 7101: Vol 3, Iss. 16.
BBBL0194.ZIP Blase's Baltimore BBS List - Jan. 1994 220+ VERIFIED #'s.
BBS0394.ZIP Greater Cincinnati BBS List: March 1994.
BBS09JAN.ZIP BBSlist: Vol 9, Num 2. Complete list of Montreal area BBSs.
BBSMAX04.ZIP BBSMAX Jan 94 Issue; 04. Locate BBS with your favorites.
CHILDLST.ZIP MISSING LIST Listing of All Missing Child GIFs Distributed.
CIS1293.ZIP List of 9600 and 1200 baud access numbers to CompuServe.
CON0293.ZIP DRC's Directory of Corporation Controllers.
CS012794.ZIP Compuserve local access numbers.
DCBB0194.ZIP DCBBS Washington, DC area BBS list 01/94.
DTP0294.ZIP Feb 1994 update of International List of DTP BBSs.
FEDJAN02.ZIP Federal Job Opportunities from the OPM Philadelphia Region.
FEDW0194.ZIP List of US government online systems.
FJOL0101.ZIP Federal Job Opportunity List for the Southeastern US Region.
FJOL1218.ZIP Federal Job Opportunity List for SW,
FTPTEXT.ZIP List of anonymous FTP on INTERNET.
GAL_BBS.ZIP Galacticomm's MajorBBS Board Listing.
GRPS0194.ZIP Usenet Newsgroup/Altgroup Listing.
JOBINFO2.ZIP Job Search. A list of Internet/BBS systems with job info.
JOBNET10.ZIP JOBNET 1.0: Put your skills to work making MONEY!
KUIER.ZIP List of English shortwave broadcasts.
LAWINFO.ZIP Internet Law List.
LL_V21.ZIP Legal list 2.1 from Internet.
MED1193.ZIP Black Bag Medical BBS List: November 1993.
MLOL0993.ZIP Music-related mailing lists available on the Internet.
MLST1293.ZIP Internet Mailing Lists as of Dec 1993.
MSLIST.ZIP Files available from Microsoft's site ftp.microsoft.com.
MU0209.ZIP Names & tickers of 4502 US mutual funds.
NEWS0294.ZIP Complete list of Usenet Newsgroups.
NWNETPS.ZIP PNW Internet Member Map in PostScript.
PATBRD.ZIP ExceList (12/28/1993) List of BBSs about "patriotic" topics
PDIAL312.ZIP Public Dialup Internet Access List.
PHON_S.ZIP Phone listing of companies and BBS's.
RABBS402.ZIP Remote Access BBS listing for Feb 1994.
RABBSLST.ZIP This is a list of Remote Access BBSs from around the country
RESOURC1.ZIP How to get massive amounts of PATRIOT INFORMATION.
RUSBBS.ZIP Zone 7 (Russian area) BBS list 113; w/ Russian keybd driver.
SECT1230.ZIP The Southeastern Connecticut BBS List: 30 December 1993.
STLB0294.ZIP Startrek List of Lists: TNG/DS9.
ST_DEC15.ZIP ST Episode Guide: Lists all episodes of ST-TOS/ST-TNG/DS9.
SUPRT312.ZIP Latest Technical Support BBS list from Digicom's BBS, Dec 93
SYM0194.ZIP A list of about 7,300 companies, Ticker symbols, and markets
TIC0209.ZIP Names & tickers of 4253 stocks on the NYSE.
TNDYSTRS.ZIP Tandy Craft Stores (Canada/USA) List by April Roche.
TOCALL08.ZIP Toronto Calling Info about how to use the telephone system.
USGOVTF1.ZIP U.S. Federal government telephone numbers: White House, etc.
VL931109.ZIP Vendor Phone List 931109. List of hardware/software vendors
VOASKD.ZIP Voice of America's Winter 93/94 Schedule.
WHITEHOU.ZIP List of available documents from the White House.
WINDIR12.ZIP THE Windows DIRECTORIES, Dec. 1993. Houston BBS list.
YAN_1193.ZIP This is the Yanoff Internet list for 11/93.
_081_86.ZIP Aquila BBS File List.
║ 13 - Health Programs and Food Recipes ║
AC120.ZIP AEROCHART 1.20 Exercise Charting and Motivation Program.
APETIZER.ZIP 833 Appetizer recipes in Meal Master format.
CAKES01.ZIP 500 Recipes for Cakes in Meal Master format.
CAKES02.ZIP 545 Recipes for Cakes in Meal Master format.
CANDY1.ZIP 486 Candy recipes in Meal Master format.
CATMEOW2.ZIP Cat's Meow 2.0: Home brewers recipe guide.
CHEFV18.ZIP Keep your recipes. Req: MSAES110/MSAJT110/VBRUN300/VBDB300.
CHILI30.ZIP Collection of prize chili recipes.
CONDMENT.ZIP Meal Master format recipes for 697 condiments.
CSREPB04.ZIP Recipes from Compuserve Forum.
DAYBIO23.ZIP DAILY BIORHYTHM 2.3 by D.Burgess 2.3 bug fix over 2.2.
DBASSIS1.ZIP Diabetes Assistant for Windows (1 of 3).
EDNACOOK.ZIP Program for recording, filing, listing and printing recipes.
EMERGNET.ZIP Emergency Network Application.
FDCST3.ZIP Food Costing Software. Handles food inventory, recipes, etc
H2O2.ZIP Interesting text on the medical uses of hydrogen peroxide.
HERBTXT.ZIP HERBS. Text files on use of herbs. Very good reference.
HSMART.ZIP HEART SMART 2.0 for Windows: Monitor diet.
LIFESPAN.ZIP This is a simple program to determine how long you will live
MCOOK13.ZIP MicroCook 1.3. Recipe collection database for DOS.
MEXICO.ZIP Meal Master recipes for 712 Mexican dishes.
MM707.ZIP MEAL-MASTER 7.07 Sophisticated, easy to use recipe manager!
MM800.ZIP Meal Master recipe database 8.0. The best recipe database!
MM800RU.ZIP Registered utilities for Meal Master 8.0. Good features.
MMCYBER3.ZIP CYBEREALM Cookbook vol 3. A collection of various recipes.
NZBEQN94.ZIP Stress and nutrition information in "study-note" format.
PCFOD541.ZIP Calculates and maintains cost of food for a restaurant.
REC1011.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Hot and Sour soup.
REC1012.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Liqueur Cakes.
REC1014.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile.
REC1020.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes. Logfile.
REC1021.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes. COLLECTION: Key Lime Pie.
REC1022.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes. COLLECTION: Biscuits.
REC1023.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes. Logfile.
REC1026.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes: Liqueurs.
REC1028.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes: Charter.
REC1030.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes: Logfile.
REC1032.ZIP rec.food.recipes. COLLECTION: Vegetarian Indian Recipes.
REC1033.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes. COLLECTION: Jerky.
REC1035.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes rec.food.cooking.
REC1036.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes. COLLECTION: Crock Pot Recipes.
REC1037.ZIP rec.food.recipes. COLLECTION: Indian Vegetarian Recipes.
REC1042.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile.
REC1043.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter.
REC1045.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter.
REC1046.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile.
REC1047.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Desserts, cookies.
REC1048.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes COLLECTION: Vietnamese Spring Roll
REC1057.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter.
REC1058.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile.
REC1059.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Charter.
REC1060.ZIP Usenet: rec.food.recipes Logfile.
WINHERB.ZIP The Windows Guide To Nature's Herbs. Information & offers.
║ 14 - Games and Humor ║
1GU5ASC.ZIP Inside Games Issue 5.
3DMAN102.ZIP 3d-Mania 1.02. Tetris-like strategy-game with RPG elements.
9000K.ZIP SimCity 2000 city: 9,000,000 population.
ACEDAY2.ZIP Aces of Pacific: %100 skill level, 11 kills!
ACHKV12.ZIP Argo Checkers: Remake of a classic! Req: VGA/286.
ADCMD23A.ZIP DOS Battleship game. Req: Mouse/VGA.
AE2_DOOM.ZIP Run DOOM multi-player on Lantastic.
AEGUN1.ZIP Ordnance and text to change weapons in Aces Over Europe.
AFTON_MT.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature: Afton Mountain cc.
AIRPTS12.ZIP FS4-FS5-ATP: Airport information, Revision 12.
ALIENS2.ZIP Alien Attack 2.0: Your mission is to defend planet. Req: CGA
ALLBUG2.ZIP ALLBUGS 2.0: Catch bugs. Text game.
ALPHAMAN.ZIP ALPHA MAN 1.1. Fun-filled EGA/VGA strategy logic game.
ANTRUN.ZIP Ant Run 1.2. EGA/VGA strategy graphics game.
ANTS104.ZIP ANTS 1.04: Keep Queen fed and build colony!
ANTS117.ZIP Ant Wars 1.17.
A_Q2PLUS.ZIP Quatris II Plus: Tetris-type game.
BACKUP13.ZIP Board game for 4 opponents. Online help included.
BASECON.ZIP Scorched Earth clone with many extras. Req: VGA.
BATS20.ZIP Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom arcade game.
BBOX11.ZIP Black Box. A game of logic. Where are the targets?
BCOLUMN.ZIP Beyond Columns 1.1: Tetris-like game.
BEETRIS.ZIP Tetris like game, with hexagonal shaped game pieces.
BERNIE10.ZIP Bernie 1.0: Action/arcade rescue game. Sup: AdLib/SB.
BLAKEDRW.ZIP Blake Stone Maps: Req: Micrografix DRAW compatible viewer.
BLAKEMAP.ZIP Blake Stone Floor Maps: Req: BMP viewer.
BLDHELP.ZIP Tips and help for Bloodstone. NOT a solve!
BLINDWAR.ZIP BLIND WARS 1.1. EGA\VGA strategy war game.
BMAN1.ZIP BLOCK-MAN 1 1.0. EGA/VGA graphics game.
BMANAGER.ZIP X-Wing Manager. For those who have the B-Wing add-on.
BOB1.ZIP Paratrooper Bob 1 1.0. EGA/VGA logic game.
BOLO3.ZIP BOLO ADVENTURES III 1.1. Challenging strategy game.
BOLOBOX.ZIP BOLO BOX 1.2. A new EGA/VGA logic and puzzle game.
BOMBERS.ZIP Sky Bombers. Action adventure game with style of it's own.
BREAK321.ZIP A SB/VGA breakout type game from Europe!
BREAK402.ZIP BREAKIN: 256-Color Breakout game with SB support.
BS20_1.ZIP BLAKE STONE 2.0: Aliens of Gold. APOGEE 3-D game action.
BTC100.ZIP Strategy game. Req: 8086/300K RAM/VGA/Mouse/Driver.
BTECH21.ZIP BattleTech Mech Editor 2.1. Relocate AC/20 & weapons.
BTMA140.ZIP Battle Tech Map Editor 1.4: Improved screen graphics.
BTTLR11.ZIP BATTLERAFT 1.1 for GeoWorks Ensemble: Battleship type game.
CCARDS52.ZIP Crazy Cards: A Card Sharks clone. Mono or Color.
CFLAG14.ZIP CAPTURE THE FLAG! 1.4 Trophy Winner! VGA graphics game.
CHAL10C.ZIP PERSONAL CHALLENGE 1.0c: Lets you play educational trivia.
CHMPAS12.ZIP Champion Asteroids game - VGA required.
CHOICE29.ZIP Choice 2.9: This game has three old-fashioned text games.
CHSSGM93.ZIP 294 chess games - 1993 tournaments in Linares, London, etc.
CIPHER21.ZIP Cipher 2.11. Cryptoquotes word puzzle game. EGA/VGA.
CITYGOLD.ZIP Game module for SSI's Forgotten Realms/Unlimited Adventures.
CIV_MAP2.ZIP Civilization internal improvement structure.
CLSCHS10.ZIP CHOOSE 1.0: Good for RPGs. Makes random decisions.
CLSGAL10.ZIP Galleons 1.0: Multi-player Ship vs Ship Game. VGA/SB.
CLX101.ZIP Kinetic 2-player strategy game. Req: 8086/300K/VGA/Mouse.
CROSSWD6.ZIP CROSSWORD POWER 6.00. Create crossword puzzles.
CRPT22.ZIP Cryptogrammer 2.2: Fun word game solver.
CRUSHER.ZIP CRUSHER 3.2. EGA/VGA arcade adventure game.
CRUSHER2.ZIP CRUSHER CASTLE II 1.2. EGA/VGA arcade adventure game.
D210TRN.ZIP Trainer Module for Duke Nukem II 1.0: God mode!
DEFCON12.ZIP DEFCON 1 1.2. A missile command style game.
DEFIAN10.ZIP DOC DEFIANT 1.0: Can you stop Doc Defiant? Req: EGA/Mouse.
DK2MAP11.ZIP Duke2Map 1.1: Utility for displaying Duke Nukem 2 Maps.
DL747.ZIP A Neat looking Delta Airlines 747 for FS4/FS5.
DLSAVES2.ZIP Some saves games for Darklands. Requires Version 7.
DONLAND.ZIP Huge city for SimCity 2000: Has a lot of money & residents.
DOOM1_2.ZIP DOOM is a fast moving virtual reality game.
DOOMGO.ZIP Palette manipulation utility for DOOM.
DOOMGUS.ZIP DOOM 1.0 GUS SOUND FIX: Fixes sound errors.
DOOMSEC3.ZIP Play the secret Warrens level from DOOM 1.1.
DOOMSTUF.ZIP DOOM Utilities: A Compilation of DOOM Utilities.
DOOM_FAQ.ZIP Questions and Answers about DOOM!
DOSMINE.ZIP DOSMINE: Minefield for the rest of us DOS junkies.
DOTSO.ZIP DOTSO 1.0. Classic game of 'connect the dots'.
DSCHUMP.ZIP Dschump: Action/puzzle game. 20 levels, MIDI. Req: VGA/500k.
DWAFARMR.ZIP Magical Dwarvish armor for all little squat-sized warriors.
D_MPRTRN.ZIP Merchant Prince Trainer Rel.
EAGLESSE.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature - Eagles Talon Gold Course.
EKG11.ZIP This Screen Saver Looks Like an EKG Machine. Req: VGA.
ELPLBANF.ZIP Links386 Pro tournament results from Banff Springs.
ELPLINNI.ZIP Links386 Pro tournament results from Innisbrook.
EVSTILES.ZIP MJ TileSet: patterns.
EXLSIO.ZIP Massive Ultima-like RPG game. Sup: SB/Mouse.
F321PK.ZIP Updated utilities for FALCON v3.02.1.
FACETREX.ZIP FACETREX 1.0. Challenging EGA/VGA strategy logic game.
FATE_DOX.ZIP Legend of Kyrandia 2 review/tutorial.
FFA21.ZIP Fantasy Football Asst 2.1a. For "league" commissioners.
FIFTN10.ZIP Fifteens - an innovative solitaire game.
FLOATR11.ZIP Floatris: 256 color VGA/MCGA floating blocks game.
FORREST.ZIP Map for Return to Zork's: Forest of the Spirts.
FPDRAFT.ZIP Football Pro Draft Utility.
FPEDITP.ZIP Front Page Sports Football Pro Editor.
FS4EIRE.ZIP FS Scenery file for Ireland. Req: SD-EUR and A&SD.
FS50A.ZIP Patch to Update MS Flight Simulator 5.0 to 5.0a.
FS5_DRV.ZIP Flight Simulator 5 Flightstick Pro Driver.
GALAC15.ZIP FINAL version of Galactix. Req: 286/VGA/MCGA/3MB HD.
GALLANT.ZIP Sir Guy Gallant & The Deadly Warning. Mystery adventure game
GAMES21A.ZIP Recommended DOS settings for games. Replaces May 1993 versi
GB16.ZIP GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #16! 20 game reviews and more.
GB16_GRA.ZIP GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #16! Graphics library file.
GEMMA20.ZIP GEMMA 2.0: VGA maze/board game. Req: 286/VGA/512k.
GEMPIR20.ZIP World Empire. Classic strategy game of world domination.
GEOMAZE.ZIP Geoworks Ensemble Maze Game: Works like Appliance.
GINRUM44.ZIP GinRummy 4.4: You vs. PC. Req: EGA/HERC/Mouse/Keyboard.
GMASSIST.ZIP EXCELLENT utility that will help AD&D GMs run campaigns.
GOT100.ZIP GOD OF THUNDER. Arcade/adventure game.
GOTCHA24.ZIP GOTCHA 2.32: Navigate mines and clear the zone. Req: VGA.
GPW110.ZIP Grand prize winner lotto.
GRNHELL.ZIP A custom-made SimCity 2000 city called Green Hell!
GRONINGN.ZIP Groningen PCA Qualifiers Chess Games in CM4000 format.
HAMMER1.ZIP Fight the sloboids! Req: VGA. Sup: SB/Adlib/Joystick.
HANGMAN.ZIP BASIC HANGMAN 5.15. Classical Hangman game with a twist!
HANGMN64.ZIP Hangman: Use your own words or supplied lists.
HAVOC13.ZIP ELECTRON HAVOC 1.3 Arcade game requires VGA and mouse.
HBANG2.ZIP New addition to the Head Banger line of puzzles.
HENRY10.ZIP Jeu d'Henri (Henry's game) 1.0: 2 player strategy game.
HERO12.ZIP Hero's Heart is a challenging puzzle game.
HORROR12.ZIP ENDLESS HORROR 1.2. Arcade game needs EGA or VGA and mouse.
HWITZ095.ZIP Multi-player artillery combat simulator. Req: SVGA/386.
ISLEWAR.ZIP ISLE WARS 3.0. EGA/VGA strategy war game.
ISOL28.ZIP ISOLATE 2.80 Very Addictive Strategy. Difficult to Master!
JELLICO.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature: Jellico Junction.
JETMOD_B.ZIP Jetpack Graphics Module: A Christmas add-on for Jetpack.
JETPKLEV.ZIP JetPack: Christmas Level will freeze your brain!
JETPK_E.ZIP JetPack Hyper Levels: A complete storyline of levels.
JETPLEV1.ZIP Jetpack Christmas Special: Spooky Undergrounds Add-On Level.
JPCASTLE.ZIP Castlevania JetPack Levels: Customized levels.
JPLEVEL2.ZIP Level for Jetpack! This one is tough!
JPLEVEL3.ZIP Great level for "Jetpack".
JU88C.ZIP Patch for Aces Over Europe. Fly a German Bomber JU88.
KENO401.ZIP Huckabey Keno (Vegas style). View Payoffs/Top 10. Color.
KOMBAT.ZIP All moves for all characters in Mortal Kombat II.
KOSYNK11.ZIP A Russian solitaire card game. Kosynka means "Big Scarf".
LAVACAP.ZIP LAVACAP 2.1. Exciting EGA/VGA arcade strategy game.
LEAGBALL.ZIP League Basketball 01b: Fantasy league stats tracking.
LEM93DEM.ZIP Lemmings '93 Holiday test drive version limited to 4 levels.
LINKSPRO.ZIP Nine Links386 scores between 58 and 62. Sup: MOD Files.
LJ4ENG.ZIP Lear Jet with 4 engines for MS-FS5.
LOADLAR.ZIP Loader Larry 1.0. EGA/VGA graphics puzzle game.
LOGIPIX.ZIP LOGIPIX 1.0: Addictive logic/drawing puzzle game.
LOTOPTST.ZIP TX Lotto Pre-test results run before drawing.
LOTTO59.ZIP A nice Pick 3/6 Lotto program.
LOTTOT.ZIP Lotto Thunder 1.2. Prediction and number systems program.
LTOOL3.ZIP Lotto Tool 3.0. NEW! Use 3-8 digits and 1-75 number ranges
MADDLIB1.ZIP Maddlibs 1.000: Old-time Maddlib game.
MAHJNG41.ZIP Mah Jongg 4.1: Addictive solitaire game.
MATCHIT6.ZIP MatchIt 1.06: Fun memory game.
MAZEBLAZ.ZIP 3-D Multi-level Maze game: Addictive.
MAZEZZT1.ZIP Maze in ZZT by Brendy Ebel. (Req. ZZT)
MDFNFL3.ZIP Mike Ditka Football: 1993 NFL Team Rosters.
MECHTEST.ZIP MechTest 1.0 for Windows. BattleMech Combat Testing Utility
MEGEM202.ZIP GRV UPD Mega-Em 2.02: DOCs. X2 no longer needed for SF2.
MGK_SFVU.ZIP Sim Farm Fix: Makes it work with Viper SVGA.
MGZORRO.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature - Zorro Blanco Golf Course.
MICEMEN.ZIP Mice Men 1.1. Exciting EGA/VGA strategy logic game.
MINIDE.ZIP Strategy game similar to Mine Sweeper, but works from DOS.
MJPNY_40.ZIP MJ TileSet: Mazes by Penny.
MOO11BTA.ZIP Master Of Orion 1.1: Patch fixes the diplomacy bug.
MOOSESE.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature: Longlake.
MOO_ED.ZIP Shareware Masters of Orion saved game editor.
MRPILL.ZIP MrPill 3.1: The object is to keep MrPill moving. Req: Win.
MUSIQUIZ.ZIP MusiQuiz 1.3: Classical Music Trivia Game.
NEUROLOT.ZIP Good program for choosing those important lotto numbers.
NIKNAK11.ZIP PM strategy game like Tic Tac Toe.
NOV30.ZIP Space shoot-em-up game similar to X-Wing.
NPASS.ZIP Northern Pass: Original golf course for Jack Nicklaus SE.
NUMBA_11.ZIP NUMBA 1.1 Get more "NUMBAS" than your opponent in this game
NUMBERS.ZIP A great magic trick. Uses Basic. Small, but fun!
NUMLO.ZIP NUMLO 1.0. EGA/VGA twist on classic game of Othello.
OILCAP6.ZIP OILCAP 6.1. Challenging EGA/VGA strategy game.
ORBY10.ZIP Orbit Rebound Bankshot Yaw v1.0: Fun game. Req: 286/EGA.
PICKLE2.ZIP Addition #2 to Pickle Wars. (2 of 9)
PICKLE3.ZIP Addition #3 to Pickle Wars. (3 of 9)
PICKLE4.ZIP Addition #4 to Pickle Wars. (4 of 9)
PICKLE5.ZIP Addition #5 to Pickle Wars. (5 of 9)
PICKLE6.ZIP Addition #6 to Pickle Wars. (6 of 9)
PICKLE7.ZIP Addition #8 to Pickle Wars. (7 of 9)
PICKLE8.ZIP Addition #8 of Pickle Wars. (8 of 9)
PICKLE9.ZIP Addition #9 to Pickle Wars. (9 of 9)
PIPES1.ZIP PIPES: Arcade Maze Game 1.0. Req: 286, VGA, SB supported.
PLIX.ZIP PLIX 1.0. Mind-bending EGA/VGA game of logic.
POD12.ZIP POD 1.2: Move "POD" around a network of tracks. Req: EGA.
PQ410B.ZIP Daryl F. Gates Police Quest: Open Season PATCH to 1.0B.
PSHARK.ZIP POOL SHARK 2.1: Arcade Game. AI 3-D VGA Pool Game.
PTCM13D1.ZIP Patriot Command 1.3D: Fast-paced war game.
PUZZLE20.ZIP Puzzle 2.0: Stunning SVGA images in a puzzle game.
QG410A.ZIP QUEST FOR GLORY: Shadows of Darkness PATCH.
QUIZRD52.ZIP Quizard's Mountain 5.2.
RAEASY12.ZIP Trainer for Rebel Assault. Works with version 1.4.
RAH9401R.ZIP Random Access Humor - Jan. 1994 (READROOM.TOC version).
RCITY.ZIP A city for SimCity Classic.
REAC1.ZIP Reactor: Maze game similar to AMAZE.
REBEL14.ZIP Rebel Assault Patch 1.4.
RESCUE_2.ZIP Rescue! 1.2 Fast-action Hovercraft graphics game.
ROTAK11.ZIP An insidiously addictive 3-in-a-row action puzzle VGA game.
RTZHINTS.ZIP Hints and Solution for Return to Zork.
RWPFIX1.ZIP Fix for Mallard's Real Weather Pilot for FS4 and FS5.
RWPFSPTG.ZIP Real weather pilot for Microsoft's Flight Simulator.
RYLMLBRN.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature: Royal Melbourne.
SAMMAXPT.ZIP Updated version of EXE file for "Sam and Max Hit the Road".
SAMMAXUH.ZIP Universal Hint System (UHS) file for "Sam and Max".
SANFIGHT.ZIP Sango Fighter: Awesome graphics/sound. Sup: Adlib/SB/MT32.
SC2MONEY.ZIP SimCity 2000 Money Cheat.
SCARY2.ZIP ScaryFish 2.0: Multi-species Fishing Game. Req: 400k/CGA.
SCEASY10.ZIP SCEASY 1.0: A utility written for Strike Commander.
SC_SAVES.ZIP Super Contra Saved Games FULL lives, GREAT weapons, etc.
SEGA0194.ZIP SEGA/GENESIS TIPS. 213 games are covered.
SEGA94.ZIP Sega Genesis Game Hints: 213 games.
SEGA_2.ZIP Second edition of Hints and Codes for SEGA games.
SETBALLS.ZIP Set the number of balls in Epic Pinball first SIX tables.
SHOOTG30.ZIP Shooting Gallery 3.0: Req: VGA/MCGA/Mouse.
SILLYHPY.ZIP SILLY HAPPY LA LA VILLE: SimCity 2000; 4,000,000 people.
SIMCIT9M.ZIP Simcity games: 8 million or 9 million people!
SKYROADS.ZIP SkyRoads: Great 3-D graphics game with smooth animation.
SLICK126.ZIP Slicks'n'slides! Cute car race game in Finnish or English.
SNOWBZZT.ZIP SnowBalls: A surreal Christmas arcade game. Req: 286/540k.
SPADES30.ZIP SPADES 3.0. Classic VGA card game.
SPELL1_3.ZIP Magical spells of the 1st to 3rd level for AD&D.
SPOKER22.ZIP Strategy Poker 2.2: Casino game. Req: EGA/VGA.
SS107.ZIP Seven classic solitaire games. Req: EGA/Mouse.
SUPRCR3.ZIP Animated game featuring exploding crocodiles. Req: EGA/VGA.
SUPRCROC.ZIP Super Croc: Challenging puzzle game. Req: EGA/VGA.
SW1940.ZIP Additional missions for Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe.
SYREE2SB.ZIP Kingdom of Syree II Black Magic SB Effects Accessory Pack.
T7G_TIP1.ZIP Game hints: The Seventh Guest.
TARGEVAL.ZIP Target shooters' target evaluation utility.
TBS10.ZIP Starship Commander's Tactical Battle Simulator. EGA/VGA.
TERRA703.ZIP Space War: Ship to Ship attacks!
THREE_CS.ZIP Mah Jongg VGA: Very tasteful B&W Cindy .TIS tile set.
TOMPAT2.ZIP TOMMY'S PATIENCE II: Play 4 neat Solitaire games.
TOR1C.ZIP Official Patch for "Tornado" flight simulator. Fixes bugs.
TOWER100.ZIP 4 Towers: solitaire card gam.
TROUBLSE.ZIP Jack Nicklaus signature - Troublesome Creek.
TW2DOC.ZIP Extensive documents for the new Trade Wars 2002 2.0.
T_TOWN.ZIP A city for SimCity 2000: $1.6 billion and 3 million people.
USURP002.ZIP Welcome to Usurper, a fast-paced action, fantasy game.
UW2EDV1.ZIP UltimaEdit 1.0: The Best Ultima Underworld II editor.
VEGAS4.ZIP This is Las Vegas scenery file for MS Flight Simulator 4.
VP314.ZIP VGA Planets 3.14: This file has all you need to play.
VPTUT302.ZIP VIDEO POKER TUTOR 3.02. A graphical poker training system.
WADTLS.ZIP Freeware to view the contents of DOOM's library file.
WCAMISS1.ZIP Custom missions for Wing Commander Academy.
WFILL22.ZIP WORD FILL 2.2: Fill-in-the-Word puzzle program.
WURM.ZIP Fruit Worm: Guide your worm around the field. Req: VGA.
XP114.ZIP X-Wing Pro 1.14: The Ultimate XWING editor.
XWORDC10.ZIP Crossword Challenge. VGA crossword puzzle game.
ZEUX1.ZIP Labyrinth of Zeux. A VGA graphics adventure game.
ZORKSAV.ZIP Some Return to Zork saved games - from beginning to ending.
_1DUKE4.ZIP Duke Nukem II: Apogee's Matchless Hero Returns in VGA.
_1HH12.ZIP Halloween Harry 1.2: Action Game. Req: 386/VGA.
_1HH12_A.ZIP Halloween Harry 1.2: Req: 386/VGA. (1 of 4)
_1HH12_B.ZIP Halloween Harry 1.2: Req: 386/VGA. (2 of 4)
_1HH12_C.ZIP Halloween Harry 1.2: Req: 386/VGA. (3 of 4)
_1HH12_D.ZIP Halloween Harry 1.2: Req: 386/VGA. (4 of 4)
_9POKWIN.ZIP Poke-It Poker: Las Vegas Video Poker. Req: Win/VBRUN200.DLL.
_ELECTRO.ZIP ELECTRO MAN. Exciting, space adventure 256-color game.
_HEART.ZIP HEARTLIGHT. A fun 256-color puzzle game.
_LTW5.ZIP The Complete Lottery Tracker & Wheeler.
_PINBALL.ZIP EPIC PINBALL Brings true arcade-style pinball to your PC.
_ZEUX1.ZIP Labrynth of Zeux. Find mystical staff. Req: VGA.
║ 15 - Graphics and Paint Programs ║
2SHOW101.ZIP CompuShow 2000! 1.01a Graphics display program.
3DCOHS.ZIP Explore 3-D Environment World. Req: 386/Adlib/580K/VGA/Mouse
4JULY93.ZIP July 4th 1993 GT ANSI Winners. Various artists. (ANSI).
ALTAS2.ZIP Windows Atlas.
AMR_SYMB.ZIP The Party 1993 Intro. Supports SB/SB PRO/GUS sound cards.
ANIMATR.ZIP Animator: Contains Pascal source code to write to desktop.
ANIPAINT.ZIP AniPaint 2.4: Paint and Animate 256-colors to 1280x1024.
ANMAG1.ZIP Animagic 01. Updated version. Creates .FLI files.
AXS_VS03.ZIP V)iewer(S)hell: Shell for GIF/DL/GL/RIP viewers.
BAF32.ZIP Bert's African Animals. Coloring program for children.
BCH32.ZIP Bert's Christmas. Coloring program for children.
BD32.ZIP Bert's Dinosaurs. Enjoyable coloring program for children.
BPA32.ZIP Bert's Prehistoric Animals. Coloring program for children.
BSX_NTRO.ZIP THE BRkEN SX iNTRO Amazing VGA Graphic & GUS Support.
BUSTEDSD.ZIP SyNeRgY DeSiGn Presents Interesting Graphics Presentation.
CBOOK15.ZIP Coloring Book 1.5 A classic child's toy is now DIGITAL!
CHRISTMA.ZIP Happy Holidays Card in CorelDraw 4.0: Save money!
CMAPPOV2.ZIP Color bar for Povray: 3-12 color bands.
CONAST12.ZIP Conversion Assistant 1.2. Image converters.
CRAYON32.ZIP Coloring book, math quizzer, and counting program for kids.
CSH2100A.ZIP CompuShow 2000 1.00a: GIF, RLE, etc. viewer.
DFV006.ZIP Dave's Flic Viewer. FLI FLC FLX viewer for VGA and up.
DPAIN30.ZIP Dead Paint 3.0: The easy to use RIP paint program.
DTA208.ZIP Convert GIF/TIF/PCX to a FLI sequence.
DVPEG30J.ZIP Graphic file viewer for JPG/GIF/TGA.
FACD10.ZIP Facade(tm) 1.0. PCX splash screen display for DOS apps.
FAR20.ZIP FAR 2.0 Screen saver: Run your own custom screens.
FMBBS.ZIP Fractal screen saver for DOS. 3 fractal scenes included.
GIANTDSS.ZIP Deskpic screen saver module - New York Giants helmets.
GIF2TXT.ZIP Converts GIF to ASCII text characters for a line printer.
GIFBLAST.ZIP Compresses .GIF files with NO LOSS of quality or integrity.
GIFSP10.ZIP Creates output file lists of GIFs and their dimensions.
GRAFFX30.ZIP GRAFFIX 3.0: Screen capture utility. Req: EGA/VGA/SVGA.
GRAFWK11.ZIP This is an excellent GIF/TIFF/PCX file utility.
GRAFWK70.ZIP Graphic Workshop 7.0: Works with bitmapped graphics.
GRAFX220.ZIP GRAFFIX 2.2: 24-bit screen capture for DOS/Windows.
GRAFX230.ZIP Captures 24-bit color screens in both Windows and DOS.
GRA_FLEX.ZIP GRA-FLEX II PLUS: Bring new life to your GIFs.
GRX01B.ZIP GraphX: Data plotting utility to produce scattergrams.
HEADER10.ZIP Put a welcoming banner on your PC every time it is booted.
HIDIMG19.ZIP Random dot image generator. More than just Random Dots.
HIDIMG20.ZIP Hidden Image Auto Stereograms 2.0: The things from the mall!
HYP_01_R.ZIP Graphic file creates moving circles on the screen. VGA.
INFOMPEG.ZIP Small utility to parse MPEG-1 video streams and give info.
IRUN10.ZIP Image::Runner(tm) 1.0. PCX display utility for DOS apps.
IV1_02A.ZIP Imageviewer For DOS.
KRISMAS4.ZIP Create personalized self-running Christmas cards. Req: EGA.
LEADTOOL.ZIP Demo - Leadtools; image compression toolkit for developers.
LOGOFX.ZIP Create an animated screen saver incorporating a company logo
LVIEW.ZIP An excellent Windows GIF viewer.
MATISSEG.ZIP Matissee in Gray - Black and white paint.
MPEGV11.ZIP 24-bit Windows MPEG viewer!
NPSTOOL.ZIP New print shop graphic 'tools' (plier, saw, etc.)
NVIEW11C.ZIP An image file viewer for SVGA. Req: 640k/286/VGA.
PICEM32.ZIP Picem 3.2: Graphic File Viewer.
PIXF20.ZIP PixFolio Image Catalog System 2.0. Windows graphics utility.
POPOUT11.ZIP Popout 1.10: Generates Random Dot Stereograms.
PSAMPLE.ZIP Creates photo-quality images using math in Windows 3.1.
QPEG13C.ZIP QPEG 1.3c FAST JPEG viewer (MS-DOS). Requires 386+ and VGA
QPEG13N.ZIP QPEG 1.3n. The famous graphics viewer, incredibly FAST!
SHOW40A.ZIP DATASHOW 4.0A: Multimedia Program to make presentations.
SMOOTH21.ZIP SMOOTH 2.1: POV Surface Normal Modeling Program.
STSHOW16.ZIP View, convert, and print various graphics files.
THUMB13C.ZIP ThumbsUp v1.3c: Graphics image/clip-art browser/cataloger.
TSHW10.ZIP Trade Show(tm) 1.0. Quickly create slide shows.
VGADOC3.ZIP Information and support routines on programming SVGA cards.
VGAWORM.ZIP VGA Worms. A graphics display in 320x200 256 color mode.
VWGIF20.ZIP VIEWGIF 2.0: SysOp Utility for viewing GIF files.
WXVIE25B.ZIP Weather-view-graphics 2.5b.
XMASCC93.ZIP Christmas Coloring Book. Req: SVGA/Mouse.
XMASS1.ZIP Hot from IMAGE`FX our electronic digitized holiday card.
XPLD_01R.ZIP Displays random explosions all over the screen. VGA.
ZOX3D15.ZIP Demo for Zox 3-D graphics engine. A Wolf-3D type engine.
║ 16 - GIF and Other Pictures ║
2ROMAN.GIF Colorful Roman columns.
2S3AFORM.GIF Two Navy S-3 "Vikings" flying in formation. 640x480x256.
2WOLVES.GIF Two wolf cubs in the woods.
34000.GIF Nice high res shot of a Soviet Su-27 "Flanker" fighter.
3DCPLOGO.ZIP 3-D Animated Contact Plus Logo.
3DS_V06.GIF A GIF of a futuristic spacecraft hovering above some trees.
63VETTE.GIF A vintage blue Corvette Stingray.
69Z28.GIF Candy apple red '69 Z28. GIF Resolution: 640x480x256
79RX7.GIF A greyscale image of a Mazda RX-7.
8SNOWBRD.GIF Canadian Air Force Snowbirds team in 8 plane formation.
911T.GIF A greyscale image of a Porsche 911 Turbo.
944GTP.GIF A Shot Of A Porshe Racing Car, Taken Head On. 570x386x256.
A14LM.GIF GIF of Apollo 14 Lunar Module. 436x599x256.
AB_AORTA.GIF A color chart of an abdominal aorta.
AFGHANS1.ZIP An assortment of Afghan patterns.
ALDRIN.GIF Greyscale image of Buz Aldrin walking on the Moon.
ANIMATE1.ZIP PowerBASIC 320x200x256 color PCX animation.
ANKYLO.ZIP CGM: 16 color Ankylosaurus.
ANTC.GIF Hi-Res rendered GIF of a golden ant. 1024x768x256.
APPLEBAL.GIF Beautiful computer-generated image of floating silver balls.
APPLECIR.GIF A colorful Apple Computer graphic.
APTZRS.GIF Appetizers. Good enough to eat!
ARCWOLF1.GIF Fantastic GIF image of an arctic wolf.
ARCWOLF3.GIF Fantastic GIF image of an arctic wolf.
ATOLL.GIF GIF image: Nice picture of an Atoll. 640x480x256.
AUTOMO14.GIF Great hicolor photo of a classic auto!
AUTOMO15.GIF nice 24 bit image of a classic car
AUTOMO16.GIF Cool photo of a great car..a classic...
A_DAY_IN.GIF Painting - A Day In The Park. 1024x1024x256.
BACHSEE.GIF Nice picture of snow capped mountain. 1024x682x256.
BALL.GIF Texture file made in Vivid 320x200.
BALLOONS.GIF GIF Image of Hot Air Balloons.
BAMFLY08.GIF High Quality picture of some Butterfly.
BAMFLY17.GIF High Quality picture of butterfly.
BAMFLY18.GIF High Quality picture of butterfly.
BEARS.GIF Two large polar bears. Are they dancing?
BFLY.GIF Picture of a Monarch Butterfly with spread wings.
BFYFISH1.GIF VERY NICE GIF of a tropical fish in an aquarium.
BKGRND1.GIF A colorful, vertical stripped background design.
BKGRND2.GIF A cyan-colored horizontal background design.
BKGRND3.GIF A brown, textured background design.
BKGRND4.GIF A gray and brown diagonal background design.
BKGRND5.GIF A vertical rainbow pattern background design.
BKGRNDCT.GIF A thumbnail collection of background designs.
BLASTOFF.GIF The space shuttle lifting off the launch pad.
BLOB2.ZIP 24-bit Targa of a Raytraced blob of something.
BORACOLR.GIF A top view of a yellow sports car.
BOWFRUT.GIF Colorful, close-up image of a bowl of fresh fruit.
BRAWL.GIF An animated-style picture of a sword fight in a castle.
BRICK.GIF A raytraced image of brick textured spheres on a pedestal.
BRUGGS2.GIF A really great scan of a vacation photo from Europe.
BUNNY.GIF A drawing of an old rabbit dressed in clothes.
C2CFLI.ZIP Morph: One Desert Storm veteran morphing into another. FLI.
CAMELS.GIF Picture of some camels crossing a desert.
CASSINI.GIF NASA pic of Saturn flyby. GIF Resolution: 610x480x256.
CAST01_I.GIF Very Nice GIF of a Castle. 640x480x256.
CAST02_I.GIF Another VGA GIF of a Castle. 640x480x256.
CAST03_I.GIF And YET ANOTHER VGA/256 picture of a castle! 640x480x256.
CASTLE.GIF A drawing of a fantasy castle surrounded by sea.
CASTLE1.GIF High resolution GIF 800x600x245 of a castle by the sea.
CASTLE2.GIF A raytraced image of a huge castle spire.
CC006.GIF High quality image of flower. GIF Resolution: 1024x768x256.
CHAIRMLT.ZIP Nice VGA animation (.FLI) of a melting chair.
CHMELEON.GIF Closeup of a chameleon. GIF Resolution: 640x444x256.
CKA_0001.ZIP Two ray-traced worms crawling across a striped background.
CONDO_1.GIF Excellent raytracing of a row of condominiums.
CRETIEN.GIF A picture of a famous Frenchman sitting at a desk.
CRUI0052.GIF A raytraced drawing of futuristic spacecraft.
CVALLEY.GIF Nice photo of a valley...clear with great color!
DANTRAIN.ZIP Raytraced FLI animation.
DILOPHOS.GIF Art Deco Grasshopper.
DISKBALL.ZIP AVI Format Morph: 3.5" Disk To 8-ball.
DRAGON3D.GIF A 3DS rendered dragon coming out of the floor.
DRYDOC19.GIF Ray Traced GIF of a space station. 640x480x256.
ELPHNTS.GIF Good GIF of elephants if your into wildlife.
EQUINOX.GIF 800X600X256 Mage riding cloud over serpent-infested waters.
ETACARNE.GIF Hubble telescope image of exploding star.
F14D.GIF F14d taken in flight from the cockpit of another F14d.
F16_1.GIF A raytraced F-16 - looks metallic! 1024x768x256.
FASCINAT.GIF A fractal image with spirals and cloud-like shapes.
FISHY.GIF Really good picture of a pair of salt water fish - colorful.
FLOWER02.GIF This is a pretty picture of three yellow roses.
FLOWER15.GIF A picture of a bunch of roses with balloons attached.
FRACFLI.ZIP FLI animation of a mutating Julia set.
FROG5.GIF Closeup of a frog on a leaf. GIF Resolution: 606x470x256.
GEARS.GIF GIF image: High resolution rendered machine gears.
GHOSTBUS.GIF A fractal image with ghost-like patterns.
GIRLCAT.ZIP FLI: Woman morphing into a Tiger.
GLACIER2.GIF A 640x480 256-color PCX of Glacier National Park.
GRANDCAY.GIF A colorful image of the Grand Canyon.
GRIN.GIF A very colorful fractal image for interesting patterns.
HELIX3.GIF POV Ray rendered double helix with good stone textures.
HIFI.GIF Tropical GIF made up of geometrical shapes. 1024x768.
HM_004.GIF D&D picture of a woman in a lake holding a longsword.
HS_GD001.GIF GIF of an F-16 Fighting Falcon in flight.
HS_GD007.GIF Another GIF of an F-16 Falcon GIF. Resolution: 640x480x256.
HUBBLE1.GIF Hubble Telescope image of a a dense star cluster.
HUBBLE2.GIF Hubble Telescope image of Nova Cygni 1992.
HUBBLE3.GIF Hubble Telescope image of a star.
HUBBLE4.GIF Hubble Telescope image of the M100 Galactic Nucleus.
HUBBLE5.GIF Hubble Telescope image of the active galaxy NGC 1068.
HUBBLE_2.ZIP HUBBLE GIF IMAGES ][ Direct from Jet Propulsion Labs.
INDIA.GIF Good photo from India, 24 bit color.
JCLPLASM.ZIP Routine to generate a real 320x200 plasma effect.
JN_.ZIP Cute self-running animation of a juggler dancing.
KG_CAR01.GIF 1973 Pontiac Trans Am. GIF Resolution: 640x480x256.
LAKEPINE.GIF Image of a lake surrounded by pine trees and mountains.
LANDS.GIF Modern art of blue clouds. GIF Resolution: 640x480x256.
LAUNCH2.GIF Image of the space shuttle lifting off.
LENS1.GIF Balls in Multiple Images. GIF Resolution: 320x200x256.
LKMARRON.GIF Great nature scene. GIF Resolution: 800x600x256.
MAJES2.GIF A view of a field with mountains all around.
MANDLFLI.ZIP Excellent FLI animation. Zooming in on a Mandelbrot Fractal
MARS.GIF Picture of Mars, taken by Hubble Space Telescope.
MAYAN01.GIF Native art scans of the Mayan Indians of Central America.
MAYAN02.GIF Another scan in the Central American art series.
MAYAN03.GIF Nice scan of more Central American art! 359x433x256.
MAYAN04.GIF Greyscale scan of Mayan art. GIF Resolution: 356x429x256.
MAYAN05.GIF Learn about the ancient Mayan people through their art.
MAYAN07.GIF Another great scan of Mayan art. 445x1148x256.
MAYAN08.GIF Scanned image of Mayan art. GIF Resolution: 711x478x256.
MAYAN10.GIF Good scan of Mayan artwork! GIF Resolution: 543x1085x256.
MAYAN11.GIF Image of Mayan artwork. GIF Resolution: 543x1195x256.
MAYAN12.GIF Clear greyscale scan of some ancient Mayan art.
MINERAL1.GIF A fractal image using a strange mix of colors.
MNTS.GIF Nice 16 color GIF of mnts in the rockies, maybe Alaska?
MOLLY.GIF A close-up picture of Molly the parrot hanging around.
MOOSE.GIF GIF of a Moose standing in a river. 640x400x256.
MTANDROM.GIF Image of a snow-topped mountain. 640x480x256.
MTLION.GIF A cute picture of a mountain lion cub. 800x600x256.
MYROOM4.GIF A raytraced rendering of a room with two computers.
NAIM_001.GIF GIF image: Oriental Lily. 1024x768x256.
NAIM_002.GIF GIF image: Close-up of a red rose. 1024x768x256.
NAIM_004.GIF GIF image: Two tulips. 1024x768x256.
NAIM_006.GIF GIF image: Lavatera. 1024x768x256.
NAIM_008.GIF GIF image: Purple Irises. 1024x768x256.
NAIM_010.GIF GIF image: Yellow Columbine. 800x600x256.
NAMTOK.GIF A color image of a waterfall.
NEWTNFLI.ZIP Excellent FLI animation. Zooming in on a Newton Fractal.
NEWTOY.GIF Raytraced GIF of something made from Tinkertoys.
NSFRTU.GIF Black and white GIF of a vampire of the Nosferatu clan.
ORIGIN.GIF A fractal image.
POVPLANT.ZIP This is a POV file for you to render. Excellent!
RAYTRACE.GIF 3D-image rendered on an Amiga 2000 using Imagine 2.0.
READOUT.GIF An interesting fractal image.
REDALERT.GIF A mirrored fractal image with different colors on each side.
REX.GIF Surrealistic chameleon. GIF Resolution: 392x399x256.
RIVRGYSR.GIF Image of a geyser near pine trees. 640x480x256.
ROCKCLMB.GIF Incredible GIF of a man climbing a mountain.
RT1_1.GIF A snapshot a group of people sitting on a bench.
RT1_2.GIF A snapshot a bicycle team.
RURAL02.GIF Old barn in the woods on a misty day.
SCAN.GIF A colorful fractal image.
SEATTLE.GIF Nice daytime skyline of Seattle.
SHRINE.GIF Picture of a religious shrine.
SIRCLOGO.GIF LOGO of the SIC-C/X-SAR shuttle mission. 567x474x256.
SKY_SHUT.GIF Sky view of the shuttle being rolled to the launch pad.
SLTEMPL2.GIF Pretty good picture of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City.
SNO_CATS.GIF Mother snow cat and her cubs on the side of a mountain.
SPATCH.GIF Image of a NASA shuttle patch. GIF Resolution: 320x240x256.
SPHERES2.GIF Image of some raytraced spheres floating over water.
STATION.GIF Raytraced GIF is an abstract of a space staion.
TEAPOOL.GIF Raytraced pool table with teapot. 1024x768x256.
TETON.GIF Great GIF of the Grand Tetons. GIF Resolution: 640x480x256.
TGAIMGS1.ZIP 8 targa images rendered in 640x480x16m.
TIGER.GIF 640x480x256 GIF of a tiger jumping at you.
TIGER2.GIF Another great photo of a bengal tiger!
TOREADOR.GIF The Toreador by Dali. GIF Resolution: 426x561x256.
TORUSMAN.GIF An android floating a translucent torus in front of him.
TRAY_014.GIF Raytraced image of a clear ball and a cool back ground.
TRNSLSNT.GIF Modern Art Many Colors. GIF Resolution: 640x480x256.
VANUA.GIF SVGA GIF of Tropical Fish. GIF Resolution: 1024x768x256.
VCRYSTAL.GIF Ray-Traced GIF of a crystal and checkerboard.
VENUS1.GIF 640 by 480 PCX of Venus.
VIPER.GIF A really cool GIF of a VIPER. GIF Resolution: 640x238x256.
VOYGR_IO.ZIP GIF image of Io, a moon of Jupiter.
WFPC_01.GIF Hubble Photo - Comparison of HST1 & HST2 Photo of a galaxy.
WFPC_02.GIF Hubble Photos - 1 of 6 from Press Conference.
WILD01.GIF Close up view of an elephant - his eye to be exact.
WILD08.GIF Close up and personal with an alligator.
WOLVES00.GIF Twelve small pictures of wolves in a calendar format.
WOLVES01.GIF Picture of a pack of howling wolves in a forest scene.
WORLD.GIF A wonderful image of a city. Really colorful!
XXMAS.ZIP XXMAS. Displays a colorful Christmas tree on your screen.
║ 17 - Math and Science Programs ║
3D_MATH.ZIP Math for 3-D Rotations. ASCII text.
BIGMAT20.ZIP Tests math, spelling, typing & metric conversion skills.
BIPROB.ZIP OS/2: Binomial probability calculator.
CALCTOOL.ZIP Scientific calculator for DV/X (DVN).
COSOLVE2.ZIP Resin/polymer solubility program. Req: EGA/VGA.
CV112.ZIP CV.COM 1.12c: Menu-driven Metric to Imperial and back.
ECAP301.ZIP PC-ECAP 3.01: AC circuit analysis.
EGEN10.ZIP Equgen. Generates algebraic equations with the roots.
ELMTL100.ZIP ELEMENTAL 1.00. Powerful computer periodic table.
FEMIS.ZIP Femis 1.00.16: Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System.
GEOCLK51.ZIP GeoClock sunlight clock 5.1 for EGA, VGA, and 800x600.
MAPIT14.ZIP MAPIT 1.4 <ASP> World-wide mapping for work, school, & fun
MATV.ZIP A simple matrix class. Includes IO, binary operations, etc.
MERLN16A.ZIP Merlin 1.6A: Simple hurricane/tropical storm tracking tool.
MISTY10A.ZIP Misty Expression Evaluator 1.0A: Arithmetic calculator.
MRM102.ZIP Mr. Machinist: Easy-to-use menu driven math program.
MRM103.ZIP Mr. Machinist 1.03: Math program to solve geometry.
MWRH12.ZIP Units conversion program converts Imperial/Metric.
OL110.ZIP Ohm's law Calculator 1.10. Calculates voltage, current, etc
PREDICTO.ZIP Predictor - helps you predict the weather from the PC.
QKCIRKIT.ZIP Windows tutorial on electronic circuits.
SCHOOL1L.ZIP School 1.0: Helps with simple math problems.
SM30A.ZIP Symbolic Math Calculator 3.0a.
STS9048.ZIP A Comprehensive Orbital Space Shuttle Tracking Simulator.
UNITS51.ZIP Units v5.1: Conversion program supports about any conversion
WETH360.ZIP Weather Forecaster: Integrated package. Req: EGA.
║ 18 - Communications Programs ║
0141TER1.ZIP TERMINATE 1.41: Superb file manager. (1 of 2)
0141TER2.ZIP TERMINATE 1.41: Superb file manager. (2 of 2)
014TER_A.ZIP TERMINATE 1.4 The Final Datacomms Terminal! (1 of 2).
014TER_B.ZIP TERMINATE 1.4 The Final Datacomms Terminal! (2 of 2).
1_COMM.ZIP Complete communications package. Req: 286/VGA/HD/Mouse.
ADDQWK20.ZIP Add Those QWK 2.0: Merge QWK packets together.
AEDIT100.ZIP Excellent editor for AEdit 1.00 offline mail readers.
AOLCHK.ZIP AOLCHK: Contains software to log use of any system. Req: VGA
AOLTIME1.ZIP Keeps a running total of your connect time on AOL.
BBS120.ZIP BBS 1.20: Communications program.
BCOM09CB.ZIP BananaCom 0.9Cß: Communications Package.
BCOM10.ZIP BananaCom: Simple communications program.
BEEPJR.ZIP The Beepster Junior. Send messages to pagers from a PC.
BGI13.ZIP The Beginner's Guide to the Internet: A full-color tutorial.
BOYAN51A.ZIP BOYAN Comm 5.1: Full-featured communications. (1 of 2)
BWDEV201.ZIP BlueWave 2.01, packet specifications. Bug fixes, more info.
CATCIS14.ZIP CatCIS 1.4: Windows program to be used with TAPCIS.
CISBL211.ZIP CIS Billing Tracker Off-line CompuServe billing organizer.
CISSETUP.ZIP QMPRO script lets CompuServe work with QMGATE mail program.
COMMO552.ZIP {COMMO} 5.52. High-performance communications program.
CU_210.ZIP COMMUNIQUE 2.10: Terminal program.
DBGEDIT1.ZIP DEBUG Script File Editor 1.0. Enter from printed listings.
DSZ0127.ZIP Forsberg's DSZ File Transfer Protocol Package.
DSZ0127X.ZIP 01/27/94 (EXE) Zmodem from Omen Tech
EXCALWAV.ZIP .WAV files for the Excalibur BBS Interface for Windows.
EZPKT_17.ZIP EZ Packet 1.17: Term program for PMP modems.
FASTFAX3.ZIP FastFax 3.0 for WinFax PRO 3 and WinWord 6.
GSZ0127.ZIP 01/27/94 Graphical Zmodem from Omen Tech
HOST313A.ZIP Newest host program for VGA planets.
IAB110B3.ZIP Internet Address Book 1.10B: Beta.
ICOMB3U.ZIP Intellicomm 2.01: UPGRADE from ICOMB3-U/ICOM1224.
KJ_TAGS.ZIP Collection of about 500 taglines in ASCII format.
KNWTRU.ZIP Info about the Kermit data transfer protocol.
LHL23US.ZIP LHL: A full color offline mail reader.
LO_RATES.ZIP Tired of the high cost of long distance? Try this.
MAXIFTP.ZIP MaxiFTP: Alternate interface to the Internet FTP.
MDIC200.ZIP The Modem Dictionary 2.00. Easy-to-understand definitions.
MMAYL10.ZIP MikeMayl 1.0 Free QWK mail packet reader. Many features.
MOT241.ZIP FULLY Mouse-driven communications package.
MQWK12C.ZIP MicroQWK 1.2: Offline Mail Reader.
MRDUP15.ZIP Searches through Tagline Files and removes dupes.
MYCMM215.ZIP MyComm v2.15: Small communications package. Zmodem/ANSI.
NUPOPDOC.ZIP RTF format Interim NUPop 2.0.2 docs.
NUPOPPCL.ZIP HP PCL5 format Interim NUPop 2.0.2 docs.
NUPOPPRO.ZIP NUPOP 2.00. Protected Mode internet POP MAIL.
NUPOPREA.ZIP NUPop 2.02. Real Mode POP Mailer.
NUPOPSUP.ZIP NUPop 2.02. POP Mailer Support files.
ODY200SH.ZIP Odyssey 2.00: Communications package.
ODY200US.ZIP Odyssey 2.00: U.S. Comms Package and more!
OPPL22.ZIP Updates OWL Personal Portfolio Manager (OPPM) prices.
PBNET1.ZIP Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists: Information Packet.
PCPDIR01.ZIP Edit Procomm Plus 1.x dialing directory.
PDE20.ZIP PDE 2.0 Dialing directory editor for Procomm Plus 2.x.
PGR21FDS.ZIP Page Plus 2.10. Dial someone's pager from your PC.
PHONEM20.ZIP PHONEMONICS 2.0. Converts phone numbers into 'phonemonics'.
PICKUP14.ZIP Pick-Up 1.4: File Manager/uploader/shell for Telix.
QMPD0294.ZIP Qmodem Pro Modem Definition File.
QMP_PDF.ZIP QMPRO.PDF: November version of Qmodem Pro's PDF File.
QMWSOFTI.ZIP BBS Software icons for Qmodem Pro for Windows.
QREAD32.ZIP QReader 3.2: Powerful On-Line text reader.
QWKBASE.ZIP QWKBase 1.0: Add-on for SLMR/OLX.
QWKTXT46.ZIP QWK - TXT file converter. Determines file archival method.
QWSAMPLE.ZIP Qmodem Pro for Windows Sample Scripts.
RFDML112.ZIP RFD Mail terminal/reader/editor for GEnie, MCI, Compuserve.
RIPEM_.ZIP RIPEM: E-mail Encryption Program.
SLICK65.ZIP SLICK TERMINAL 6.5. Comm program with built-in GIF viewer.
SVGA113F.ZIP AIR WARRIOR Upgrade to vF. Allows offline bombing.
SVGASND.ZIP AIR WARRIOR Sound file upgrade. Digitized Stereo sound.
TADEMO.ZIP Qmodem script: Play Tele-Arena on MAJOR BBS while you chat.
TAGD083.ZIP TagDude 0.83: Taglines for Fido/Squish mail editors.
TAP542.ZIP TAPCIS 5.42: Program to simplify using CompuServe.
TEL2307B.ZIP NCSA Telnet program for DOS: Works well under OS/2.
TERM120.ZIP TERMINATE 1.20: Communications Program.
TLX322_R.ZIP Patch file for REGISTERED 3.11+ versions of Telix to 3.22.
TLX322_U.ZIP Patch file upgrades REGISTERED Telix 3.21 to 3.22.
TPC12.ZIP Phone Center 1.2: The first FUN Dialer! Mono/CGA/EGA/VGA.
TSIN_11.ZIP Updated Install program for TeleShoppe 2.10.
TWH75.ZIP Trade Wars Helper 7.5 Terminal program for BBS door game.
TWHELP71.ZIP Trade Wars 2002 Helper 7.1. Terminal program used ONLINE.
TWHLU75.ZIP TWHELP Large Universe 7.5.
TWTERM14.ZIP 3D EGA Terminal program for Trade Wars v1.03d/v1.03.
UNIQWK30.ZIP UNIQWK 3.0 Windows QWK Off-line mail reader.
USERDOCS.ZIP NUPop 2.02; User written documentation.
UU21.ZIP Fast UUDecoder for DOS - decode Internet files in messages.
WMOD0112.ZIP WMODEMS.DAT 01/12/94 for ProComm Plus Windows.
WMOD1222.ZIP WMODEMS.DAT 12/22/93 for ProComm Plus Windows.
YARN_055.ZIP YARN 55: SOUP-compatible offline reader with database.
YMOD15_4.ZIP Ymodem 14.02: True Ymodem Batch & Ymodem-G protocol driver.
ZMOD19_4.ZIP A full-function stand alone Zmodem protocol driver.
║ 19 - Religious Programs and Materials ║
17EVOL.ZIP Religious attempt to argue with science/evolution.
ACTS301.ZIP ACTS 3.0 EGA Bible maps, text and a quiz. Interactive.
ATSCREEN.ZIP Non-TSR screen saver with a selected Bible verses.
BCOMP500.ZIP A BIBLE COMPANION 5.0. Electronic handbook.
BIBDAYO1.ZIP BIBDAY/2 1.0 for OS/2: Bible Verse of the Day.
BIBLEP10.ZIP BIBLE PLUS 1.0. New Testament, New KJV Bible research tool.
BIBLEVRS.ZIP Start your computing session with a Scriptural Verse.
BNET7.ZIP Information and setup for BibleNet.
BYGRACE.ZIP WONDERFUL GRACE: A soft-book on God's grace. Req: VGA/Mouse.
CAWBASIC.ZIP Church Of All Worlds Intro Package collection of texts.
FACE_GOD.ZIP The Face of God: Original Christian poetry. ASCII/GeoWrite.
FEMINIST.ZIP Biblical response to feminist agenda.
FRONT200.ZIP VGA Bible verse screen saver. LARGE hi-resolution graphics.
GKJOHN.ZIP The Book of John from the New Testament in Greek. WP 5.1.
GWW1201.ZIP God's Word for Windows 1.2. Bible research program.
GWW1224.ZIP God's Word for Windows 1.2. Bible research program.
KJV105.ZIP KJVocabulary 1.05: King James Bible quiz.
LDS0194.ZIP Application for the LDS Net mail system. A net for Mormons.
MNVEXE.ZIP MNV Study Bible Program.
MVERSE32.ZIP MEMORY VERSE 3.2. Helps user memorize Bible verses.
NT4W155.ZIP New Testament for Windows 1.55. King James Version.
SMDOS23B.ZIP SeedMaster 2.3. A KJV Bible concordance.
SQ502.ZIP SCRIPTURE QUEST. In-depth Bible Q&A game. Tests knowledge.
VINE301.ZIP GRAPE VINE 3.0: Colorful EGA Bible game.
WARN5.ZIP Warning to the churches: False doctrines.
WARN6.ZIP Warning to the churches: Fallible ministers.
XWORDS09.ZIP Bible Crossword Puzzles - Attractive VGA game.
║ 20 - Educational Programs ║
123SB.ZIP Use your sound card to teach kids numbers!
AECT1C.ZIP Advanced English Computer Tutor.
ATLAS94E.ZIP EducAtlas 1994. World statistical atlas 1994 issue.
ATSMATH.ZIP Teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.
ATSSPELL.ZIP SUPER SPELLER helps teach children to spell.
BWD32.ZIP Bert's Whales and Dolphins. Coloring program for children.
CHALL10D.ZIP Personal Challenge 1.0D: Lets you play trivia games.
COSMOHD.ZIP Cosmos: Take a tour of the cosmos. Good vector graphics.
DC101.ZIP Educational PD software. Introduction to DC electronics.
DRILLT10.ZIP Drill-Team 1.0: Helps child learn multiplication.
ET124A.ZIP ETCAI ELECTRONICS TRAINING 1.24. 31 exercises. (1 of 2)
ET124B.ZIP ETCAI ELECTRONICS TRAINING 1.24. 31 exercises. (2 of 2)
GLH.ZIP Tutorial for chemistry.
GUESS320.ZIP Guess A Number Between 1 and 500: Great fun for kids.
KID210.ZIP Educational learning for ages 9-14. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
MAKEQUIZ.ZIP Program which allows you to make multiple choice quizzes.
MALCOLM.ZIP Great quiz program on the life of Malcolm X.
MC1212.ZIP MATHCOUNTS 1.2 Grades 1 & 2, +, -, x, counting, time, etc.
MC3412.ZIP MATHCOUNTS 1.2 Grades 3 & 4, +, -, x, /, %, and more.
MEM200.ZIP Memorize 2.00. Study aid for students.
MTGU100.ZIP MTGU 1.00: An add-on utility for "Making The Grade".
MTHFLASH.ZIP Math Flashcards: Math game that increases basic math skills.
NPTR14B.ZIP TRAINER 1.4: Free-Choice Test Scoring.
OLEBON.ZIP Bon! Rewarding French and ¡Olé! Foreign language drills.
PCGEOG20.ZIP PC Geography 2.0: ultimate geography quiz game.
QUIZ134.ZIP CREATE A QUIZ 1.34 - makes great quizzes! Very educational!
SAT_VV.ZIP Latest version of Verbal Vanquish, an SAT study guide.
SPELL102.ZIP EGA graphic spelling bee for children of all ages.
STATU123.ZIP Statistics tutorial.
STORYV22.ZIP STORYMAKER+ 2.2 EGA educational talking storybook program.
TW_V100.ZIP TYPING WHIZ: Helps you improve typing skills.
TYPE5.ZIP Touch Typing 5.0: Menu-oriented course for all typists.
TYPING26.ZIP Typing program for smaller children: Monochrome/Color.
WNG2V76.ZIP Teaches national capitals and US State capitals.
WORD1_2.ZIP Wordgame 1.0 creates fun sentences! Wordgame 2.0 has more!
ZPLR300.ZIP Zpeller 3.00: <ASP> Spelling & Vocabulary Teacher.
║ 21 - CAD, CAM and Engineering Programs ║
12C2BUG3.ZIP Unofficial list of BUGS and Workarounds for AutoCAD 12.
AUTOREC.ZIP Help file on how to use Recorder in AutoCAD R12 for Windows.
BEAMCALC.ZIP Beam Calculations for engineers.
BEARING1.ZIP Bearing & distance database.
CADCAM14.ZIP CNC CAD CAM 1.4 <ASP> Makes CNC programs using a mouse.
FABR211.ZIP CAD program allows you to preview loom patterns.
GRPHCA22.ZIP GRAPHICA 2.2. A System for Drawing Scientific Graphs.
MCADAM.ZIP Micro CADAM FREEWARE CAD Program. Full working version!
MWRH14.ZIP Measures 1.40: Measures is a units conversion program.
PCGNET11.ZIP The Professional CAD & Graphics Network Information Packet.
QBALLITE.ZIP QBALL Lite Exterior Ballistics 1.0: Computer ballistics.
RADII.ZIP Based on Scientific American article: Interference patterns.
RCONV110.ZIP CONVERSIONS BY ROSEWOOD 1.10: Converts Metric/Imperial.
TABLET.ZIP ACAD 11. Drawing of a digitizer tablet.
TSCD111A.ZIP CAD/Draw 1.11a: CAD and drawing program for Win. (1 of 4)
TSCD111B.ZIP CAD/Draw 1.11a: CAD and drawing program for Win. (2 of 4)
TSCD111C.ZIP CAD/Draw 1.11a: CAD and drawing program for Win. (3 of 4)
TSCD111D.ZIP CAD/Draw 1.11a: CAD application for Windows. (4 of 4)
║ 22 - DOS Operating System Utilities ║
2000ASPI.ZIP Always IN2000 ASPI manager for DOS.
22BCM2.ZIP BCM MENU SYSTEM 2.2 Complete Menu & File Maintenance System
261TO262.ZIP Patch fixes for DESQview 2.61.
2TO261.ZIP This is a patch for DesqView. Upgraded DV 2.60 to 2.61.
4D50C.ZIP Patch upgrades 4DOS 5.0b to 5.0c. Req: 4DPATCH.ZIP.
4D50D.ZIP 4DOS 5.0 Patch file, updates 4DOS 5.0rC-rD. Req: 4DPATCH.
4DEMS.ZIP EMS Functions & Utilities. Collection of EMS functions.
4DOS50BU.ZIP 4DOS 5.00: COMMAND.COM Replacement for DOS.
4DOS5A.ZIP 4DOS 5.0: (1 of 2)
4DOS5B.ZIP 4DOS 5.0: (2 of 2)
4DOS5INF.ZIP A short description of the features of 4DOS 5.0.
4DOS_5.ZIP 4DOS 5 announced.
4FILE312.ZIP 4FILES 3.12: Multi-purpose File Manager for 4DOS/NDOS.
4OS216A.ZIP 4OS2 2.0: Enhanced command processor for OS/2.
4TSRS.ZIP 4 TSRs: 3 for fun, and 1 is a keyboard lockout utility.
4UTILS80.ZIP 4DOS/NDOS utilities with 4DESC 1.70, a full-screen editor.
62STAC.ZIP Patch to upgrade Stacker 3.1 for use with DOS 6.2.
ACTIVITY.ZIP Logs PC activity.
ADWARE.ZIP AD-WARE!: Take a look at the NEW Launch Pad 4.0.
ALS_DOS.ZIP Clean up your DOS 6 directory and free hard drive space.
AMISE251.ZIP External Setup for 386/486s with "modern" AMI Hi-Flex.
ASH005A.ZIP The Accutek Shell 0.05α: File Manager/Archive Front End.
ASKIT100.ZIP Utility returns a unique errorlevel from user's selection.
ASK_17.ZIP Lets you decide if you want to run a program at re-boot.
ATTR100.ZIP ATTR: Utility designed to replace the DOS ATTRIB command.
AUTORND3.ZIP AUTORND 3.00 PRO: Randomly runs one of a million BAT files.
BADFV10.ZIP BADFILES Processor 1.0: Replace file .ext with " ".
BATCHLOG.ZIP BATCHLOG is a simple, non-TSR program to log BAT files.
BATMNU23.ZIP BATMNU 2.3: BAT file menu system.
BENNY.ZIP A batch file enhancement utility that adds color.
BOOT202.ZIP BOOT.SYS 2.02 <ASP> Heavy-duty configuration manager.
BOOTR111.ZIP BOOT'R 1.11. DOS multiple configuration manager.
BT108.ZIP Boot "through" the floppy disk: Modifies boot sector.
C.ZIP C (Change Directory) Routine. Rapidly change directories.
CF536N.ZIP CMFiler 5.36n: Highly acclaimed file manager.
CFGCRX10.ZIP Device driver. Upgrade 386DX to Cyrix Cx486DLC.
CHANG401.ZIP CHANGE.EXE: Processes change commands in files.
CLEAV157.ZIP Unique replacement for CLS for batch files and command line.
CLMNTN10.ZIP Simple Personal Privacy Encryption Program.
CMDLINE3.ZIP Two helper macros to facilitate user command line options.
CMPSEC12.ZIP COMPSEC 1.2: Password protection logs date/time of access.
CNFG513.ZIP CONFIG 5.13: File manager for multiple configurations.
CONF705E.ZIP PC-CONFIG 7.05e: System information system.
CSM14.ZIP COMPUTER SYSTEM MANAGER 1.4: Computer info tracking system.
CSM141.ZIP COMPUTER SYSTEM MANAGER 1.41: Computer System, Information.
DAC231.ZIP Configurable DOS-prompt Clock/Alarm utility.
DATEMIND.ZIP DateMinder: Reminder program.
DELDIR27.ZIP Removes non-empty directories (and their subdirectories).
DELEX129.ZIP Allows deleting all files except those specified.
DELSUB.ZIP Deletes files in the current DIR and in all SubDIRectories.
DFAT26.ZIP DFAT 2.6: Shows file clusters in directory groups.
DFINFO12.ZIP Disk and File Info Control.
DFL340.ZIP Duplicate File Locator 3.40 Locate, view, and compare files
DIVEFIX2.ZIP Overcome DOS divide overflow errors.
DJSLOG2.ZIP DJS Log 2.0. Creates log to track time & date of re-boots.
DL30.ZIP DISKLIST 3.0. Produces diskette lists & labels.
DLOG322.ZIP DISKALOG lets you add notes to a dir listing.
DOSBAR12.ZIP DosBar adds a toolbar to any DOS window.
DOSFDATE.ZIP Changes the date/time of a file from the DOS command line.
DOSMN41B.ZIP DOSmenu 4.1B: Powerful menu system for DOS.
DOSUNDOC.ZIP Undocumented command switches for DOS.
DPDOSV32.ZIP The Dprotecter 3.2 for DOS: Update.
DSPACE63.ZIP Graphical gas gauge display of free and used disk space.
DSX22B.ZIP UNIX-style toolkit for MSDOS Enhanced version of DOSNIX.
ECHOBLK.ZIP EchoBlok. Enhances DOS 6's CONFIG.SYS menu system.
ECHOTHIS.ZIP EchoThis v1.10: Echo any string easily.
EDITBA.ZIP Edit Batch. Editor for creating & editing batch files.
EDIT_10.ZIP EdIt! 1.0: A fast, window/mouse replacement for DOS EDIT.
EDIT_11.ZIP EdIt 1.1: A fast replacement for DOS' EDIT command.
EMOTIC11.ZIP Emoticon 1.1: TSR utility to keep track of icons.
EXEC33B.ZIP EXEC 3.3: Spawn function with swap to EMS.
FACMAC4.ZIP Ken Facklers Extensive Macro Package 4.0.
FCC110.ZIP A DLL that provides file caching and disk compression.
FE302.ZIP FastErase 3.02: Flexible erasing utility.
FECHA.ZIP Program to temporarily change the date of your computer.
FFF45.ZIP FileFinder ver 4.5. Finds Files/Dir's on Networked Drives.
FFGINFO.ZIP FILE FINDER/GROUPER is the best file finder!
FILEPRO.ZIP FILEPRO 1.0: Tag, Move, Copy, Delete.
FINDLINE.ZIP Scans text file for string and sets ERRORLEVEL if found.
FLEXX10.ZIP FLEXX 1.0: Data File Compare Utility.
FNDEX19.ZIP Index CD-ROM disk in a central file for quick file location.
FREAK125.ZIP Unique replacement for CLS for batch files and command line.
FREBEE14.ZIP Free Disk Space Checker for floppy, network, and hard drives
GET26UPD.ZIP DOS BATch file enhancer for Environment/ErrorLevel services.
GETCLR10.ZIP Utility saves user's screen colors and reset them after BAT.
GETKEY11.ZIP GETKEY 1.1: Batch File Utility.
GO_DIR.ZIP MS-DOS CD command substitute helps with typographical errors
HIDIR128.ZIP HiDir 1.28 makes directories invisible.
HOLDN212.ZIP HOLDON 2.12. A variable delay program for batch files.
HONTO099.ZIP HONTO 0.99ß: The BEST directory lister available.
HPFSR16E.ZIP Tool that reads HPFS-partitions under plain DOS.
IMPL155.ZIP Unique replacement for CLS for batch files and command line.
INPUT313.ZIP ASK.COM replacement: Ask questions and receive input in BATs
INPUT32.ZIP INPUT 3.2: Combines video/audio prompts for BAT files.
INTER39A.ZIP MSDOS Interrupt List 39. Over 6100 entries. (1 of 2)
INTER39B.ZIP MSDOS Interrupt List 39: Over 6100 entries. (2 of 2)
INTER39C.ZIP DOS Interrupt List 39: Comprehensive list of INT calls.
INTER40B.ZIP MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 40. A Comprehensive listing.
INTER40C.ZIP MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 40. A Comprehensive listing.
INTER40D.ZIP MSDOS Interrupt List, Rel. 40. A Comprehensive listing.
INTVL185.ZIP Runs DOS command or program at a specified interval of time.
ITB14.ZIP ITB 1.4: Key record and playback utility.
JPL9401.ZIP JPLCLOCK 9401. From the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
JPRDY102.ZIP Jeopardy Detector 1.02 and BenchPCK 1.50.
KLS30.ZIP KLS 3.0: Simple replacement for the DOS CLS function.
KSET15.ZIP Utility allows users to set Function keys.
LCD_20.ZIP Ledbetter's Change Directory 20.
LOCKIT20.ZIP LOCKit security system for DOS, requires VGA card & DOS 5.0.
LOGDSWIN.ZIP System Log: Will log all file access. 3k TSR.
MAXUPPER.ZIP Tips on maximizing upper/extended/expanded memory.
MCA_1193.ZIP Updated QEMM MCA.ADL file: 11/24/93.
MDISK.ZIP Measure The Amount of CPU Time Consumed by Disk I/O.
MEG31.ZIP Color Graphs any drive System Information. Req: VGA.
MEGJR14.ZIP MegJr 1.4: Colorful utility program to display system info.
MENUBOOT.ZIP Allow choices of autoexec and configuration parameters.
MERGE212.ZIP MergeFile 2.12: Merges two sorted files.
MFB11.ZIP Creates bat/cmd file to run FB.EXE on received TICs.
MUD29A.ZIP Mud 2.9A: Mac/Unix DOS translator/reformatter.
NETCD.ZIP CacheAll(TM) 1.2 Vendor Direct Evaluation Technology.
NWLOCK.ZIP File encryption and security program.
OPSYS1.ZIP OPSYS 1.1 Identifies the running Operations System.
OVERDRV.ZIP Diagnostics program for Intel OverDrive processors.
PCDOSCID.ZIP PC DOS 6.1: UpGrade and Utilities.
PCLOCKV2.ZIP This utility prevents any possible problems from your kids.
PCMVOL1.ZIP PC Mag's DOS utility programs Vol 1.
PORTDRV.ZIP Drivers for Porter Equipement systems.
PTM229I.ZIP DOS PHANTOM 2.9h: Task Automator. Script-record and task.
QDEL033.ZIP Kill a directory tree fast.
QM107E.ZIP QuikMenu: Graphical desktop and menu system. Req: HD/512k.
QTEC703.ZIP The technical files to QEMM 7.03.
RCD21.ZIP Finds DIR on any drive by part of it's name!
RDIR100.ZIP RDIR 1.0: Small utility to remove directories.
RND11.ZIP RND 1.1: Rename or move directories with a single command.
RUNCOUNT.ZIP Count and exit with errorlevel BAT utility.
RUNON13.ZIP Lets you run an event only on a certain day or RANGE of days
SATURN34.ZIP Saturn 3.4. Artificial Intelligence data storage/retrieval.
SD201.ZIP Speed Directory. Change directories faster than DOS's CD.
SECDRV13.ZIP Secure drive version 1.3. Allows sector level encryption.
SEEJUNK.ZIP Display the bytes after EOF marker in file.
SETER148.ZIP SetEr 1.48: Allows the user to set an errorlevel from batch.
SFCOOF10.ZIP Clean out your old files by date.
SHROM24B.ZIP Super DOS application shell gives more memory.
SLEEP_43.ZIP SLEEP 4.3 - TSR event scheduler.
SLOOWDWN.ZIP Utility to slow down the newer machines to play games.
SM20A.ZIP Smart Menu 2.0a: Small, Easy to use menu program.
SOSEVD.ZIP Automates tasks at boot time on daily, weekly, monthly basis
SPLIT3.ZIP Split large files into smaller ones.
SRDSK205.ZIP ReSizeable RAMDisk 2.05: Virtual disk device driver.
SSR100.ZIP SSR 1.00: Simple System Report. System information.
STARMU40.ZIP Star Menu 4.0 Pro: HD Menu like Direct Access.
STARMU41.ZIP Star Menu 4.1: A DOS based Menu System.
SYSCF420.ZIP SYSCFG 4.20. AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS database program.
SYSCHK39.ZIP SYSCHK v2.39: System Information Checker.
TAD128.ZIP Time And Date (TAD) 1.28: Allows changing Time/Date on files
TAD130.ZIP Time And Date (TAD) 1.30: Change Time/Date on files.
TAME320.ZIP Speeds multitasking of DOS apps in Windows, OS/2, etc.
TAPELIB2.ZIP Tape Librarian 2.0. Newest version with mouse support.
TASKR195.ZIP Execute any program and parameters at a pre-scheduled time.
TASK_101.ZIP TASKMASTER the task control system. Track your to-do list!
TBT321.ZIP TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.21 creates a .COM program.
TLADF10.ZIP DF 1.0: Utility that will display the drive information.
TLB_A231.ZIP Advanced Utilities for The Last Byte Memory Manager.
TLB_V231.ZIP The Last Byte Memory Manager 2.31.
TODDY600.ZIP Toddy 6.00: TSR utility saves commands for later retrieval.
TPSHW.ZIP Time-Pro. Allows unattended operation of DOS programs.
TSKR195A.ZIP 1.95a (fixes) Unattended program dispatcher.
ULTMU37A.ZIP Extensive Task Manager capable of unlimited control of tasks
ULTRA62.ZIP The Ultimate Batch utility 6.2: Over 250 functions.
VIDFX20.ZIP Video Effects 2.0: EGA/VGA graphic program for BAT files.
VOL13N02.ZIP PC Magazine Utilities Volume 13, No. 2.
WAITFR11.ZIP WaitFor 1.1: Add delays to batch files.
WAITTL11.ZIP WAITTIL 1.1: A batch file utility for pause/errorlevel.
WHTAPE21.ZIP A prompting front end for your tape backup software.
XEDDOS.ZIP Handy little binary file editor for DOS.
XTRACASH.ZIP How to earn big money in your spare time!
YODMS.ZIP Ye Olde Disk Menu System is a DOS-based utility.
ZCPY16.ZIP Small, fast replacement for XCOPY.
ZDEL_MP.ZIP File delete utility that can do queried and piped deletes.
ZDIFF14.ZIP ZDIFF 1.4. Comparison utility for archives or directories.
ZERO_430.ZIP Make one or more zero length files.
ZIP171.ZIP ZIP 1.71: Fast serial file transfer utility.
ZMOV16.ZIP ZMove: Small, fast XCOPY replacement.
║ 23 - Hard Disk Utilities ║
2DAYV116.ZIP 2Day: Locates files by date, and shows attributes.
750CDROM.ZIP Future Domain fast CD-ROM driver for Thinkpad 750/750C.
AMISCSI.ZIP Tips for using and installing AMI SCSI products.
AMOS101.ZIP AMOS 1.01: Access your HPFS drives from native DOS.
BUMMENU.ZIP Bumble's Menu Master 1.0: Create easy-to-use menus.
CDH50.ZIP Change Directory with History utility, 5.0.
CF536M.ZIP Split-screen file manager with many advanced features.
CHNGIT11.ZIP Change file date/time. Use DOS Time/Date or your own.
CSAP420.ZIP Sort And Pack Directories 4.20: Sorts DIRs in three ways.
CTV127.ZIP Script-driven TSR runs DOS programs with its macro language.
DATAWIPE.ZIP This program completely removes files from system.
DDIR95.ZIP DDIR 9.5 Directory lister, flags system, hidden files, etc.
DI14.ZIP Disk Info 1.4: A really quick system profile.
DISKLF28.ZIP DISKLEFT 2.8: 1-screen disk profile of all drivers.
DKI190.ZIP DISK ANALYZER finds the type, used/free/total space, etc.
DMS10.ZIP Disk Management System 1.0. Keep track of offline files!
DRIVE103.ZIP Drive - allows you to turn on or off your drives.
DRKR03C.ZIP Encrypt/decrypt files using 1 to 10 encryption numbers.
DTA21.ZIP DIR & Tree Utility 2.1: Can change attributes and view files
DUSE401.ZIP DiskUse 4.01. Quickly and easily "see" your disk's usage.
EXV20.ZIP The Ultimate File Viewer: EXView 2.0.
EZCPY110.ZIP HD floppy diskcopy utility.
FFG155.ZIP FILE FINDER/GROUPER: File finder. Searches within archives.
FOOTPT14.ZIP FOOTPRINT 1.4: HD Tracking. Use Daily for Software Audits.
FTDVR14.ZIP Latest driver from BACKMASTER.
GO310.ZIP GO! 3.10: "The way CHDIR should have been written".
HRDMENU2.ZIP Hard Disk menu for DOS: Easy mouse interface. Req: VGA.
JS_FCOPY.ZIP JS-FCopy: Simplifies the task of finding and copying files.
KILBAK6.ZIP Search and destroy every .BAK file on your hard drive.
KWKMNU31.ZIP KWIKMENU 3.1/A. A simple, efficient batch file menu maker.
LOCATE40.ZIP Utility searches for up to 10 file specs in a single search.
MAXOVER.ZIP Maximum Overdrive 1.0 Drive accelerator for IDE drives.
MAX_SCSI.ZIP Maxtor Technical Data on SCSI Hard Drives. OEM Tech Manuals.
MENUWIZ.ZIP MENU WIZARD 4.1. Powerful, easy to use PC Menu program.
MKTREE.ZIP Creates a directory and subdirectories from DOS command line
OMENU450.ZIP OMENU: Complete DISK MENU system.
OMENU452.ZIP OMENU: Disk Menu System for DOS.
PDQ140.ZIP PDQ utilities 1.40: Matched utilities for DOS.
PROFILE.ZIP Professional File, Directory and Disk Management.
QICBAT12.ZIP QIC-BAT v1.2: Tape backup utility for Colorado Drives.
QNTMPROD.ZIP Designer Drawing of Settings for Quantum Pro-drive series.
RKT_TST2.ZIP Drive Rocket Tester 1.03: Data Accelerator Test Program.
SGATEFIL.ZIP Files on the Seagate Tech. Support BBS.
TMAP101.ZIP Shows graphical picture of hard disk fragmentation.
TREE_11.ZIP TreeSize 1.1 for DOS/OS2 2.x.
TWPRO_10.ZIP TAPEWINPRO 1.0: Tape Backup Cataloger.
WHEREMP.ZIP For piping filenames & directory names in other applications
WIZ28.ZIP Lightning fast, multi-disk file finder. Full wildcards.
WRISIT32.ZIP Fast File Finder/Manipulator 3.2 Use multiple filespecs.
WT221.ZIP Directory Utility and File Manager. Req: EGA/Mouse.
║ 24 - Floppy Disk Utilities ║
COPYQ312.ZIP Quick multiple format/copy/verify utility.
DCF43.ZIP DISK COPY FAST 4.3. 1-pass diskette duplicating utility.
DCOPY101.ZIP Disk Copier: Very Powerful Copy Program.
DCOPY28.ZIP Copies disks in one swap.
DF353.ZIP Diskette to File Image Utility 3.53: Images disks.
DISKL306.ZIP DISKLIST 3.06: Produces diskette lists and labels with DIR.
DISKUTIL.ZIP Two great disk copy/format programs.
DRESET.ZIP Forces DOS to re-read a floppy disk, not the drive's memory.
DSKCLO.ZIP DiskCloner. A disk duplication utility for the background.
DSKDUP.ZIP Fast Diskette duplicator.
DSKND211.ZIP Fast, straight forward, easy-to-use diskette/disk cataloging
DSKNDX21.ZIP DISKETTE/DISK INDEXER 2.1: Disk cataloging software.
DXP231.ZIP Disk eXPress 2.31: Diskette Imaging.
EZ4MAT30.ZIP EZ4MAT 3.0: Floppy disk formatter for all floppies.
FILL401.ZIP FILL.EXE: Program designed to fill up floppies to maximum!
FILL402.ZIP FILL.EXE: Program designed to fill up floppies to the max.
FMW13.ZIP FormatMaster 1.3 for Windows Floppy disk formatting utility
INJCT083.ZIP Inject 0.83: Inject file in disk image. For WinImage.
MCP120.ZIP Master Copy 1.20: Better than XCOPY!
PASSMENU.ZIP Menu program for Diskcopy diskettes. Copy, save & compress.
QCOPY340.ZIP QUIKCOPY 3.40 Quick file and diskette copier for DOS.
TFC22B.ZIP Floppy Cataloger for 4DOS/NDOS.
WFF17G.ZIP What Floppy Format 1.7g: Menu for FDFORMAT.
║ 25 - OS/2, Programs, Utilities and Help ║
21COMM.ZIP OS/2 2.1 Comm Driver Update And Fixes: PCMCIA support.
32DUDF12.ZIP 32 bit du and df (unix disk commands) Ported to OS/2 1.11.
4O20B.ZIP 4OS2 2.0 Patch: 4OS2 2.0 16/32 rA-rB. Req: 4DPATCH.ZIP.
4O20C.ZIP 4OS2 2.0 Patch: 4OS2 2.0 16/32 rB-rC. Req: 4DPATCH.ZIP.
4OS232A.ZIP 4OS/2 2.0 32-bit Command line replacement for OS/2 2.1.
4OS2B.ZIP 4OS2 2.00: (for 16 and 32-bit OS/2 versions). (2 of 2)
4SQ23.ZIP 4Square 3.2: OS/2 Game.
8514SMAL.ZIP Small font 8514/a display driver for OS/2 2.1.
AC35MUSO.ZIP ACCU MUSIC SYSTEM 3.5 (OS/2) Create music on your computer.
ADU22D.ZIP ADU/2 2.2: Disk utility for administrators in OS/2
AFE22.ZIP AFE 2.2 Archive front end OS/2 2.1 PM archive utility.
AMOS111.ZIP Gives Access to OS/2's HPFS from Native DOS.
AMOS120.ZIP AMOS 1.20: AMOS is a DOS-program for OS/2 users.
BACKWP13.ZIP WorkPlaceShell backup program 1.3 for OS/2.
BAR1.ZIP A PM-based front end for OS/2's backup & restore programs.
BIGBEN2.ZIP OS/2 hourly chime of Big Ben sound.
BKMASTER.ZIP BackMaster for OS/2 2.1 and above.
BLANK13A.ZIP Screen Blanker for OS/2 2.x.
BMPAT101.ZIP A patch for BackMaster for OS/2: Upgrade 1.0 to 1.1.
BMPGIF2.ZIP OS/2: Command line BMP to GIF converter.
BOOTI10.ZIP OS/2 Boot Interrupter. Get a menu before the WPS starts.
BOULDERD.ZIP Boulder Dash for OS/2 (Full screen OS/2 program).
BOXOS2_6.ZIP BOXER/OS2 6 Powerful, top-rated text editor! Now for OS/2!
BPOS13.ZIP Translation of the OS/2 1.3 Header files to Pascal Units.
BSYS098B.ZIP Bits and Bytes BBS System for OS/2. Beta version.
BW212OS2.ZIP Blue Wave 2.12 for OS/2 2.x.
BWP4_5.ZIP OS/2 bakupwiz: Patch from 1.04 to 1.05.
CEDIT10.ZIP Norton editor compatible text editor for OS/2.
CFGS_11.ZIP Document describes how to decrease OS/2's boot-up time.
CHINON.ZIP OS/2 driver for Chinon CD-ROM.
CHMAP.ZIP CHARACTER MAPPER FOR OS/2 2.X. A font mapping application.
CLISP.ZIP Common LISP: OS/2 LISP Interpreter.
CLOCK201.ZIP PM Clock 2.01: A simple PM clock application.
CMDFLDR.ZIP Adds an OS/2 command box to every folder.
CMDLINE1.ZIP Powerful data input routine for OS/2s REXX.
CNFGSORT.ZIP Information on how to decrease OS/2's boot-up time.
CPOSTSRC.ZIP Typeset C programs in Postscript for OS/2.
CRAZY18.ZIP Crazy Eights 1.8 for OS/2.
CS0054_1.ZIP 32-bit OS/2 2.1: PM Squish message editor. (1 of 2)
CS0054_2.ZIP 32-bit OS/2 2.1: PM Squish message editor. (2 of 2)
CSD_INFO.ZIP OS/2 info on the Corrective Service Pack for OS/2 2.1 ßeta.
DCOPYPM6.ZIP OS/2 File manager. Features: Dir-trees, pop-up menu, & more
DELTREE2.ZIP OS/2: Delete an entire directory tree.
DKCLOCK.ZIP Clock 1.0: A 32-bit digital clock program for OS/2 PM.
DM2120.ZIP Update Deskman/2 from versions 1.00 Through 1.11 to 1.20.
DOCSBOOT.ZIP Replacement for OS/2's Boot Manager.
EDMI2_2.ZIP EDM/2: OS/2 Development Magazine Vol 2, Iss 2.
ELIM55.ZIP Eliminate 5.5 for OS/2.
ENTRTAN2.ZIP Entertainment Pack for OS/2 2.1: Six games for OS/2.
EPMGCC10.ZIP EMX/GCC Interface to EPM 5.1 for OS/2.
FACESOS2.ZIP emacs 19.x to auto-recognize bold/italic under OS/2.
FC2_016.ZIP OS/2 File Commander/2 0.16: Norton Commander clone.
FLST120.ZIP FastLiST for OS/2: Powerful version 7 nodelist compiler.
FM2_127.ZIP File manager/2. Very functional PM File Manager.
FMBETA6.ZIP OS/2: PM-based file manager like the popular DOS Shells.
FTPRXFE1.ZIP Visual REXX PM front end for TCP/IP FTPPM.
GAMEOS22.ZIP List of settings for OS/2 running DOS-Based games.
GETINFS.ZIP PM front end for selecting and Viewing INFs. Req: VROBJ.DLL.
GIFCOL21.ZIP GIF Collage Builder PPE 2.1.
GUSMIXER.ZIP Gravis Ultrasound Line Mixer for OS/2.
GUSOS201.ZIP An installable MMPM for OS/2.
HELRES.ZIP Heli Rescue Native 32-bit game for OS/2 2.x. Fly a chopper
HIHOTELN.ZIP OS/2 2.x PM application: Catalogs many Internet resources.
HOOK05.ZIP HOOK allows setting up "hot-keys" in OS/2. Better docs.
HSTART03.ZIP Alternative Start Command for OS/2.
ICBM101.ZIP ICBM OS/2 Boot-up Manager 1.01 OS/2 Boot-up Manager.
ILGDM110.ZIP DirMaster 1.10: Directory manager for OS/2 PM.
INFXDL79.ZIP INFConvert PM 79b: Converts OS/2 .INF & HLP.
INIM30G2.ZIP INIMAINT 3.0G: OS/2 applications to maintain INI files.
INIM30_2.ZIP INIMAINT 3.0: OS/2 PM-based application to control INI files
INI_OU.ZIP INI OUTI GUI .INI file editor. Written with WATCOM VXREXX.
IPLPAU.ZIP IPL Pause: A small timer program for your CONFIG.SYS.
IRC10H.ZIP IRC Client for OS/2: Allows you to run off an IRC server.
ISPELL40.ZIP Port to OS/2 1.x-v2.x of GNU ispell 4.0.
JMOS2_10.ZIP Joe's OS/2 Tips #10 (FW).
JOEVW122.ZIP An image viewer for PM, maps colors to system palette.
LANAD11.ZIP PM utility to execute server commands. Req: VROBJ.DLL.
LBB2_123.ZIP Little Black Book/2 1.23, Multimedia, Multi-threaded OS/2 PM
LIGHTWAV.ZIP LightWaves - MultiMedia Presentation Tool for OS/2.
LMS205.ZIP Latest OS/2 driver for Phillips CD-ROM.
LS351O.ZIP Sort/Merge Utility for 32 bit OS/2 (2.x systems).
LSTBX1.ZIP Compilable 32-Bit listbox control source code sample & test.
LTIMES25.ZIP PM based NNTP News reader for OS/2 2.0.
MCD101.ZIP Change DIRs like the Norton CD. OS/2.
MEMSZ220.ZIP OS/2 System Resources 2.20. Digital clock, free memory, etc
MM1193.ZIP Mid-Missouri OS/2 Users Group Newsletter for November 1993.
MR2_195.ZIP MR/2. A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2.
MR2_198.ZIP MR/2 1.98: QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2.
MSHELL2.ZIP Replacement for PM for OS/2 2.1. Uses very little memory.
MUSER066.ZIP Multi-desktops for OS/2 2.1.
MWAVE2.ZIP This is a simple wave maker for OS/2 2.1 and DOS.
NIM120.ZIP The classic game of Nim for OS/2 PM.
NMS_102.ZIP Monitors your FidoNet tm .MSG format netmail directory.
OAKOS2.ZIP OS/2 Drivers For The Oak SVGA Cards.
OBACK202.ZIP OS/2 backup and restore, a full 32-bit OS/2 2.1 application.
OLENS.ZIP An OS/2 magnifying glass to magnify portion of screen.
OS23DRNG.ZIP High-res gray-scale image of the OS/2 Ring from the logo.
OS24CL.ZIP OS/2 CONFIG files as example for Clipper and OS/2.
OS2BETA3.ZIP OS/2 2.x: Always IN-2000 SCSI disk driver.
OS2CFG8.ZIP Updated OS/2 CONFIG File Description.
OS2GFC.ZIP GFC: Graphical file comparison program.
OS2PLAQ2.ZIP OS/2 Version of Windows & NT's background bitmap plaque.
OS2RNDR.ZIP PM front end to Persistence of Vision raytracer.
OS2W32.ZIP TSENG W32x (i,p) OS/2 2.1 Drivers dated 3/94.
OSC110BT.ZIP McAfee's OS/2 Scan v110 Beta.
OTHELL10.ZIP Othello 1.0: Strategy game for OS/2. Better than Reversi.
P1MMAPR1.ZIP APARs for OS/2 related products in .INF format. MMPM/2.
P1TCAPR1.ZIP APARs for OS/2 related products in .INF format. TCP/IP.
P1TKAPR1.ZIP Collection of APARs for OS/2 related products.
PCX2EX14.ZIP PCX2EXE. Converts PCX files into self-displaying EXE files.
PEG008.ZIP Pegasus OS/2 2.1 Resources Monitor tracks down problems.
PM22X333.ZIP Tran's PMODE (32-bit) coding interface.
PM2UB12.ZIP OS2You 3.0 and PM2You 1.2: You can now receive FAX.
PMCC01.ZIP OS/2 PM Control Center 0.1b: Beta version.
PMCHAOS.ZIP OS/2: Graphical display of a chaotic system.
PMCOM211.ZIP Version 2.11 of PMCOMM communications program.
PMDIFF25.ZIP OS/2 file comparison utility. PMDIFF 2.5 fully integrated.
PMDIFF26.ZIP Graphical Program Manager file difference for OS/2.
PMDU13.ZIP PM/Duplicator 1.3 Excellent & easy-to-use OS/2 disk copier.
PMP203.ZIP PM Patrol OS/2 resource monitoring tool tracks activities.
PMP207.ZIP Performance And Resource Monitoring Tool For OS/2 2.1.
PMPOVF21.ZIP OS/2 PM shell for the raytracing program POV-Ray.
PMSYSLV.ZIP PMSysLvl: Provides a PM interface to OS/2 SysLevel command.
PMXEYES.ZIP PMxEyes, displays "eyes" which follow your mouse pointer.
PRGREF3.ZIP OS2: Programmers Reference Books. (3 of 3)
PT4B10.ZIP Pterm Comm Program for NT - Updated version 4b. p10.
QNOS2203.ZIP Qnode for OS/2 nodelist compiler.
RDX200.ZIP REXX command-line directory changer for OS/2.
REXXTUT2.ZIP Finally! Good REXX documentation.
ROLODX24.ZIP OS/2 address book: Ability to E-mail FTP. Req: VROBJ102.ZIP.
RXAPFD.ZIP REXX APPC (Full Duplex) Interface (for CM/2 1.1).
RXBAS120.ZIP REXXBase is an external OS/2 DLL.
RXU15.ZIP A package of diverse OS/2 REXX external functions.
RXUSMP.ZIP PI2: Displays process status information. Req: RXU15.ZIP.
RXX19.ZIP RxExtras 1.9: A Set of additional functions for REXX.
S3OS264K.ZIP S3 64K Color Video Drivers for OS/2 2.1.
SB_BETA.ZIP Creative Sound Blaster Drivers For OS/2 2.1.
SCRCOLOR.ZIP Color-utility for OS/2-windows, to set and query colors.
SCRSUM.ZIP Summaries of OzCIS Script Language Commands/Variables.
SEAMWIN3.ZIP Win-OS2 Utility.
SHTDWN01.ZIP PM Shutdown: 32-Bit application for OS/2 2.1.
SONY53.ZIP OS/2 2.1 Sony drivers: For use with all Sony CD-ROMs.
SOXV10.ZIP Converts sound files from one format to another. OS/2.
SQED085.ZIP PM-Editor for Squish message bases.
SQED087.ZIP 32-bit OS/2 2.1 PM Squish message editor.
STARTD3.ZIP A version of STARTD with a working /WAIT option for OS/2.
STARTDOS.ZIP StartDOS: Utility to Start DOS Sessions With OS/2 Settings.
TCPSTART.ZIP Guide to OS/2 networking using IBM's TCP/IP software.
TEAM9312.ZIP Team OS/2 World-Wide List: Two listings of Members.
TEAMLOGO.ZIP Team OS/2 logo.
TIMG1P.ZIP TimEd: Fast message editor supporting many formats. OS/2.
TLCADR01.ZIP OS/2 32 bit Mail address list manager for use with KWQ/2.
TLCCLK01.ZIP OS/2 32 bit desktop clock. Floats to top.
TNEW02.ZIP Team OS/2 INF Newsletter and Information.
TRICKS1.ZIP Stupid OS/2 Tricks Num 1: OS/2 tips & tricks in INF format.
TRICKS2.ZIP OS/2 Silly Tricks 2.
TRICKS3.ZIP Jan/94 version of "Stupid OS/2 Tricks", very useful.
TRSHCN11.ZIP Workplace Shell TrashCan: WPS class shredder object for OS/2
TSORT300.ZIP TSORT 3.00: Sort Filter. Sort ANY size file quickly. OS/2.
UNZSH10.ZIP The Unzip Shell: OS/2 PM Application.
UPC12B23.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b: Files for 32-bit OS/2. (3 of 3)
UUGAT024.ZIP Usenet to Fidonet Gateway for OS/2.
VASPBETA.ZIP Adaptec Virtual ASPI Driver 2.0b for OS/2.
VGO10.ZIP VGO 1.0/GO 1.0 for OS/2. Execute file commands by date, etc
WBO132S.ZIP WeatherBoard 1.32 OS/2 BBS program calls WeatherMation nos.
WCAT11.ZIP WatchCat for OS/2 2.x recovers from system hangups.
WILLUTIL.ZIP Customize many characteristics of OS/2.
WOF2.ZIP Latest Wheel of Fortune game variant for OS/2.
WUZ10A.ZIP Workplace Shell UnZip 1.0A: OS/2 utility for archives.
WUZ11A.ZIP Workplace Shell UnZip 1.1A: OS/2 utility for archives.
XOX310.ZIP Supports 4 SVGA modes with dynamic video mode.
YAOS04.ZIP Simple shell runs on top of CMD.EXE.
YAOS05.ZIP Shell that runs on CMD.EXE for OS/2: Unix-like.
ZIPCTL.ZIP OS/2 Utility: Just point and click to view ZIP file contents
ZIPME101.ZIP PM ZIP shell for INFO's ZIP/Unzip, 32 bit and multi-threaded
ZPARS102.ZIP Zparse 32-bit 7.0g: Nodelist Compiler for OS/2.
║ 26 - Unix Utilities and Help ║
ELVB18X2.ZIP Elvis 1.8c ßeta, a VI UNIX editor clone (executables & docs)
GSTAT103.ZIP GSTAT.TAR.Z: Graphics FIle Stat program for LINUX SLS 1.03.
LINUX_HT.ZIP Complete set of latest HOW-TO files.
LIN_READ.ZIP First-hand experience with bringing up LINUX.
RUM10.ZIP RUM 1.0: "Rapid Unix/MS-DOS" text file translator.
RZSZ0127.ZIP Forsberg's UNIX Zmodem C source 3.32: UNIX files.
UNIX_FAQ.ZIP UNIX Frequently Asked Questions.
║ 27 - Printer Drivers and Utilities ║
2COL50.ZIP A 2-column compressed print utility for dotmatrix & deskjet.
2COL50D.ZIP Dot-matrix compressed print utility for 4 or 8 pages/sheet.
2COL51A.ZIP 2COL 5.1A: Dot-matrix compressed print utility.
BARCOD11.ZIP Bar Code Control: Bar code display.
BJFILT.ZIP Fixes Canon BJ200 Driver 1.2: Fixes driver "ab" error.
CITZN32A.ZIP CITIZEN 3.2a: Control fonts on Citizen MSP/Tribute.
COPYFLOP.ZIP Copies diskettes & creates image files for multiple copies.
DISKL300.ZIP DISKLIST 3.0 Creates diskette lists & labels with contents.
ENV412.ZIP ENVELOPES PLUS 4.11. Print envelopes and labels.
ENVS20.ZIP Prints address on envelope with Panasonic Laser. Req: VGA.
FED213.ZIP View & edit any HP LaserJet bit-mapped soft font.
FOLD33.ZIP Print text in 2 or more columns.
JETCL31A.ZIP JETCOL 3.1A: Compressed print utility for LaserJet Printers.
JETCOL30.ZIP A 2-column compressed print utility for laser printers.
KWKLBL36.ZIP Prints return address with border on labels & envelopes.
KWKLBL40.ZIP Kwik-Label 4.0: Prints little return address/labels.
LJ4U10.ZIP The LJ4 Utility 1.0: Allows you to quickly change settings.
LJ4U12.ZIP LaserJet IV Setup Utility 1.2.
LJENV24.ZIP LaserJet III Envelope Printer with BarCoding.
LP31.ZIP Labels Plus v3.1: Bar Code Labeling system.
LP4_12.ZIP A compressed printing utility for HP LJ 4-compatibles.
LPTMON10.ZIP Displays value of ports 378h, 379h, 3FAh/Track IRQ7.
MATPRT20.ZIP This driver filters any outgoing character for LPT1.
NB4HP4.ZIP HP LJet 4 Printer Driver for Nota Bene 4.1.
PAN23DRV.ZIP Wordstar 7.0 drivers for the Panasonic KX-P1123/KX-P2123.
PANLASZ2.ZIP Prints addresses on envelopes using Laser printer. Req: VGA.
PASCII14.ZIP PASCII 1.4: Prepares an ASCII file for printing. EXCELLENT!
PRINDIR9.ZIP Latest upgrade for this printer redirect program.
PRINTP68.ZIP PRINTPLUS 6.81. Tag and Print, Copy, Move, Delete files.
PRINTP69.ZIP PrintPlus 6.90: Menu-driven file printing utility.
PRNCTL.ZIP Clarion Printer Control File maintenance.
PRNF245.ZIP PrnSet and Friends 2.45: Printer control program.
PRNTGF.ZIP PRINTGF 1.12 <ASP> - A GIF printer for DOS & Windows.
PSDRV358.ZIP Latest Windows Postscript Driver 3.58.
QQSL55.ZIP Quick QSL 5.5: Label program.
RGLABELS.ZIP Reads USERS.DAT and makes ASCII text of labels.
STARDRVS.ZIP Star printer drivers for Windows.
TRANSR31.ZIP TRS 3.1: Print useful equipment information.
TYPEIT12.ZIP TYPE-IT. Makes a dot matrix printer act like typewriter.
UNDBAR.ZIP UnderBar 2.2. TSR (memory-resident) Bar Code print program.
WML22H.ZIP Manages & prints mailing lists on dot matrix & lasers.
WUNBAR.ZIP WonderBar 4.4. Prints POSTNET bar codes (memory-resident).
XPRT49.ZIP XPRT 4.9: LaserJet family and compatible printer utility.
║ 28 - Novell, LANtastic and other Networks ║
3270NOV3.ZIP DTC Novell 3.11 & 3.12: HD control driver.
AN311X.ZIP January 1994 Appnotes Source Code File for Novell.
ATI110.ZIP INIUPDate 1.10: Utility designed for Windows on a LAN.
CERT2.ZIP Latest CNA, CNE, ECNE, CNI assessment test from Novell.
CPADRBK1.ZIP The Cyber Punk's Address Book 1.0: Great for e-mail!
DOS7TXT.ZIP White paper on Novell DOS 7.
DRDOS326.ZIP This is Novell's "DR-DOS Patch 326".
ETENG124.ZIP IBM Credit Card for Ethernet Adapter Device Drivers.
ETHLD103.ZIP Ethernet protocol analyzer.
FAXDOC.ZIP Collection of Novell Lite technical documents.
FNGRD110.ZIP Finger daemon NLM 1.10.
FSL13.ZIP Full Screen Login v1.3: Menu utility for Novell Netware.
LISTQSV3.ZIP Listqs: Lists the status of all the print queues.
LSMLS30C.ZIP LAN Server 1.0 for Macintosh: Additional fixes.
ND7WHT.ZIP Novell DOS 7.0: White Paper release Information.
NMP2_01.ZIP NMP2.EXE v2.10.99: Network Communication Server.
NW_TRN_0.ZIP Network trainer, part 1.
PMLOG.ZIP Problem Management tracking for LAN Administrators.
PNWWHT.ZIP Personal Netware White paper release Information.
R201FX.ZIP DOS Global Session fixes for Novell NetWare Client for OS/2.
RXLN11.ZIP REXXLAN/2 1.01. LAN Server REXX extension.
TML31.ZIP Windows-based LAN monitoring system. Version 3.1.
TUNE07.ZIP This Public Domain Tuning Spreadsheet for LanServer 3.0.
WANRUL.ZIP Rules of thumb for WANLinks 2.0. Explains WAN solution.
WINUP9.ZIP Novell Windows Update Kit #9 for VLM and NETX.
║ 29 - Keyboard, Mouse and I/O Utilities ║
IFNSCR22.ZIP IfonScrn 2.2: Examines the video screen.
JOKI21.ZIP Utility does joystick/keyboard emulations on BIOS level.
JOYSTK11.ZIP Joy Stick Custom Control for your programs.
KEYTG127.ZIP Allows simultaneous setting of various keys.
MMAGIC24.ZIP MOUSE MAGIC will work the Mouse on NON-MOUSE programs.
MOUSKY11.ZIP Assign key combinations/commands to mouse buttons.
PARA13.ZIP Parallel port tester 1.34.
PROMOUSE.ZIP Prohance Power Mouse drivers.
║ 30 - Screen Drivers and Utilities ║
2SCREENS.ZIP Save information on one screen while working in another.
542XFIX.ZIP Cirrus Logic video bios files include new utilities.
542X_WOS.ZIP Cirrus Logic Win/OS/2 Drivers for 542X chipset.
ANSI13L.ZIP ANSI.COM 1.3l: PC Magazine's ANSI driver.
BORDER10.ZIP BORDER 1.00: Change display border color. Req: EGA/VGA.
CIRRUSID.ZIP If you have CIRRUS card, this will identify exact board.
COLORS24.ZIP COLORS 2.4. A nice screen coloring program.
CRYS13.ZIP Screen Saver/VGA graphics program.
FVESA100.ZIP FIXVESA 1.0. Fixes VESA operability problem with QEMM 7.0x.
M32W22.ZIP ATI Mach32 video drivers 2.2 for Windows.
M8W23.ZIP ATI Mach 8 and Mach 32 Windows driver 2.3.
MSSCRSAV.ZIP MeySoft Simple Saver 1.0: Screen Saver collection.
NVETANN6.ZIP Activates screen saver when cursor is moved to top left.
OS2V12.ZIP ATI Mach 8 and Mach 32 OS/2 Drivers 1.2.
PENNAFP.ZIP Pennant AFP: Windows Driver 1.02.
PHANSC12.ZIP PhantomScreen is a DOS-based screen saver utility.
SCPL11.ZIP Screen saver: Can change forms to meet your requirements.
SMSAV390.ZIP Showme DOS screen saver: Displays message of choice.
SSBBS.ZIP Desert Frog Screen Scenes 3.3: DOS screen saver. Req: VGA.
SW_46.ZIP SW (Screen Wizard) 4.6. Enhanced BAT file utility.
TRIDNT93.ZIP Latest Trident video drivers for WIN 3.1.
VGABLK1A.ZIP VGA Screensaver.
VPRNT100.ZIP Diamond Viper VLB Windows NT Drivers 1.00.
VPRVSA.ZIP VESA VBE Driver for the Diamond Viper VLB.
WINATI.ZIP Windows 3.1 drivers for ATI video boards.
║ 31 - File Archiving Utilities ║
AM102.ZIP ArcMaster 10.2. Archive system control program/shell.
AMG22SRC.ZIP AMG file compression with Pascal source.
AT800.ZIP ARCTOOL 8.0: Archive manager/shell for popular archivers.
ATBETA80.ZIP ARCTOOL 8.0R16ß: Manager/shell handles most archivers.
AVS126.ZIP AVSCAN 1.26 Virus Scanner.
BAT4PKZ.ZIP Three BAT files for use with ZIP 2.04g.
CARCH100.ZIP LEO: Convert from one archive format to another.
CBKUP100.ZIP CatDisk Backup 1.00. Uses ZIP/LHA/ARJ/SQZ/ZOO.
CDISK721.ZIP CATDISK 7.21: Powerful disk catalog that handles archives.
DEARC2E.ZIP Documentation file for DEARC2E. (SEA).
DZIP20.ZIP DZIP 2.0: Create ZIP files or extract ZIP files.
EID210.ZIP Encrypt-It 2.10 for DOS File Encryption.
EID211.ZIP Encrypt-IT for DOS or for Windows.
EN29A_22.ZIP 2.2. File encryption program chooses random algorithms.
ENC_.ZIP ENC!: Revolutionary real-time encryption for DOS/Windows.
EXTRAC20.ZIP Extract files from disk image with PKUNZIP UNARJ like syntax
EZCODE33.ZIP EZ CO DE 3.3: COmpression/DEcompression shell.
FB310.ZIP FileBUDDY 3.10: Unique file viewer supports eveything!
GPX1QQ1.ZIP Encryption program.
GZIP123.ZIP GNU ZIP compression utility replacement for 'compress'.
LIST90E.ZIP LIST Plus: General purpose file browsing/viewing utility.
LUP101.ZIP Lodji-Utility-Program: DIR/archive browser program.
MAO.ZIP Mao. Shell for DOS allows you to archive and view files.
NCAV44S.ZIP The Norton Commander Archive Viewer 4.4 (Standard Version)
NSTAL11.ZIP INSTALL-IT 1.1: DOS based front-end for ZIP/ARJ.
PGPSHE30.ZIP PGPShell v3.0: A front-end shell for Pretty Good Privacy.
PKPAS1.ZIP PKWareU. A PKWare ZIP viewer unit. Accesses key fields.
PKPRES45.ZIP PKPRESS 4.5: Save MBs of HD space! Recompress ZIPs.
PKPRESS4.ZIP PKPRESS 4.0 Re-ZIP files with maximal compression.
PREXCM40.ZIP Protect! 4.0. Encrypts & protects your EXE/COM files.
PW52.ZIP PASSWORD v5.2: Protection program disguised as a C:\> prompt
QAZ210.ZIP QAZ 2.10: Will view the directory of most archive types.
QAZ_230.ZIP QAZ 2.30: Views the directories of all major archivers.
RDEL.ZIP Searches for and deletes every file that matches file specs.
READ114B.ZIP File Viewer: Display/search/browse binary & ASCII Files.
RECOMPR.ZIP Pegasus Recompress 1.0 Save disk space with this utility!
SECDR13A.ZIP Secure Drive 1.3a: Password protects a partition.
SHEZSHO.ZIP Shows how to solve limitations of Shez archive manager.
STARMU42.ZIP STAR MENU 4.2: DOS/Windows compatible Menu program.
STLTH24.ZIP STEALTH: The Archive Converter of 1994.
STLTH30.ZIP Stealth 3.0: Will convert ANY archive to any other archive.
TM0209.ZIP SEAdog 4.50; Undocumented Features of MAIL (SEA).
TM0301.ZIP Technical Aspects of Implementing GroupMail (SEA).
TM0302.ZIP GROUP 2.16; Undocumented Features (SEA).
TM0402.ZIP ARC 6.02; Extended Data (SEA).
UC2.ZIP UltraCompressor II. Easy-to-ues data-compressing archiver.
UC2INS.ZIP The Ultra Compressor II: New archiver.
UNZIP200.ZIP DOS Utility to automate the installation of ZIP Files.
WHATIS10.ZIP Reads the description file of ZIPs and ARJs.
WIZ28A.ZIP WIZ 2.8A: Lightning-fast file finder.
ZC152.ZIP Point and Click contents of ZIP files.
ZIP2BAK2.ZIP Zip2-Bak 1.12: Backup utility for PKware's PKZIP 2.0.
ZIP4204B.ZIP Automatically adds 4DOS descriptions to PKZIP comment field.
ZIPR413.ZIP ZIP'R For DOS 4.13. Hard Disk Tripler!
ZPRO118.ZIP ZIP'R Professional For DOS 1.18. Hard Disk Tripler!
ZPRO125.ZIP ZIP'R Pro For DOS 1.25 - HD Tripler! Hard drive utility.
ZT282.ZIP ZIPTOOL 2.82 Splits large ZIP files into smaller ZIPs.
ZTEC76BN.ZIP The ZIP Terminus 7.6B: Menu/Front End for PKZIP.
║ 32 - Virus Detection and Protection ║
21A15.ZIP Norton Anti-Virus 2.1 DEF update file for 21A15.DEF.
30A04.ZIP Norton Anti-Virus 3.0 definition update file for 30A04.DEF.
3NSH156.ZIP NETShield NLM anti-virus scanner for NetWare 3.11-v3.12.
BULL_210.ZIP F-PROT 2.10: Update Bulletin in ASCII. Virus Information.
CPS21193.ZIP Central Point Anti-Virus for Signatures for CPAV 2.0.
FPRO210C.ZIP F-Prot 2.10c: Virus scanner and TSR to intercept viruses.
I_M221.ZIP INTEGRITY MASTER 2.21a. Virus scanner and data Integrity!
I_MSHARE.ZIP Integrity Master 2.11a: Anti-virus and data integrity.
KILLMNK3.ZIP Program for finding/removing Monkey/INT 10 viruses.
NEU_0102.ZIP NEUTER 01.02.00: Scans for ASeXual 0.99 virus.
REDAL113.ZIP Red Alert: The ULTIMATE virus scanner.
REDAL15.ZIP Red Alert 1.15: The ULTIMATE virus scanner.
SCANV114.ZIP VIRUSCAN 9.25 114. McAfee. Detects 19 new viruses and more
TBAVW609.ZIP Thunderbyte Anti-Virus Windows shell for TBAV609.ZIP.
TSCNTD.ZIP TRANSCAN Test Drive. The Premium File Scanner & Converter.
VALERT2.ZIP Virus alert utility: Not bad for a small virus scanner.
VSUMX312.ZIP Virus Summary Index: Virus information for December, 1993.
VSUMX401.ZIP VSUM Virus Information Summary Index.
VTEC56BN.ZIP Virus Terminus 5.6: Menu/Front End for SCAN/CLEAN/VALIDATE.
║ 33 - Personal System Utilities ║
ACD.ZIP 1993 SHARE-TAX/1040 2.0 <ASP> Full-featured tax program.
ACE102.ZIP Annuity Ace 1.02 <ASP> Project your savings as never before
ADDRES20.ZIP Address Book/Envelope Printer 2.0. Menu interface.
BBK20.ZIP OWL Basic Bookkeeping 2.0. For small business/individuals.
CANS15.ZIP CANS 1.5: Industrial strength PIM.
CBPLUS55.ZIP CHECKBOOK PLUS 5.5. Cash management and budgeting system.
CHF106.ZIP Loan Chief 1.06 <ASP> East loan calculating system.
DAY54.ZIP Daily Calendar: Appointment calendar, phone dialer, etc.
DBT124.ZIP The Debt Analyzer 1.24 <ASP> Helps reduce & eliminate debt
DIALM71.ZIP Phone dialer with call timing & logging.
DMGR104A.ZIP Debt Manager(tm) 104a - DOS with Color Monitor.
FINWIZ.ZIP FINANCIAL WIZARD 5.5. Investment and loan analysis program.
FPLAN40.ZIP Personal Financial Planner 4.0: Plan future financial goals.
INT234.ZIP The Interest Analyzer 2.34 <ASP> Many professional features
IN_TCH21.ZIP In-Touch 2.1 The Ultimate Rolodex with powerful features.
LBB600.ZIP LITTLE BLACK BOOK 6.00: Personal Address book.
MD210.ZIP Mortgage Designer 2.1. Powerful program with new features.
MRT200.ZIP The Mortgage Analyzer 2.00 <ASP> Many professional features
MT250.ZIP My Time 2.50: Personal Information Manager.
M_B140.ZIP Money & Banks 1.4. Personal Banking Manager for DOS.
NAS110SW.ZIP Network Appointment Scheduler 1.10: Small Scheduler.
ODAY401.ZIP Computer diary program with many features and toggles.
PERBIO44.ZIP PERSONAL BIORHYTHM 4.4. Easy biorhythm charting program.
PINKY3.ZIP Telephone message system tracks calls & prints messages.
RG100SW.ZIP Contact Manager Report Generator: Customize reports.
RMD40.ZIP RESUME MASTER DELUXE 4.0: Powerful resume creator.
SRP235.ZIP Steve's Resume' Program 2.35. Keeps a resume' database.
VARIN58I.ZIP The Variable Investment Analyst 5.8i: Investment Management.
VCP10.ZIP Visual Calendar Planner 1.0.
WDX10.ZIP WilloDex 1.0: Address manager.
║ 34 - Program Demonstrations ║
AOETAPES.ZIP Three VCR tapes from Aces over Europe.
APOG1293.ZIP Apogee Software Catalog: Currently available programs.
ATRVESA.ZIP Self-running DEMO of "Across the Rhine". Req: SVGA/VESA.
AVDEMO.ZIP Auto-Vision DEMO For AutoCAD.
BLAKMP10.ZIP Blake Stone Mapping Utility 1.0. Includes C source.
BMDEMO1C.ZIP BackMaster for OS/2: This is a DEMO version.
BOOBYDEM.ZIP ZZT-Trash FleetDemo: DEMO of the new ZZT Spoof of Star Trek.
CCCAN.ZIP Cool-Cool-Can 1-hour demo of a Program Manager replacement.
CWESTDMO.ZIP CWest Country Music DEMO Software 1.2.
CYBERODD.ZIP Cyber Race 1.0. Demo of a futuristic, virtual reality game.
DARKLEGI.ZIP Non-playable demo of the upcoming Dark Legions game.
DITTOHD.ZIP The Ditto Head Companion: DEMO.
DOOMAPS.ZIP DOOM Maps Done in PCX File Format.
DOOMDEM1.ZIP Recorded DEMO files for DOOM 1.1 get to the SECRET LEVEL.
DOOMTOUR.ZIP This will allow you to watch a complete tour of DOOM.
DWRK11J.ZIP Demo Workshop 1.1j: Demo/Tutorial Maker.
EXCTR12A.ZIP Executor/DOS 1.1 (demo) Macintosh emulator for the PC. (1/3)
EXCTR12B.ZIP Executor/DOS 1.1 (demo) Macintosh emulator for the PC. (2/3)
EXCTR12C.ZIP Executor/DOS 1.1 (demo) Macintosh emulator for the PC. (3/3)
EXECGM11.ZIP 256-color VGA/SB DEMO: By Gaming Forum Electronic Magazine.
FDF14.ZIP MPS Fleet Defender Pictures: DEMO.
FOXMED1.ZIP Foxmed 7.0 DEMO: Medical office management. (1 of 2)
FS5PCX.ZIP Some PCX photo's taken with Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.
GKNTSOLV.ZIP Gabriel Knight Walk-Through.
LARRY6.ZIP Leisure Suit Larry 6 Walk-through.
LOTUSDRV.ZIP AWESOME driving game demo, worth the download. Amazing!
MLGP1E.ZIP DEMO of MicroLearn Game Pack Vol 1: for OS/2!
NOMADE.ZIP Nomad game demonstration. Fast action space adventure game.
PSIDEMO.ZIP Demo of software from PSI Research electronic catalog.
PUTMOON1.ZIP Children's game (ages 2-12) of a talking car. (1 of 2)
PUTMOON2.ZIP Children's game (ages 2-12) of a talking car. (2 of 2)
SSI94_1A.ZIP SSI Spring 1994 Software DEMO. (1 of 4)
SSI94_1B.ZIP SSI Spring 1994 Software DEMO. (2 of 4)
SSI94_1C.ZIP SSI Spring 1994 Software DEMO. (3 of 4)
SUBDEMO.ZIP Playable Preview of Subwar 2050.
TEMIM.ZIP Demo of The Even More Incredible Machine. Sound card support
TFLOOR.ZIP Cool DOOM style texture mapping floor/ceiling example.
TGSDEMO.ZIP Point-of Sale: Interactive slideshow DEMO.
TIEDEM1.ZIP Playable "Tie Fighter" 3-D game demo from LucasArts. (1/2)
TIEDEM2.ZIP Playable "Tie Fighter" 3-D game demo from LucasArts. (2/2)
ULTRABOT.ZIP Ultrabots DEMO by Novalogic.
UNSDEMO.ZIP Demo from Maxis: UnNatural Selection.
WASH_1.ZIP Washington DC Screen Shot scenery add-on for Flight Sim 5.
WDIRSCAN.ZIP DEMO of Windows-based DIR scan.
ZSHR05.ZIP The December, 1993, edition of ZShare. Req: Windows.
_1HHPIX2.ZIP Halloween Harry Slide Show: Musical DEMO. Req: VGA.
║ 35 - BBS Programs and Utilities ║
0_BYTE10.ZIP Accepts a DIR listing as input, and produces 0-byte files.
10VIDEOS.ZIP Top Ten Movie Video Rental Bulletin generator.
1193SON.ZIP SON-Net Information Packet. Centers on Biblical Discussion.
1A_NNET.ZIP Information packet on NIGHTNet, a new E-mail network.
4CAST110.ZIP The Weather Forecaster 1.10: Post the weather on your BBS.
5MODS_1.ZIP 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
5MODS_2.ZIP Another 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
5MODS_3.ZIP Another 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
5MODS_4.ZIP Another 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
ACCNET40.ZIP AccessNet Netmail Information Packet.
ACCNET41.ZIP AccessNet Friendly Network Information Packet.
ACOLOR60.ZIP Utility to add ANSI color to TXT files. SysOp configurable.
ADDAD35.ZIP ADDAD 3.05 Inserts file, comment & more.
ADLG11.ZIP Adds entries to Bink/Max style logs from DOS or BAT.
AGE30.ZIP How Old are You? v3.0.
AIR20.ZIP Ansi-In-Rip 2.0: Displays ANSI while in RIP Mode.
ANSDIS10.ZIP ANSI screen display for fast computers.
ANSI2X.ZIP Utility to convert ANSI screens to XCODE for TRIBBS.
ANSIG100.ZIP ANSI Graphics Toolbox: Powerboard/PCB.
ANSI_DAN.ZIP Slide show of ANSI screens and menus.
ANSI_MA1.ZIP Various ANSI Screens Suitable for Posting on Bulletin Boards
ANSSHO10.ZIP ANSI screen show for fast computers.
APPY100.ZIP Appalachian English Language file for TriBBS 5.x.
AREQ1_1B.ZIP AutoRequest 1.1b. SysOp utility allows QWK file requests.
AUTO170S.ZIP TNTSoft AutoMail 1.70 Standard.
AUTOMPM.ZIP AUTOMAILpm 1.0 Pre-extract QWK mail packets for callers.
AUTOS111.ZIP Net sub host utility. Detects auto reqs. Req: WWIV/net33.
A_ICNS.ZIP Over 80 RIP ICNs beginning with the letter "A".
BADUSE26.ZIP BadUser 2.6 Lock bad users from your BBS door.
BADUSER.ZIP BADUSER: Keep an eye on "special" users when entering Doors.
BBS17D.ZIP BBS.PPE 1.7d: PCB 15.1 Unique BBS Listing program.
BBSBAS6R.ZIP BBS Database program that maintains a list of BBS Numbers.
BBSEE30V.ZIP BBSee 3.0: 8066 executable only. Req: BBSEE30U archive.
BBSL_KIT.ZIP BBSList FDN Information/Application packet of various BBS.
BBS_SHO1.ZIP BBS Showcase 1.1: Get more callers. Sup: SB/Mouse.
BCMSG10.ZIP BOBCAT Verifier Message utility for BOBCAT SysOps.
BDAY115.ZIP Birthday 1.15: Birthday list generator for BBSs. Req: WWIV.
BDOS_259.ZIP BinkleyTerm 2.59 Wide Beta Release for DOS.
BEARBONZ.ZIP IND$FILE DEMO 2.5: File transfer external protocol module.
BITN0194.ZIP Listing of all Bitnet Mailing Lists as of Jan 1994.
BJACKBRN.ZIP Brainex Blackjack: RIP/ANSI Game. Great graphics.
BJPPE12.ZIP Blackjack PPE: For PCB 15.1.
BSCAN100.ZIP Scan program catalogue files of PC-Board quickly.
BULLCHK3.ZIP Bulletin Read Counter/Monitor: Utility for PCB v15.x.
BUSTED52.ZIP Bust those Sneaky Users: Lots of fun!
C2C_0194.ZIP City2City NetMail Service INFOPAK 01/94 - NEW CENTRAL HUB!
CALCAT51.ZIP CALCAT 5.1 WC3.x Holiday screen swapper.
CALLBLOC.ZIP Unwanted Caller Blocker PPE.
CAM_M140.ZIP Cam-Mail 1.40: Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node.
CAP_9311.ZIP CAPLink Network Application Information Packet.
CASEY101.ZIP Cam-Mail 1.40: Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node.
CBUFF09.ZIP CBUFF 0.9: ChessBASE 3/4 utilities & C source.
CDAVAIL2.ZIP CD-ROM Availability Inquiry PPE 2.0: PCB 15.1 utility.
CEL200R.ZIP Celerity BBS 2.00 Full-featured bulletin board system.
CENSUS94.ZIP BBS Census '94: An attempt to count EVERY BBS/Online Service
CENT9312.ZIP The Centipede Network Information Packet.
CHATQS11.ZIP Chat Question PPE 1.1.
CHKTIME.ZIP CheckTime 1.01ß BBS utility makes users wait between plays.
CIND7101.ZIP ASP Catalog Quick Look 7101: ASP Catalog Index.
CIRCTEXT.ZIP Colored Prompts for WC 3.90.
CISBILL.ZIP Cisbill 2.11: Offline CIS billing.
CMCINFO1.ZIP One of a series of ads for credit card processing.
CNT0294.ZIP CatNet: QWK Network Application.
COMM1205.ZIP COMMO552 SD BBS: logons; protocol macros.
COMM270.ZIP COM file that displays a random quote on screen.
COMPR313.ZIP Compress 3.13: Compress almost any Log file by days.
CONDZ120.ZIP CONDIZ 1.20: FILE_ID.DIZ manager. Lots of features.
CONFV20.ZIP CONFLIST.BBS generator shows conf. flags, conf. sysops, etc.
CONFXREF.ZIP WC3.x utility cross-references echomail configuration.
CONV2XX.ZIP Designed for converting screens used with Wildcat!
COUNT_40.ZIP Win Network Application License Counter.
CREDCD21.ZIP CreditCD 2.1 checks to see if a credit card number is valid.
CREDIT25.ZIP CREDIT PPE 2.05: These are the missing files from CREDIT24.
CSCGUID2.ZIP New Users guide to help new users get around PCB.
CSPRO10.ZIP CatScan Professional 1.0: "The Intelligent File Processor".
CUPD131.ZIP CMPQwk Reader 1.31: Update files only.
CVTQWK10.ZIP Convert that QWK 1.0: Program converts QWK to text.
CW_PM_31.ZIP Pro-Menu v3.1: PPE to replace security-specific menus/files.
DATAV45B.ZIP DataViewer 4.5b: An online archive viewer for WC 3.xx.
DAYSLEFT.ZIP Makes CLR/BBS/RIP display file of days Left until Christmas.
DB100.ZIP Wildcat v3.x utility: Keep track of Dropped Carriers.
DBNET.ZIP Net List of d'Bridge Registration Sites.
DBOL110.ZIP DB Online 1.10: Commercial Release Online Database.
DBONL102.ZIP DB Online 1.0: Beta release, Online Database.
DCAT15.ZIP Door-Cat! 1.5: Will create/update your Door Menus.
DCM200.ZIP Deluxe Conference Menu 2.0.
DDOV10.ZIP RBBS SysOp utility to delete duplicated/obsolete files.
DEEP_21.ZIP Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy 2.1 for BBS.
DESCV10.ZIP Make/Insert "DESC.SDI" file automatically from text file.
DHARMLST.ZIP DharmaNet nodelist/echolist for day 365.
DIRMGR10.ZIP Directory Manager: Allows you to easily manipulate TBBS.
DIZZY102.ZIP DIZZY 1.02: FILE ID.DIZ offline reformatter.
DLDCOUN2.ZIP DLDCOUNT 2.O: Great DL Counter for PCBoard.
DLINE15.ZIP DATELINE Calendar and event database for BBS.
DMSUP101.ZIP DMSUPMSG 1.01: A PPE for PCB gives rules for Uploading.
DOCS515B.ZIP User Docs for FBB 5.15B Packet BBS.
DOORM10.ZIP DoorMan 1.0: Controls access to your doors on single basis.
DOWNLIST.ZIP Creates a List of Files your Users can download.
DPLUS145.ZIP DownLoad Door Plus 1.45 Bug Fixes Fixed the forced feature.
DRWYPAK.ZIP Menu files for Doorway. Includes ANSI and ASCII menus.
DS201.ZIP DoorStat 2.01: Create door usage graph for any BBS type.
DUSER130.ZIP Dropuser 1.30: For Use on Any BBS. Takes phone off hook.
DVME.ZIP DV macro editor. Req: 4DOS/Kstack.
DWALL112.ZIP DWALL 1.12: The best graffiti wall gets a little better.
DWNLD.ZIP A full screen download counter displays filename, size, etc.
DWNLD15.ZIP Two PPE's for PCB 15.1. A FULL SCREEN download counter.
DWNLD151.ZIP DWNLD.PPE & DWNLDCD.PPE 1.51: Fixes 1.5 WAIT bugs.
DWNLDCD.ZIP DWNLDCD.PPE 1.0 Download counter shows filename, size, etc.
DWNSRT59.ZIP Maximus CBCS Download File Sort/List Util. 5.9. DOS/OS/2.
EBBSLST3.ZIP BBS list door allows users to search for BBS by Name, etc.
ECATBL11.ZIP Create ASCII and ANSI Bulletins from ECHO-CAT.BBS listing.
ECHOBL11.ZIP Create ASCII and ANSI Bulletins from the ECHOLIST.BBS.
EDEL112.ZIP Edel: Command line Delete Utility. Delete files by age.
EDSBK115.ZIP EDSBack 1.15 PPE: Call-Back verifier.
EGRAF120.ZIP ELECTRON-GRAF 1.20: Graffiti Wall PPE.
ENETWORK.ZIP Electronic circuit analysis/ladder network.
EURODEAL.ZIP U.S. Robotics European SysOp Program Rules and prices.
EXPIRE21.ZIP PPE to replace and enhance your EXPIRED display file.
EZPGP100.ZIP EZ-PGP 1.00: Use PGP with offline mail readers.
FARCL21B.ZIP FARCL 2.1b: RBBS FMS Archive Listing utility.
FDC_400.ZIP File Download Counter 4.0: Supports most BBS types.
FDWCMNP4.ZIP FDWCMNP 4.0 Utility passes the MNP flag to WC.
FD_9311.ZIP Friends Network Mail Packet Information.
FFOX_007.ZIP FireFox 0.07-34: Fido-compatible message tosser for SF 3.4.
FILCON25.ZIP FILECON 2.4. File description formatter for TRIBBS 5.x.
FILE2NET.ZIP Send files through a net!
FIXPKT5A.ZIP Bad Packet/Bad Bundle fixer.
FLATLINE.ZIP FlatLine: A wonderful RIP program much like RIP Paint.
FLGCVT11.ZIP Quickly force all GT Messages in base to PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
FLISTER2.ZIP Creates ALLFILES listing with built-in reader.
FLPCAT30.ZIP FLIPCAT 3.0: Multi-Line BBS Screen Rotation Software.
FM110A3.ZIP Freemail 1.10a: Spitfire Fido Mail tosser.
FMLYECHO.ZIP FamilyNet Echos.
FMSFMT10.ZIP RBBS-PC utility merge/reformat FMS directories.
FNP101A.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (1 of 4)
FNP101B.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (2 of 4)
FNP101C.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (3 of 4)
FNP101D.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (4 of 4)
FONTPK20.ZIP Extra fonts: for all versions of TheDraw supporting fonts.
FPORCH20.ZIP Front Porch 2.0: Allows BBS SysOp to offer 15 BBS' on menu!
FREQL11.ZIP FREQLIST 1.1: Creates a report of FREQ DL Counters for RA.
FS_13.ZIP Appends number of files inside each ZIP/ARJ to SFFILES.BBS.
FS_15.ZIP FILESTAT 1.5: SFFILES.BBS Utility for SpitFire BBS.
FX2DAY12.ZIP FXtoday 1.2: Creates TFX/ASCII/ANSI screens for BBSs.
FXSTAT.ZIP NET Stats for UUCICO/FXUUCICO sites (Waffle).
FXUC03B2.ZIP FX-UUCICO ßeta 0.3 UUCICO.EXE ONLY expires in 6 months.
F_CC100.ZIP Shows you from command line who called your board.
GALDBAR.ZIP MajorBBS Online Database: RIP Menus.
GALETLR.ZIP MajorBBS Entertainment Edition: Add-On Module for RIP Menus.
GALFAXR.ZIP MajorBBS FAX: Add-On Module For RIP Menus.
GAL_FOR2.ZIP Galacticomm's MajorBBS: RIP Forum messages.
GAL_FOR3.ZIP MajorBBS: RIP Forum messages.
GD_CLOWN.ZIP Clown RIP Menu Preview.
GD_NOV.ZIP Complete set of Thanksgiving RIP Menus.
GEOG1218.ZIP Golded 2.42g: A Fidonet Compatible MSG Reader/Editor.
GL202.ZIP Conference list enhancer for GT Net sysops.
GLNB1293.ZIP The Global-Link Network Information Packet.
GMSG406.ZIP MSG msgbase editor interface with Internet/PGP support.
GNET1193.ZIP GnetEMS: An EXCITING Network with author support.
GOSCAN20.ZIP GOSCAN 2.00. The Ultimate GOMail Log Analyzer/Scanner.
GOSCAN22.ZIP GOSCAN 2.02: The Ultimate GOMail Log Analyzer/Scanner.
GRAF_DE.ZIP GRAF-DE.PPE: Automatic graphics detection with choice.
GRPMAN.ZIP Group Manager. Allows you to add and remove Desktop groups.
GWHQPR20.ZIP GWHQ PRO 2.0: Wildcat Prompt File Changer and Designer.
HARVEYS.ZIP RIP Menus Designed with Flatline 1.03.
HAWK1293.ZIP HAWKNET Application and Information Packet.
HCS0294.ZIP HCSNet Mail Network Information Packet.
HEADLN10.ZIP HEADLINE 1.00 Help in building BBS Ads and announcements.
HS121B7.ZIP HSLink 1.21ß7: Includes the standard and fossil EXE version.
HS121GB7.ZIP HS/Link External Protocol GERMAN version.
IBBS163G.ZIP ILLUSION BBS 1.63G Main program files.
ICAT101.ZIP Icon Cataloger: RIP Script icon cataloging program.
ICHATV31.ZIP IceChat 3.10 Deluxe SysOp-User Chat for Remote Access 2.0x.
IE100B02.ZIP InterEcho 1.00.b02 Fast Fido compatible mail tosser for WC.
IHANG101.ZIP HangUp PPE 1.01 Replaces "Goodbye in 10 seconds" prompt.
ILCNF401.ZIP Official ILink International Conference List for Jan 1994.
ILNK0194.ZIP ILink Internat'l NetMail Network info packet for Jan 1994.
IMWCMNP4.ZIP IMWCMNP 4.0: Passes the MNP flag from InterMail to WC.
INFOV210.ZIP Info 2.10 PPE: Displays callers statistics.
INUSE101.ZIP Set Errorlevel if Wildmail/WILDUUCP is running.
IPNET101.ZIP PPL program to make it easy to write Netmail using InterPCB.
IS20.ZIP IS v2.0: File Size Checker. Check the size of REP packets.
JWPTAGS4.ZIP Jim Pedicord's Tagline Collection.
KILTOS11.ZIP KILLTOSS 1.1 .TIC Manager for Satellite feeds.
LAST102E.ZIP Last 10 Callers Door 1.02E for SLBBS.
LF_31FIX.ZIP SFLast5 3.2 This will update 3.1 to 3.2.
LGSRN110.ZIP LOGSIREN 1.1 PPE: Siren to alert SysOp of special users.
LINEDUMP.ZIP Line Dumper 0.96: Trim CALLER logs to your specifications.
LINK0294.ZIP LinkNet Network Information Packet.
LISTER20.ZIP Lister 2.0: BBS List PPE.
LOGZIP.ZIP LOGZIP: ZIPs your logs any day of the month.
LOST0194.ZIP Sysops - Join the Fun! LostNet is devoted to having fun.
LOTSRIPS.ZIP About 30 very good RIP files by a variety of authors.
LTBANK10.ZIP LTBank 1.0: TriBBS Specific Time Bank.
LTRANS40.ZIP Transcan online file checker Scans for viruses and much more
LUPS150B.ZIP LOOPUPS 1.50b: Complete upload processor for RBBS/STUNY.
M2R_100.ZIP Renegade utility that converts your menu files to RIP menus.
MAILCHEK.ZIP MAILCHEK 2.0: Skip mail scan if last call left no messages.
MAKEFAX.ZIP Automatically process raw FAX from Binkley into Zfax.
MAKICN11.ZIP Make Icn 1.10: RIP Script Icon editor. Req: EGA.
MANDOWN5.ZIP ManDown 1.5: Force your callers to DL a File.
MARK33.ZIP Mark Host 3.3 Advanced BOYAN Host that supports 20 Doors.
MAXMEN01.ZIP Maximus Menus generator for ANSI/RIP Menus.
MAXUTIL.ZIP MAX-UTIL 1.0 Maintain .CTL Files for Maximus.
MCB104.ZIP MetroCore 1.04: A BBS hub utility. Req: Fossil Driver.
MCIFIX.ZIP MCI code fixer for Renegade 12-25.
MCPRO_SW.ZIP MCPRO 3.0: Statistic maker, Wildcat 3.x.
MESSGB.ZIP Flip through all the boxes available with the MSGBOX command
MKDIZ132.ZIP MKDIZ 1.32S: A Menu driven program for FILE_ID.DIZ ZIPping.
MKNET112.ZIP MKNet 1.12: QWK network tosser for MK/RA/QBBS/SBBS/MSG.
MMBULL13.ZIP Message Waiting v1.3: Companion to Match Maker v4.0+.
MN9311.ZIP Attention PCBoard Sysops: MegNET Information Packet.
MNLK103.ZIP MainLink Mail Network Information Packet.
MNUMAK42.ZIP RIP MENU MAKER is a must for all TriBBS RIP aware BBS Sysops
MN_110.ZIP MAVERICK NEWS 1.10: Screens Generator for BBS News.
MODQUIZ.ZIP SysOps: Makes BBS descriptions.
MOUSIE2.ZIP RIP: RIPscript of Two mice playing.
MSGNUM13.ZIP Hudson Message Base utility to decide whether to link.
MSI_NET.ZIP Info on MSI-hosted support conference for WC BBS Software.
MSTA103P.ZIP Maverick Statistics Generator 1.03p for RA 2.00.
MTN1193.ZIP Application for the Mountain QWK Netmail system.
NETIM20X.ZIP Net Time 2.00: Keeps time/date synchronized on a network.
NETLST10.ZIP NETLIST 1.0b: Message Network Info Manager.
NETMAIL.ZIP NetMail 1.3: A replacement for the (E) command in QFront.
NEWIES14.ZIP Creates News Bulletins for Spitfire.
NEWIMEX.ZIP Application, Policy, and Sysop Conduct for CCIN Exchange.
NEWUSRUP.ZIP NewUserUp 1.0: Change TimeLeft For NewUser.
NL110.ZIP NAMELIST 1.10: Teleguard userlist creator with C source.
NODEBL12.ZIP Creates ASCII and ANSI Bulletins from the NODELIST.BBS.
NODEFND.ZIP Node Database Grid Browser - contains full source code.
NOSN106.ZIP NoSnail 1.06: Netmail scanner for RBBS.
OFM111.ZIP Offline File Manager 1.11: For TAG BBS. Uses floppies.
OMNI0194.ZIP OMNILINK Network is a QWK Mail packet network.
OMNI0294.ZIP OmniLink. QWK Mail packet network for fun and more.
ONELNR10.ZIP OneLiner 1.0.
ORD900.ZIP Paid Memberships For A WWIV 4.23 BBS With A New 900 Service.
ORIGX22.ZIP MSG and Squish origin line extractor & reporter.
OS2TONY.ZIP Install WildCat in OS/2 2.1.
PAIR339.ZIP 3 Pair Poker 3.9. InterBBS Capable Game. Most BBS types.
PASMON10.ZIP Password Monitor 1.00. Implements forced password changes.
PASSIT15.ZIP Users pass a sentence around the BBS. How will it end?
PBBSW32C.ZIP POWERBBS 3.20 for Windows: New install program. (3 of 3)
PBOOTV12.ZIP PauseBoot 1.2 Utility can abort loading of any application.
PBPM_30A.ZIP PCBBLTPM 3.00a: Creates Multi-Page BLTx MENU for conferences
PBVL010.ZIP PB/VISION LITE 1.0 for PowerBASIC 3.0.
PB_200.ZIP Proboard 2.0: BBS Software. RIP/Hudson/JAM/Squish/MSG.
PCBCK11A.ZIP PCB-Check 1.1a.
PCBDE505.ZIP PCBDescribe 5.05: Get description from FILEID.DIZ. For PCB.
PCBFAE09.ZIP PCBoard File Area Editor 0.9c.
PCBINTRO.ZIP Some Conference Intro Screens.
PCBM100.ZIP PCBMove 1.0.
PCBNEW10.ZIP PCB News Editor. A useful aid for SysOp News Files.
PCBWHO13.ZIP PCBWHO 1.3: Lurking Node Display.
PCBWHO14.ZIP PCBWHO 1.4: Lurking Node Display PPE.
PCBWHO16.ZIP PCBWHO 1.6: Lurking Node Display PPE.
PCFU199C.ZIP Planet Connect File Utility (a rewrite of PCUtils).
PCS2PCB.ZIP Helps create file DIRs for Planet Connect subscribers.
PEGALO.ZIP PEGA/LO Network Information Packet.
PEGAND20.ZIP PEGANODE 2.0. "Who" Replacement PPE. Shows time remaining.
PEN_9401.ZIP Planet Earth Network! 01/94 Join this fast growing network
PFED_009.ZIP BOOMER's PFED 0.09ß: Deluxe PCB File Area Manager.
PHONEPER.ZIP Get all possible alpha permutations of a telephone number.
PKTMUX12.ZIP Multiplex Internet protocols (several stacks).
PMPOP10.ZIP POP gateway for PMail.
POINT176.ZIP Professional Point Automatic BBS message area setup program
PPESCR10.ZIP PPE-Script 1.00. Newask/Logon/Logoff/Script program.
PPQWK108.ZIP Professional Point Optional QWK support module.
PSRT_10B.ZIP PacketSorter 1.0b: Defragments FidoNet mail packets.
PUTDIZ01.ZIP Add on for RA 2.01 RAMGR: Creates FILE_ID.DIZ.
QBASE12A.ZIP QWKBase turns an Offline Mail Reader into a database reader.
QFMAIL2C.ZIP QF-Mail 2.0c PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program for Fidonet netmail
QF_105.ZIP QFront 1.05b Maintenance release fixes bugs in 1.04b.
QQL122.ZIP QQLink: Improved 'Reply Linker' for Squish Message Bases.
QTIME17.ZIP Qtime 1.7: Creates ASCII, ANSI and @x Color files.
QWKBLT13.ZIP QWK-BLT.PPE 1.30: Include bulletins in QWK files.
QWKSTF12.ZIP Finds REP/QWK packets & reports they need to be read or sent
Q_A4RA_4.ZIP Helpful Questions and Answers for RA 2.xx.
RABDAY12.ZIP RemoteAccess 2.0x. "Today's Birthdays" bulletin generator.
RALDMP10.ZIP Dump RA Language Files to Formatted Text files.
RAMAGIC3.ZIP A LAST chance method of restoring lost file data from memory
RBO100TD.ZIP Robo FX Test Drive.
RBROBOT1.ZIP RoboROBOT 1.00: Automatic message utility for RoboBOARD/FX.
RBTCH240.ZIP RBBS Batch Uploading, HS/Link, and BiModem Interface.
REF19.ZIP Utility produces a Read Only echo. Also reviews messages.
REF21.ZIP The REF 2.1: Produce a true Read Only echo.
RENELIST.ZIP BBS lister utility for Renegade/DOOR.SYS with many options.
REN_1225.ZIP RENEGADE 12-25 BBS Software. Full version, no upgrade!
REPUTIL6.ZIP Reply Utilities: Utility programs to read/write REP packets.
RG1225.ZIP Renegade Update (12-25-93) Major overhaul on most everything
RG2FD100.ZIP RG2FD: Utility for Renegade/FD. Puts last caller in FD.
RGGST101.ZIP RGGUEST 1.10: For SysOps who have Renegade Guest accounts.
RGHELP13.ZIP RGhelp 1.30: Renegade interactive user help file system.
RGLU120.ZIP RGLSTUSR 1.20: Makes ASCII/ANSI/RIP bulletin for Renegade.
RGM1225.ZIP Renegade Maintenance Utility. Packs users, purges users, etc
RGNM16.ZIP Renegade Newuser Messages 1.6: Send new users mail.
RIPDOOR2.ZIP Creates RIPScrip Door Display Menus for most BBS formats.
RIPGAL21.ZIP RIP Gallery 2.1: RIP File Display Door.
RIPIT20.ZIP RIPIT v2.0: RIP screen generator for most BBSs.
RIPSK101.ZIP Easy to use RIPscrip drawing program. Req: EGA/Mouse.
RIPTOOLS.ZIP RipTools 1.0aß. Add RIP commands in Turbo Pascal programs.
RIP_NET.ZIP Latest RIP-Net (echos) info packet. Contains Nodelist, etc.
RIP_VTG.ZIP RIP SCREENS 81 Nice Looking Screens for Spitfire BBS 3.4.
RKR110.ZIP Generates Route: lines on outbound GT mailbags.
RMAILDOS.ZIP New Rene-Mail for Renegade 12-25.
RNDSCR11.ZIP RandScr 1.1: Randomizes BBS welcome/logoff screens.
ROBOM13U.ZIP ROBOMAIL QWK Reader 1.3 Upgrade Kit. Req: 286/1.5MB RAM.
ROMPR137.ZIP ROMProc 1.37. CD-ROM Download Processor Perfect for any BBS.
RPNTR100.ZIP RipN-Tear 1.00. RIP Graphics Utility for viewing & cutting.
RTOOL114.ZIP Rudy's Place Tools 1.14: for RA/FD SysOps.
RTUTI101.ZIP 'Turbo' UTI Rev 2.01 1.01 Universal Text Interface, RBBS.
RTUTI102.ZIP RBBS 'Turbo' UTI r2.01/v1.02: Universal Text Interface.
RUMOR_CD.ZIP A PPE File: Adds Rumors To Your BBS.
RXDECODE.ZIP Intelligent UU/XX-decoder.
R_PROMPT.ZIP _PROMPT: Novice quick help screen for PCBoard.
SBBS1C02.ZIP Synchronet 1c r1 Multi-node BBS Software. Many features.
SBBSCHAT.ZIP Replacement Chat mode for SynchroNet BBS.
SCANRIP1.ZIP POWERFUL RIP-compatible utilities.
SCOUTNET.ZIP Scoutnet: Run by Scout Canada Leaders.
SDPFL11F.ZIP Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol Module 1.01f.
SDPFL11G.ZIP Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol Module 1.01g.
SDPL101G.ZIP Streamline Design (Lite) Protocol Module 1.01g.
SEEKNET1.ZIP SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network January 94 packet
SETER147.ZIP Allows a BBS user to set an errorlevel for BAT file.
SF01_94.ZIP SPITFIRE Newsletter for January 1994.
SF02_94.ZIP Spitfire Newsletter for February 1994.
SF11_93.ZIP SPITFIRE Newsletter: November 1993.
SF35FAX.ZIP Spitfire 3.5 and Fax setup help.
SFAZ100.ZIP 1.0 Will ZIP the Display files.
SFBIRTH2.ZIP Creates BBS/CLR Files of Users Birthday.
SFDIZ.ZIP Appends a SFFILES.BBS description with a FILE_ID.DIZ.
SFDV.ZIP SPITFIRE and Desqview Setup Help File.
SFJETBUL.ZIP SFJETBUL 1.0 Spitfire Bulletin Creator! Reads JetMail Log.
SFLGST25.ZIP SFLGST 2.50 A Spitfire Logon Statistic's Display Maker.
SFLZ100.ZIP SFLogZip 1.0 Will ZIP your Log Files.
SFMKLIST.ZIP Create an 'allfiles type list' for SPITFIRE.
SFM_341.ZIP SF-MASTER Release 3.41: Complete SPITFIRE 3.4 Management.
SFREG34.ZIP SPITFIRE Time Subscription Management.
SFTOPDL1.ZIP SFTOPDL: Very Informative Download Tracker for SF BBS system
SFTOUCH.ZIP Update file dates in SFFILES to TODAY's date.
SFTSTUSR.ZIP Test the Spitfire User database's Integrity.
SFUED114.ZIP StormFront User Editor for Opus 1.7/1.8 by Kevin Silcox.
SF_DAILY.ZIP Creates Screens of two day Statistics.
SLBIO150.ZIP SLBBS User Biography 1.50b.
SLIPPR13.ZIP Slip and Cslip drivers.
SL_1293.ZIP SurrealNet - International Mail Network.
SL_NWS12.ZIP Surreal News Maker 1.2: BBS News File Maker.
SMART217.ZIP SmartSec 2.17 PPE.
SNET1293.ZIP A network for discussing Paranormal & Spiritual experiences.
SOBNLE.ZIP Son of Bonk standalone nodelist editor 1.0.
SPC352.ZIP SPC 3.52: Split Screen Chat door for SysOps. Req: ANSI.
SPEAK11.ZIP Broadcast Messages to other Nodes.
SPITST20.ZIP SpitStat 2.0: Callers Log Utility/Bulletin Creator.
SPLIT121.ZIP Message splitter for .MSG files.
SP_STR.ZIP WWIV 4.23: Spanish data files.
SQWK10.ZIP Search that QWK 1.0: Simple program to search QWK packets.
SRN1193.ZIP Sanctified Revolutions Mail Network Application.
SRTDSC28.ZIP SORTDESC 2.8 Find file descriptions from FILE_ID.DIZ, etc.
STATSO.ZIP Statso 1.0 Activity Log Analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx.
STRIPAV1.ZIP Strip Authenticity Verification data from ZIP files.
SUN9312T.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows: Vol I, Num 6.
SUPRT402.ZIP Software support BBS listings.
SX500H1.ZIP Silver Xpress OPX/QWK Mail Door 5.00: Now has RIP.
SYSHLPB.ZIP SYSOP HELPER 0.01b: WC utilities at a keystroke.
S_LIST11.ZIP Creates a Master list of Files on BBS.
T2T026B.ZIP Automatically add TIC/FLE info into DIR for TAG BBS.
TAB15.ZIP The Address Book 1.5 PPE: Personal database for each user.
TABS110.ZIP TABS PPE 1.1: Telephone Automated Billing Service.
TAGGER01.ZIP Tagger 1.0 WC sysops can add taglines to the Internet.
TAGLX330.ZIP TLX 3.30: Tagline Manager for Offline mail readers.
TAGLX340.ZIP TAG LINE XPRESS 3.40: Tagline Manager for offline readers.
TALIAS.ZIP Talias 01: Beta RIP to GR, Use Alias.
TAP_0294.ZIP TAPNet E-Mail Network Information Packet.
TB501286.ZIP TriBBS 286 5.01: 286 Executable for TriBBS.
TB501386.ZIP TriBBS 5.01: BBS Software. Req: 386. (1 of 2)
TB501_1.ZIP TriBBS 5.01: BBS Software. Req: 386. (2 of 2)
TB502286.ZIP TriBBS 286 5.02. BBS.EXE using 286 compiled instruction set
TB502386.ZIP TriBBS 386 5.02. BBS.EXE using 386 compiled instruction set
TB50HELP.ZIP User's Guide v1.0 for TriBBS v5.02.
TBG100.ZIP Top Bulletin Generator 1.00: For Renegade 7.0 to 17.0.
TBNL610.ZIP Dutch language files for TBAV610.
TBRSH102.ZIP TheBrush 1.02: Companion program for TheDraw ANSI editor.
TB_ITAL.ZIP Italian format language for TriBBS 5.x. Includes Menus.
TCLNG10.ZIP TriChangeLanguage 1.0: Door for TriBBS 5.x.
TCS3M.ZIP Makes TOMCAT Stat Screen: Makes new openings for Tomcat.
TGAMBL15.ZIP Update fixes bugs & is more sysop configurable than 1.0.
THANO.ZIP THANONET An Alternative BBS Net to mainstream nets.
THDPRO91.ZIP THD ProScan 9.1 Test file uploads with up to 3 virus scans.
THEWRD14.ZIP The Word 1.4 Statistics Bulletin Creator.
THUB202.ZIP TriHub 2.02: A QWK-based hub for TriBBS boards.
TIC2RA12.ZIP Tic-To-Ra 1.10 .TIC file processor for Remote Access BBS.
TICIT110.ZIP TICIT 1.1: TIC file processor for Planet Connect Systems.
TICIT130.ZIP TICIT 1.2: TIC file pre-processor for PCS satellite service.
TJYEST13.ZIP TJYest v1.3: Activity Log analyzer for WC v3.x.
TLE1193.ZIP NASA satellite two-line orbital data for satellite tracking.
TM0305.ZIP Adding GroupMail to a Bink/Confmail System (SEA).
TMAST25.ZIP TriMast v2.5: Master File List creator for TriBBS v5.0+.
TNC304.ZIP The Network Coordinator 3.04 for WWIV: Run WWIV Network.
TNC_0194.ZIP Telenet Canada Network Package - January 7th, 1994.
TOP_TJS.ZIP Nice user lister for WILDCAT! Requires WCPRO.
TOWC_V10.ZIP Mailer Utility to pass a proper speed to WC.
TRAC205B.ZIP TRACKER 2.05: Logon utility for GT Power BBS 15-v18.
TRANSNET.ZIP TranSnet Information Chart.
TRANX05.ZIP Set clock from remote - Binkley/FD log.
TRI1293.ZIP The TriBBS Newsletter, Christmas Edition.
TRIBKUP.ZIP TriBackup 1.21 Backup your TriBBS bulletin board in no time
TRICBA11.ZIP TriCallersByAge 1.1. A utility for TriBBS 4.x and above.
TRILANG.ZIP This is a collection of 9 language files for TriBBS 5.x.
TRIMAK11.ZIP TriMake 1.1 An NMAKE-like utility for TriBBS SysOps.
TRIPIF.ZIP PIF file for 1-node high speed TriBBS system under WIN 3.1.
TRI_WIN.ZIP Text about tricks & tips for running TriBBS under WIN 3.1.
TSHOP210.ZIP Complete online store available for BBSs.
TTP25AU.ZIP Tic-2-PCB 2.5a: Upgrade from 2.5 to 2.5a.
TTPCFG13.ZIP Tic-2-PCB v1.3: Configuration File Manager for PCB.
TWAST20.ZIP TradeWars assistant 2.0.
TXT2RIP.ZIP Text2RIP 1.0b. Convert ANY SIZE text file to RIP format.
UAI_34A.ZIP Check if BBS users entered address information.
UALBBS.ZIP The Canadian government proposed BBS act. STOP THIS!
ULAN_111.ZIP Ultimate Log Analyzer 1.11 for FrontDoor.
ULISTER.ZIP Renegade UL 1.0: Generates a user list for Renegade.
ULMSG100.ZIP ULMSG & ULBMSG: PCB PPE to display UL message.
UNREG.ZIP Weather 2.11: RIP Bulletin maker with icons.
UPC12BAD.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b: Formatted doc files for UUPC/extended.
UPC12BAW.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b: Word for Windows doc files.
UPC2N1.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2N2.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2N3.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2S1.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2S2.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPPER12.ZIP Converts the first 12 characters in a file to upper case!
US_11_93.ZIP QWK/REP Compatible Network: "Easy-Going" Network.
UUGAT023.ZIP Complete Fidonet/Internet gateway.
UUGAT026.ZIP Internet/Fidonet Gateway 0.26.
UV205.ZIP Lets you work with your WWIV User Database easily.
VFY_33.ZIP BBS online call back verification door program.
VIEWLOGS.ZIP View your Spitfire Logs from FD or DOS.
VOTE100.ZIP Voter 1.0: User Voting PPE for PCB 15.1.
VOTE108.ZIP Voter++ 1.8: User Voting PPE. Voting door for PCB 15.1.
VPAGE_B2.ZIP A GREAT pager for SySops with Soundblaster cards.
VRET1193.ZIP Information on VRETNET: New Virtual Reality Netork.
VULGARID.ZIP Vulgar Name/City language blocker.
VUUCP221.ZIP VUUCP/2 2.0: VUUCP Replacement for VBBS 6.10.
WAFGTB07.ZIP WAFTOGT v1.0b: GT SysOps can now bring Usenet to their BBSs.
WB129S.ZIP Weather Board 1.29 Weather information retrieval program.
WCALL10.ZIP Who Called Today: 1 to 500 names in list.
WCALLS15.ZIP WCCALLS 1.05 - Wildcat Calls Displays Call.
WCBBS13.ZIP Set up your own Wildcat BBS. Extensive guide with tips.
WCE150_3.ZIP WcEDIT! Patch 1.50 to 1.53 fixes minor bugs.
WCEDT150.ZIP WcEDIT! 1.5 Message/user editor for WC Sysops.
WCFF352.ZIP WCFF v3.52: TICK clone for WildCat BBSs.
WCFT100.ZIP WildCat File Tools 1.00: Utilities to manage WC database.
WCPAK_37.ZIP WinCNet (WinK-Net) Info Packet. The Place to be in '93!
WCPGS27.ZIP WC-PROGS 2.7: Wildcat SysOp Utility.
WC_PROGS.ZIP WC-PROGS 1.01: Utility to help set up WC 3.x.
WILDNEWS.ZIP Wildnews 2.1: Event makes Wildcat-compatible newsletters.
WILDSL34.ZIP WildStats Call Log 3.04: Color & RIP display files.
WILDWALL.ZIP The ultimate Graffiti wall. Sup: RIP/ANSI/DOOR.SYS.
WKEYS105.ZIP Wildkeys 1.05: Create KEY WORDS for WC File Database.
WLCM20.ZIP PPE: Multiple welcome screen manager. Req: PCB 15.1.
WL_V110.ZIP WEEKLOGS 1.1 for PCB 15.x SINGLE NODE: Organizes logs.
WOH_120B.ZIP What's on Hold for nodes: For RemoteAccess.
WTICK985.ZIP Wildtick. The simple TIC processor for Wildcat 3.x.
WTICK992.ZIP The simple TIC processor for WC 3.x.
WWA1_423.ZIP WWIV 4.23: SysOp/User documentation for WWIV423.ZIP.
WWHO10B.ZIP TriBBS utility to produce a LOGONX.BBS with caller activity.
WWIV423.ZIP WWIV 4.23: Main executables. Documentation in WWA1_423.ZIP.
XMAIL100.ZIP XMail 1.00: Powerful Mail processor.
YRN2_052.ZIP Store/read USENET news and mail offline (SOUP format).
YRN2_055.ZIP Store/Read USENET news and mail in SOUP format.
ZL135.ZIP Ziplog 1.35: Zips archives daily for neat storage.
ZREP1228.ZIP ZReport 1.0 Creates user subscriptions & expiration reports
║ 36 - BBS Doors ║
1_BLACK.ZIP Blacklist security door: PCE 1.0.
2002V2B3.ZIP Trade Wars 2.0 door game.
2002V2B4.ZIP TradeWars 2002 2.0b4: Door game. Fixes Bugs!
7D_123.ZIP On the Seventh Day: Door game for BBS'.
ACHAT100.ZIP ANSI Chatting BBS Door, great chatter for 2 nodes AND Sysop.
AGECHK11.ZIP AgeCheck! Door 1.1: Check users age before door entry.
AIEDOOR.ZIP Pop-up pick list RIP Door Menu.
ANN37.ZIP Announcement Door! 3.7. Sends screen before or after a door
ASPCB314.ZIP AutoScribe PCB 3.14. Subscription credit card door for PCB.
AVB26.ZIP ANSI Voting Booth Door 2.6 for most BBS types!
BACKSN20.ZIP Back Soon! 2.0 <ASP> Message-taking/Screen saving utility.
BASKET2.ZIP Basketball door game.
BBDICE19.ZIP Baseball Dice 1.9: Door game. Most BBS types supported.
BRE0955.ZIP Barren Realms Elite 0.955: Door game.
BW300MX2.ZIP The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door 3.00 for Maximus/2.
BWLSOL11.ZIP BBS Bowling Solitaire 1.1.
CBOX26.ZIP ChatBox 2.6. The original PCB "SPLIT SCREEN" chat.
CBVT230B.ZIP Callback Verifier for T.A.G., faster dupe searching.
CDCAR_11.ZIP CD Carrousel 1.1 Max/2 Offline CD File Request Door/Utility
CDSUB50.ZIP BBS Door: Allow users to win free subscription to magazine.
CHKPKG10.ZIP The Checker Package 1.0: PPE. Registration Utility for PCB.
CLBKV351.ZIP MYCALBK 3.51 Callback verifier door for RBBS-PC.
COMPREAD.ZIP Door Reader for Comp-U-Mag Magazine.
CONV_15.ZIP Convince! Door 1.5 Help convince users to register a door.
CRAZDV12.ZIP Crazy Dice Door 1.2! for BBS's. A good game of chance.
CREDIT24.ZIP CREDIT Card PPE 2.04: Credit Card Subscription PPE.
CSV256.ZIP CSVerify: Callback Verification for PCB v14.5 or greater.
CVLWAR48.ZIP Civil War Door Game 4.8: Supports many BBS formats.
DCHASE10.ZIP Deluxe Chase 1.0: Graphical ANSI Door for most BBS'.
DEEP_20.ZIP Show your users "Deep Thoughts" each time they log-in!
DISNEY10.ZIP Disney Trivia 1.0 BBS door program. RIP graphic bulletins.
DRMAPT13.ZIP Adopt Me! 1.3: The 'Door Adoption' Concept.
DRMORD10.ZIP DreamORDER 1.0: The ULTIMATE Online Catalog/Order Door.
DRMORD13.ZIP DreamORDER 1.3: The ULTIMATE Online Catalog/Order Door.
DSMTES.ZIP DSM Door Screen Manager 1.1! Wildcat/PCB BBS door menu.
DW291B.ZIP DoorWorks 2.91b: GT BBS Door Management.
EAGLE102.ZIP Upgrade Eagle Enterprise Charge Door/Subscription service.
ECC_21.ZIP ECC 2.1: Esterian Conquest BBS Game DOOR Commander.
EDSBK100.ZIP EDSBack 1.00 Beta Release 1 - Callback Verifier.
ENQUIR63.ZIP Enquirer type Headlines Door For Log-on.
EZHANG11.ZIP EZ-Hang 1.1: Great Hangman style game for most BBS types.
FACTS35.ZIP Facts 3.5: The door that tests your knowledge.
FAMOUS18.ZIP Famous Celebrities 1.8: Can you guess the name? BBS Game.
FDH_100.ZIP FDHist 1.00: FD History File Analysis Door.
FEUD25.ZIP Feud 2.5: BBS Game similar to TV's Family Feud.
FLBDV120.ZIP Fantasy League Baseball Door 1.20.
GPWAR091.ZIP Geo-Political Warfare 0.91: An online game like SRE.
GRID30B.ZIP NavGrid 3.0b: RIP Naval battle door game.
GTABSV14.ZIP GAPTABS 1.4: Telephone Access Billing Service for SysOps.
GWALL10.ZIP THE GRAFFITI WALL 1.0: This is a door for most BBS types.
HERALD11.ZIP BBS Herald 1.1 An announcement type door for BBSs.
HISTRY11.ZIP American History Trivia 1.1 Update! A BBS door program.
IBBS23.ZIP InterBBS Module 2.3: For Sunrise Doors.
ICUPD263.ZIP IconUpDater 2.63: RIP Icon Login Downloader.
IM100.ZIP I'm Here 1.00: Multi-Line User announcer.
IRT210.ZIP I Remember That...! 2.10 Trivia BBS Door Game.
JSGO130.ZIP Galactic Overlord 1.30: BBS Door Game.
JVTIME15.ZIP JVTime SLBBS Time Vault Door 1.5B: SLBBS TimeVault Door.
KING814U.ZIP King of the Board 8.14: Popular Trivia Game for most BBSs.
KM300L.ZIP Kmail 3.00lb: QWK compatible mail door for PCB 15.x.
LORD302.ZIP Legend Of the Red Dragon BBS door game. Version 3.02!
LOTERY48.ZIP Lottery Door 4.8: BBS Users can win at Pick-3 or Pick-4.
LUCKY20.ZIP Lucky-7 2.0: Let callers buy some lotto tickets.
LW101.ZIP LASTWORD 1.01: Simple BBS quote door.
MAG13.ZIP Magazine Subscription DOOR 1.3: SysOps! Earn money!
MANDOWN2.ZIP ManDown 1.2 Force callers to download your registration!
MEK130.ZIP RIP BBS Game Door 1.30.
MMAKER40.ZIP Match Maker II 4.0: Online BBS Door.
MOVTRV37.ZIP MovieTime Trivia 3.7 No Expiration. A BBS door program.
MW19G.ZIP Mech Warriors Door Game 1.19g.
NIXG100A.ZIP NIX/Gate 1.0: BBS Door which acts as a DOS-Unix Gateway.
NWUSR006.ZIP The NewUser Door - DOS hooks, downloads, RIP support.
OCCPS22.ZIP Online Credit Card Processing System v2.2 for PCBoard.
OCLTRV1.ZIP Occult Trivia BBS Door game with 5 categories of trivia.
ONEARM12.ZIP One Armed Bandit 1.2: PCB PPE game. Slot machine.
OO100_1.ZIP Operation Overkill 1.00: BBS Door game. (1 of 2)
OO100_2.ZIP Operation Overkill 1.00: BBS Door game. (2 of 2)
O_QWK11.ZIP QWK mail door for use with Opus 1.7 from Portugal.
PEGJMP24.ZIP Peg Jump 2.4.
PERIGEE.ZIP DEMO of The On-Line Sales Door. Req: 386DX/VGA.
PITTXT.ZIP New listing and description for the Pit door game.
POG11.ZIP Pot Of Gold 1.1: PCBoard PPE game ofchance. Req: PCB 15.1.
PPOSTV1.ZIP ProPost 1.00: Powerful Autopost door for BBSs. ANSI/RIP.
PV_45.ZIP Prize Vault Door 4.5: Time door for WC.
RACES30.ZIP Races 3.0: A horse racing game to let players bet points.
REGDOR31.ZIP Registration Door for WildCat.
RIPCHECK.ZIP Checks for RIP and correctly puts it in Door.
RIPSS100.ZIP RIP Slide Show v1.0: RIP BBS Door for viewing multiple RIPs.
ROMD31UP.ZIP Only the EXE's needed to Upgrade ROMdoor 3.02 to 3.10.
RQUEST21.ZIP Request Room Tape door for Colorado Systems. Major Bug fix.
RTBS22.ZIP Real-Time Battleship 2.2.
RTCHES24.ZIP Real-Time Chess 2.4.
RTCKRS27.ZIP Real-Time Checkers 2.7.
RTCON20.ZIP Real-Time Connect 2.0: Play Connect 4 online. BBS Door.
RTOTH22.ZIP Real-Time Othello 2.2.
RTP181.ZIP RISE TO POWER Door 1.81. Game of intrigue in 15th Century.
RTP183.ZIP RISE TO POWER 1.83: BBS Game set in 15th Century Germany.
SCHMZ12.ZIP Schmooz 1.2: BBS Game Door. It'll blow you away.
SFATM210.ZIP 2.10 RIP SPITFIRE Time Bank and More.
SFCB14C.ZIP SPITFIRE Callback Validation Program 1.14c.
SFREQ098.ZIP SF-Request 98 File Request Door.
SLCB.ZIP SLCB v1.0: Call Back Validater.
SONGS29.ZIP Songs 2.9: Online Game like Name That Tune.
SQ_V291.ZIP Space Quest 2112: Great Space Adventure BBS Game.
SR201.ZIP Space Race (Door Game) 2.01: Now uses DOORFRAME library.
SRE0992B.ZIP Solar Realms Elite 0.992b Door game.
STORY_11.ZIP Story door for BBSs.
SUPRIG54.ZIP Super Rig Door Game 5.4: Supports most BBS types.
S_I_301.ZIP Steel & Ice Hockey 3.01. Online sports simulation!
TCMDE362.ZIP The Cat's Meow Door Executive 3.62: One Door for all PPEs!
TDOORLIB.ZIP The TANSTAFL BBS Door Library: List of 250 BBS Doors.
THEHACK3.ZIP Door Game! Users think they are HACKING other BBS's!
TKTES.ZIP Trivial King 3.9: Lets users compete. Online Game.
TMASTR43.ZIP Trivia Master Door Game 4.3.
TREK44.ZIP Trek Trivia 4.4: Allows BBS callers to choose category.
TRIRYU20.ZIP TriRankYourUsers 2.0: Competitive user contests for TriBBS.
TVTRIV26.ZIP TvTrivia 2.6: Users get to choose from 5 different shows.
TWMAD088.ZIP The Mad Hatter's TW2002 Universe Expander. BBS door utility
UNIBANK.ZIP Time Bank door for DOOR.SYS types.
UNRIP.ZIP UNRIP: Fixes DOOR.SYS for non-RIP doors.
USBDOR53.ZIP PCB door to display/search USBBS list 5.3.
U_SET114.ZIP User Setup Door 1.14 for RemoteAccess 2.00.
VPBLT129.ZIP Bulletin Generator For Use with Voter Door 1.70ß.
VPDOOR11.ZIP VPDOOR: Interface for VGA Planets Online Game.
VSLOTS12.ZIP Video Slots RIP Slot Machine Game 1.2.
WC_CHG14.ZIP WC-CHARGE 1.04: Charge Door for Wildcat.
WHODUN52.ZIP Multinode/Interactive Clue Type Mystery Game! The Original!
WIO106.ZIP Who Is Online Door 1.06: For RA 2.00.
WMAIL453.ZIP WWIVMail/QWK 4.53 QWK mail door for WWIV version 4.23.
WORDC_36.ZIP Word Challenge 3.6: BBS Door Game.
ZWORDZ21.ZIP Z-WORDZ 2.1: Multi-BBS Door Program.
║ 37 - Modem Utilities and Helps ║
ASYNC10.ZIP Open COM1/COM2, transmit data string, and monitor response.
BIZZY95B.ZIP BIZZY 0.95ß: Fast, quiet utility to take modem off the hook.
CALLRT16.ZIP Call Router 1.6: Comm utility answer calls with unique rings
COMST12.ZIP Comset 12: Modem/UART/Serial Port tester.
CTSSPU12.ZIP CTS Serial Port Utilities 1.2: Check IRQ used/16550/etc.
CYBERDRV.ZIP Replacement COMM driver for 16550 UARTs.
CYCLEDTR.ZIP Determines which serial connecter is cabled to which port.
DIGIDIAG.ZIP Digiboard (Multi-port Serial Card) diagrams.
ESPCA101.ZIP Hayes ESP Communications Accelerator config program 1.01.
FAX110B.ZIP Update to BGFAX - take data/fax calls from Class 2 modems.
HAYES288.ZIP Hayes vFC 28800 BBS List.
HVFCBB02.ZIP Hayes VFC BBS List 2.0: List of BBSs running OPTIMA 288 vFC.
QWKRQ10.ZIP QwkRequest 1.0. Offline BBS file & info requesting program.
SERIALSP.ZIP Breaking the high-speed Bottleneck: A newsletter on UARTs.
SERIZ10.ZIP SerialIz 1.0 Serial/Registration library for QuickBASIC 4.5
SIO126A.ZIP Ray Gwinn's COM drivers 1.26a.
TBITWC.ZIP WC .MDM and .RAM files for Telebit modems.
USROBOT.ZIP Designer picture of the setting for a US-Robotics Modem.
ZSXD_310.ZIP ZSX 3.10: Protocol driver.
║ 38 - Special <ASP> Shareware Programs ║
ALARM11.ZIP Alarm Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Set multiple alarms.
ASPDAT3D.ZIP ASP MEMBERSHIP DATA 3-D Author, Vendor, BBS, Press, etc.
ASPDAT41.ZIP ASP MEMBERSHIP DATA 41: ASP Membership Data in DBF format.
CDBOX305.ZIP VGA, mouse multi-format sound player for AdLib, SB.
CHOOSE21.ZIP CHOOSE 2.1 Menu-controlled branching within .BAT files.
CND7301.ZIP Quick-look index, based on ASP Catalog. Lists 1222 products
CRDEXP10.ZIP Exports Windows Cardfiles to ASCII delimited files.
DIFF110.ZIP Side-by-side display of 2 text files/archives/directories.
KEYSVR11.ZIP KEYSAVER 1.1 Auto-types boiler plate text at will.
MAIL57.ZIP MAILLIST/M-LABEL 5.7. Easy-to-use mailing list manager.
MENUEV21.ZIP Menu Event Notification Control (VBX).
PINST143.ZIP POWERINSTALL 1.43 <ASP> Eight language installation tool.
SUPMK110.ZIP SUPER!MARKET 1.10 <ASP> Creates a smart shopping list.
VNDNFO10.ZIP VENDINFO Toolkit 1.00 <ASP> Author to vendor information.
WDIFF111.ZIP WDiff 1.11 <ASP> Win File/Dir/ZIP Diff Side-by-side display
WIS1.ZIP WISDOM OF THE AGES 2.7 Historical quotes, sayings, & ideas.
WWW200.ZIP Time & usage monitor tracks everything you do in Windows.
ZIPINF10.ZIP ZIP File Info Custom Control. Finds contents of a ZIP file.
║ 39 - Ham Radio Utilities ║
AMSAT014.ZIP AMSAT Bulletin 01/15/94: HAM.
AMSAT022.ZIP AMSAT Bulletin 01/22/94: HAM.
AMSAT043.ZIP AMSAT Bulletin Num 43.
ANART793.ZIP ANART Bulletin Num 793. HAM.
ANTDL6WU.ZIP ANTDL6WU 1.0: YAGI DESIGN program for 50mhz and more.
ANTFO.ZIP ANTFO 2.0: YAGI ANTENNA DESIGN program for 144mhx and more.
APLOT535.ZIP Pattern prediction program for side-mounted tower antennas.
APRS309.ZIP Amateur Packet reporting System by WB4APR.
APRS311.ZIP Packet Program for Amateur Radio.
ARLD005.ZIP ARRL DX Bulletin 01/20/94: HAM.
ARRL0126.ZIP ARRL Newsletter. HAM.
AUM011.ZIP AVERAGE USERS MONTHLY 1, #11 Special Packet Radio Issue!
BARTG014.ZIP BARTG Bulletin Num 14. HAM.
BBSGLF10.ZIP BBSGolf 1.0: Excellent Putt-Putt Door Game.
CUMBRLND.ZIP Cumberland County NJ maps by N2IPH, for use with APRS309.
CWDRIL.ZIP Interactive CW practice, hook paddle to PC serial port.
DISCONE1.ZIP How to build a Discone Antenna by K5DKZ.
FDDCL201.ZIP HAM Field Day Log/Dupe Checker.
FREQFIND.ZIP FCC Database for the Pennsylvania area. Local frequencies.
HB305.ZIP HamBase 3.05b: Display Beam Headings and grids for HAM.
HFBANDS.ZIP Chart of HAM bands thru 2 meters.
HIGHERAN.ZIP GS/GM MIDI: Funk - Higher & Higher.
HLOG222E.ZIP HYPERLOG: An excellent amateur radio logging program.
HLOG223A.ZIP Hyperlog logging program for HAM radio.
N2L_207.ZIP Orbital elements of artifical satellites: NORAD 2-line.
NASA293.ZIP TXT: NASA 2-line element set.
NEWS1105.ZIP HAM NewsLine: 11/05/93.
NEWS1113.ZIP HAM NewsLine: 11/13/93.
NEWS1120.ZIP HAM NewsLine: 11/20/93.
OBS021.ZIP Orbital Elements 01/21/94: HAM.
OBS028.ZIP Orbital Elements Num 28. HAM.
OBS035.ZIP Orbital Elements Num 35. HAM.
OBS042.ZIP Amsat Orbital Elements: Num 42.
OBS358.ZIP Orbital Elements 12/24/93.
OPDX143.ZIP Ohio/Pa DX Bulletin 01/17/94: HAM.
OPDX144.ZIP Ohio/Pa DX Bulletin 01/24/94: HAM.
OPDX145.ZIP OH/PA DX Bulletin. HAM.
OPDX146.ZIP OH/PA DX Bulletin: 02/07/94. HAM.
OPDX147.ZIP OH/PA DX Bulletin. HAM.
PACKYWIN.ZIP Windows packet terminal controller for AEA TNC for Ham radio
PG_AEA.ZIP Latest Satellite Comm program - DSP-1232, DSP-2232, DSP-12d.
PTM530_1.ZIP PTM 5.30: Packet Terminal/Mailbox Program. (1 of 6)
PTM530_2.ZIP PTM 5.30: Packet Terminal/Mailbox Program. (2 of 6)
PTM530_3.ZIP PTM 5.30: Packet Terminal/Mailbox Program. (3 of 6)
PTM530_4.ZIP PTM 5.30: Packet Terminal/Mailbox Program. (4 of 6)
PTM530_5.ZIP PTM 5.30: Packet Terminal/Mailbox Program. (5 of 6)
PTM530_6.ZIP PTM 5.30: Packet Terminal/Mailbox Program. (6 of 6)
PTM_KM.ZIP PTM 5.29: Updated Version by OZ4ZK. HAM.
RZR92ASM.ZIP The Coders' Elite Matrix with ASM Source.
SCANDEC3.ZIP Scantric Frequency & Information Guide. For December 1993.
SCANM10.ZIP Scanman's Handbook 10.00: Frequencies for S. California.
SL_941.ZIP The BEST satellite dish aiming program ever written.
SOP9405A.ZIP STSORBIT PLUS 9405: Track/display any satellite,
SPC0131.ZIP Space Bulletin. HAM.
SPC0207.ZIP Space Bulletin. HAM.
SPC0214.ZIP Space Bulletin. HAM.
TFPCX210.ZIP TFPCX 2.1: AX.25 Controllee for PC/BayCom Modem. HAM.
TLE0194.ZIP NASA 2-line orbital data for satellite tracking programs.
TOR302.ZIP PacTor 3.02: For HAM Radio.
TRAK300A.ZIP TRAKSAT v3.00: Track and display any satellite.
TRAK301A.ZIP TRAKSAT Version 3.00: Track and display any satellite.
TRAP01.ZIP 80/40 meter trap dipole construction by K5DKZ (HAM).
TVRO10.ZIP Home satellite dish antennas application utilities.
WXGSTA.ZIP Updated station file for Weathergraph.
║ 40 - Clip Art and Images ║
CAVETIF3.ZIP TIF: Caveman symbol.
CH_CLIPS.ZIP Christian Clip Art Sampler. Nine High Quality PCX's.
CLIP_C.ZIP Bob's PCX Clip Art Collection: B&W Images.
FREDYWPG.ZIP Wordperfect graphic of Freddy.
HEADPAR.ZIP Windows - Cartoon Figures of Babes, Things, Heads, and Blobs
HOLYART1.ZIP Collection of Christmas Clip Art in PCX format.
HOLYART2.ZIP Collection of Christmas Clip Art in PCX format.
JART2.ZIP Clip art of Japanese animation characters.
JC_2.ZIP Religious Clip Art in PCX format. (2 of 5)
JC_3.ZIP Religious Clip Art In PCX format. (3 of 5)
NBXMAS_1.ZIP TIF file of the characters from Nightmare Before Christmas.
║ 41 - CD-ROM and Multimedia ║
ATORM101.ZIP AutoROMa 1.01. You entire CD-ROM library under ONE ICON!
BRIPCX3.ZIP Collection of background pictures for use in MultiMedia.
CDGB32.ZIP Low level access to CD-ROM & Audio disks on many platforms.
MMJUKE.ZIP MultiMedia JukeBox. Plays MIDI, WAV, and AVI files.
MMM11.ZIP MULTIMEDIA MAKER 2.1: Create custom presentations.
MMPMCSD.ZIP Multimedia Presentation Manager CSD.
STEREOM.ZIP Makes GIF stereo grams.
VIDFREE.ZIP Digital video system. Convert a FLI file into VDO format.
WARBEAT.ZIP The "Heart Of America" beats in Iraq! MOD/VGA Animation!
║ 42 - SoundBlaster and TrackBlaster ║
3_BOARDS.ZIP 3 Boards: Sound Blaster Animation.
ACIDJAZ2.ZIP Progressive Jazz MOD: Really life-like drum samples.
A_T_S_W.ZIP MOD: All That She Wants.
BAD_DAY.ZIP This Awesome .VOC is for anyone who has ever had a bad day.
BMSTR595.ZIP BLASTER Master 5.95: Good VOC file editor for SB/PRO.
DMP282.ZIP Dual Module Player 2.82: The ULTIMATE MOD player!
DMPLAY92.ZIP MOD player for MMPM/2 Allows treble/bass/balance changes.
DMPLAY99.ZIP Digital Music Player: MOD Player.
DMP_S_10.ZIP Dual Mod Player Shell 1.0.
DODEADLY.ZIP MOD dedicated to Bo Didley: The master.
DPP101.ZIP Digital Player Pro 1.01: Supports many sound cards.
DUPMOD12.ZIP DUPlicate MOD Identification Utility 1.20.
GLOBAL_T.ZIP Global Trash 3.0: MOD for Amiga.
GR_BLUE.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "Goodbye Blue Sky"
GR_CLAP.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "The Clap"
GR_CRUEL.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "Goodbye Cruel World"
GR_FLITE.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "Flight Moves"
GR_FOE.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "The Nightmare Foe"
GR_GOODB.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "Good Times Bad Times"
GR_IMIGR.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "Immigrant Song"
GR_JBEND.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "Jeremy Bender/The Sheriff"
GR_OVERD.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "Interstellar Overdrive"
GR_SCHIZ.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "21st Century Schizoid Man"
GR_WHTCR.ZIP RAM Proudly Presents: [MOD] "White Car"
LIKETHAT.ZIP "I Like That": 24K sampled VOC file.
MMODS.ZIP A small collection of favorite MOD files.
MOD2PAT.ZIP Take samples from MODs and save them in Gravis US Patch.
MTMODS.ZIP MOD: Collection from possible upcoming game.
MULTP205.ZIP MULTIPLAYER 2.00: Plays samples, FM files, MOD.
MUSICCMF.ZIP Runs all 450 .CMF music files for Sound Blaster (SB).
NOIS20.ZIP WIN/SW: NoiseMaster 2.0. Sound sample editor.
PALWB.ZIP Paladin For WaveBlaster - Editor for WAV and newer sounds.
PMMIXER.ZIP New Mixer for SoundBlaster Pro.
PPOLY10.ZIP PLAYPOLY 1.0: A polyphonic VOC/WAV/MID/CMF file player.
R0CK3.ZIP A mild rock 'n' roll .MOD file by Joshua McFadden.
RELAXER.ZIP Multi-Track MOD file "Relaxer": 10 tracks. Use DMP.
SBBETA.ZIP Latest Beta audio drivers for the SB/Pro/16. MIDI support.
SBUPD127.ZIP SBUPDATE.EXE: Update SB Software to the latest version.
SMODS15.ZIP A small collection of 15 MODs from an Amiga DEMO.
SNDSTAG1.ZIP Sound Stage: Plays/dubs MIDI WAV/CD. Req: Win/VBRUN200.DLL.
TDWP_03.ZIP MOD: "Batman meets Jester".
TDWP_05.ZIP MOD: "Name Unknown".
TDWP_11.ZIP MOD: "6 o'clock News".
VBLAST20.ZIP VOICE BLASTER 2.0: Play any combination of files.
WBTMR_13.ZIP WAVEBLASTER TAMER 1.3 for Windows - Working Model.
WOW23UTG.ZIP WOWII 2.3 Module Player *REG (99%)* [UTG] SoNiC (R).
WOWII23B.ZIP WOW II v2.3: Module Player. Supports SB/Gravis. Req: VGA.
║ 43 - ADLIB and MIDI files (Yamaha) ║
BELLS_32.ZIP MT-32 MIDI: Carol of the Bells.
BELLS_GM.ZIP GM MIDI: Carol of the Bells.
CHORALE.ZIP MIDI - Chorale. My own MIDI song that I composed. Enjoy!
DINOSOUR.ZIP GS/GM MIDI: Walk the Dinosaur, funk/dance.
E_MIDI.ZIP MIDI music file collection with names starting with 'E'.
FUSED_GS.ZIP GS/GM MIDI: Jazz - Fusion rock.
HALLELUJ.ZIP MIDI: The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah.
INSPIDER.ZIP Interesting version of child's tune in MIDI.
MEGAMOD.ZIP Some very cool MOD files.
MIDIJB.ZIP MIDI JukeBox. Lets you play multiple MIDI or WAV files.
MM010GUS.ZIP MIDI-MASTER(TM) 0.10ß General MIDI File Player for the GUS.
NS_8523.ZIP Train Sound: Sound sample from C36-7 8523.
PMAK110.ZIP Patch Maker Lite 1.1. Create patches with Gravis Ultrasound.
SAGA3.ZIP Another installment in the popular SAGA series.
SECONDTM.ZIP MIDI: The Second Time Around.
SJ_CLASS.ZIP MIDI DEMO: Musical styles for SuperJam: Classical.
SJ_CUTED.ZIP MIDI DEMO: "Cutting Edge" musical style for SuperJam.
SJ_DNCMX.ZIP MIDI DEMO: Dance Mix styles for SuperJam.
SJ_MOVIE.ZIP MIDI DEMO: Movie music styles for SuperJam.
SJ_POPRK.ZIP MIDI DEMO: Ten Pop/Rock styles for SuperJam.
SJ_WORLD.ZIP MIDI DEMO: World music styles available for SuperJam.
WEWORLD.ZIP We Are The World: GS/GM MIDI file.
XMAS32.ZIP MT-32 MIDI: 5 Christmas tunes, Mannheim steamroller style.
XMAS_GM.ZIP GS/GM MIDI: Christmas tunes, Mannhein Steamroller Style.
║ 44 - PC Speaker and Sound Files ║
COOL131.ZIP Cool Edit 1.31: Waveform editor with lots of features.
DMALIENS.ZIP Sounds from "Aliens" for Doom.
DOOMZAK.ZIP Sound card fix for Roland Sound Canvas.
DSEDIT10.ZIP DOOM SOUND EDITOR 1.0 Edit and replace all sounds in DOOM!
GAIL3214.ZIP AIL 32-bit drivers 3.214 for Gravis Ultrasound.
GUS0037.ZIP GUS 3.7B2: Latest version for Ultrasound.
IFWT11.ZIP IfWait controls a speaker and/or parallel port device.
MIDIOLA.ZIP DOS MIDI Music-Player: Gen MIDI, CMF MT32 & ex-ROL music.
MSTAR33.ZIP Christmas carols for the IBM or compatible. Req: VGA/286.
WR101UPD.ZIP WaveRider 1.01: Updates EXE from 1.00 to 1.01.
YANKDUDE.ZIP An upbeat arrangement of Yankee Doodle.
║ 45 - Musical Potpourri ║
1ST_CARD.ZIP Christmas Card. Plays carols through MIDI device/Sound card.
AC35MUSD.ZIP Accu Music System v3.5: You create music on your computer.
ARIATEST.ZIP Test program for Aria sound boards.
AVMTR2.ZIP Controls Tascam Serial I/F multi-track recorders functions.
CANBALL.ZIP Koo Koo Cannon Ball Breeder's Song, a short clip.
CDU8002A.ZIP Audio filter driver for audio on SONY SCSI CD-ROM 8002 drive
CHMIND.ZIP Chaotic Mind a MDP Musicdisk by SkavenFC with MDP 1.1.
CHORD373.ZIP Finds musical chords that harmonize with 1 to 6 notes.
DMGOOFY.ZIP Cartoon sounds for DOOM (needs DMAUD02.ZIP).
DMPC195.ZIP DMPC is a front end for Dual Module Player.
DOOMAUD.ZIP Exchange the DOOM! sounds with your own WAV & VOC sounds.
FARPLAY.ZIP Player for .FAR (Farandol) music files.
FLEET.ZIP Alien Battle Fleet. A quick song made by Edge of the Earth.
FM_MIDS.ZIP Very good quality song files for FM synthesis sound cards.
GAIL3213.ZIP Gravis UltraSound 32-bit Miles/AIL sound drivers.
GM_MIDS.ZIP Very good MIDI songs. Requires a Generam MIDI player.
GUS0036.ZIP Release 3.7B2 of the SBOS program for the Gravis Ultrasound.
GUSDMP.ZIP Initialize Gravis Ultrasound For use with DMP 2.71.
IPLAY10B.ZIP Inertia Player 1.00 ßeta Coding by Prime and Excalibur.
JUKER30.ZIP The Juker 3.0: Versatile MIDI/WAV juke box for Windows.
MIDIGL.ZIP Use your Power Glove/PC to write MIDI songs!
MLOGIC15.ZIP Demo version of EMAGIC's MicroLOGIC for Windows.
MPLAY6.ZIP Musicplay 6.0: A music file organizer. Req: BRUN45.EXE.
MVSND324.ZIP Version 3.24 MVSOUND.SYS driver for PAS16.
PATSHAD2.ZIP ShadowCaster patch to support the Gravis Ultrasound.
PCG001.ZIP Guitar tutor, also plays music and records from keyboard.
TC669.ZIP 669 player for the GUS.
TSI220.ZIP The Sound Interface 2.20 Menu interface for sound files.
TUCC100.ZIP UltraSound Control Center: Shell for the GUS.
TUNES300.ZIP Tunes 3.0 Enhances Traditional Guitar & Piano Music Theory.
ULTRA150.ZIP 32 track composer/editor/player for the Gravis Ultrasound.
VOC2EXE.ZIP VOCTOEXE 1.00: Convert VOC files to EXEs.
VOICBL24.ZIP VOICE BLASTER JR 2.4 for Windows 3.1. Plays .WAV, .MID, etc
WMAKER.ZIP Will generate WAV files with pure sine/square tones.
WTF23.ZIP Well Tempered Fractal 2.3e, generates fractal music.
║ 46 - Programmers Utilities ║
BASXRF13.ZIP Basic program X-Ref 1.3. Provides formatted listing, etc.
BETA301.ZIP Beta Test Program 3.01: Assists software Beta testing.
BOOKBIB.ZIP Borland Products related book bibliography.
CDMTCH10.ZIP CodeMatch 1.0: Smartly matches two source files.
CHECKIND.ZIP Check BTRIEVE file index structures for corruption.
CSHTXT22.ZIP Hamilton C Shell 2.2 ASCII Documentation.
CTC0007.ZIP CSET Compiler Grouping 2.0/v2.1.
DOSREF33.ZIP Programmer's Technical Reference for IBM MS-DOS computers.
DSN3HA.ZIP PSP's Developer Assistance Program. ASCII. Iss 8.
DSN3IA.ZIP Developer Support News Iss 9.
DSN3II.ZIP Developer support news. PSP's developer assistance program.
DSN93I.ZIP IBM Developer Support news 93 issue 1.
FED161.ZIP FileEDitor 1.61: Full-screen binary file editor.
FGSCROLL.ZIP FGSCROLL shows how to create a scrolling background.
FINISH26.ZIP THE FINISHING TOUCH 2.6. Pro software installation program.
GO.ZIP GO! 2.20. Installation program for software authors.
GSMOK03C.ZIP GUNSMOKE 0.3C. Quality Assurance Engineer.
GUIDE101.ZIP GUIDE 1.01: Generic Universal Integrated Develop. Environ.
IPRO316.ZIP Install-Pro 3.16: Creates custom installation programs.
IPXRTR.ZIP IPX Router Guie for Programmers File is a Postscript File.
JSFILD22.ZIP Aids in the process of extracting and formatting data.
LINK12.ZIP LINK 1.2. A binary/text file divider utility.
NPBT18.ZIP BTS-EQUALIZER 1.8: Tutor And Study AI.
NR200202.ZIP Patch for bugs in Numerical Recipe's 2.00 algorithms.
OBJMCX.ZIP Object Machine Demo. Teaching aid for beginners.
PAR.ZIP PARSE-O-MATIC 2.33. Moves data between different programs.
PCBRN10D.ZIP PCBrand 1.0D: Allows you to brand your programs.
PEARL30.ZIP Programmer's Editor Pearl: Programmer's text editor.
PREXCM50.ZIP Protect! EXE/COM 5.0: Encrypts/protects EXE/COM files.
QINST20.ZIP QUIK-INSTALL: Application installation program.
RPR10.ZIP File viewing utility with lots of features and easy to use.
SINFO100.ZIP Extensive info on low-level resource usage.
SKRMSH10.ZIP SKIRMISH 1.0. A Programming Game of Strategy and Chaos!
SOLARS.ZIP Solaris x86 compatiblity gulde.
STYLEX.ZIP Program DLL/Source to allow color changes at runtime.
SV31E.ZIP Source View. A programmers text editor.
T2B120.ZIP Text-to-Binary Conversion Program 1.20.
TDEX33.ZIP Teledex. A handy card-file using ISAM technology.
TWOCLR.ZIP Create/display CL prompts in two mixed colors.
UCHAIN31.ZIP UNCHAIN Planar VGA Mode 13h Enforcer 3.1 FREEWare.
VGAPAL40.ZIP VGAPAL 4.0. Palette customizer for VGA text.
VSET11.ZIP Developers' installation utility for DOS applications.
WDEVNT.ZIP An integrated program development environment for Windows.
WE30.ZIP Willow Creek Programmer's Editor 3.0.
WWIS0294.ZIP (FEB. '94) "Who's Who In Shareware" directory.
XEQ160.ZIP XEQ 1.60: COM File Library and Command Executor.
XE_V40.ZIP HeXEdit 4.0: Edit binary files in HEX & ASCII format.
XNOT15.ZIP XNOT 1.5: Emacs like editor for DOS/Win/NT/OS/2.
XRAY11.ZIP Allows Windows DLL programs to access DOS applications.
║ 47 - Assembly Source Code ║
68000ASM.ZIP DOS Motorola 68000 simulator with ASM.
D86V370.ZIP D86 3.70: Macro assembler/debugger to accompany A86.
LENSSRC.ZIP ASM source code demo of lens passing through objects.
║ 48 - Pascal and Turbo Pascal Source Code ║
ASC2PAS.ZIP Converts ASCII test files into Turbo Pascal source code.
BP7_OS2.ZIP This patches the Borland Pascal 7.0 C library.
BTV200.ZIP BTV.PAS 2.0: OOP interface for Btrieve.
CNAMES10.ZIP CNAMES.TPU 1.0: CNAMES.@ file, currently has 4 Procedures.
MVHELP.ZIP Reconfig, test, and edit helper for pas16.
MXPRPAS.ZIP ModeX Pascal library for 16 bit protected mode.
OS2HLP.ZIP Borland Pascal Online Help For The BPOS13 Units Package.
PRQUE.ZIP PRQue. BP7.0 source for Novell Netware 3.11 print queue.
PULL70B.ZIP High-performance pull-down menues for Turbo Pascal 5.0.
QWIK71A.ZIP High performance screen writing utility for TP4 programmers.
SCANH326.ZIP ScanHelp 3.26 Makes help files from TP code.
SWAG9311.ZIP SWAG File: ALL new snippets since last release.
TP7_INT.ZIP Various routines for TP7.0.
TPAPI.ZIP Turbo Pascal API's for Novell Netware 1.53. Pascal library.
TVGR70.ZIP TVGraphic. A compiled version of the TVGraphic library.
UTIL17.ZIP Turbo Pascal Utilities in source code format.
VBMS.ZIP VERTICAL BAR MENU 1.00: Creates menu-driven programs.
WUNDERKI.ZIP The famous patch that allows TP to generate OS/2 16-bit EXE!
║ 49 - C, MS-C, Turbo-C, and Borland C++ ║
ALERTDRV.ZIP AlertDriver C++ Class Library 1.00 DemoWare of C++ programs.
BINTOC.ZIP Utility to convert binary data to C source code.
C2CPP.ZIP Convert existing C code to object oriented C code easily.
CAWF407.ZIP C version of nroff like text formatter.
CPPTM.ZIP Updated Symantec C cpptm library direct from Symantec BBS.
CSP0194B.ZIP Csplit 1.4, for posting C code in FIDO C echo.
CXREF3A.ZIP C XREF 3.0a: Cross-references any number of C modules.
C_LESSON.ZIP A lesson in the C Programming language.
DIAL_C.ZIP MS C source code sample for modem dialing.
DRGMON.ZIP C coding example of drag & drop with Program Manager.
EMXFIX04.ZIP Fix package for EMX 0.8h. Contains fixes and new features.
GCLASS.ZIP C++ class for performing regular expression searches.
INDEN9.ZIP Updated Auxiliary files for GNU RCS.
LINKLIST.ZIP Graphical explanation of link lists and pointers in C.
MINCOM15.ZIP C source code for MINICOM 15 - a Telix clone.
MOVELSTC.ZIP MS C Source Code Sample Drag&drop Listbox, Windows.
MSVCPUZL.ZIP MS Visual C++ sample code of a simple sliding block puzzle.
PANSHR24.ZIP PANELS for C 2.4 DOS based user interface for C programmers
PCLCJS.ZIP Power C Functions Library. Multi-purpose function library.
PCS230.ZIP Power C Shell-IDE for Power C Compiler.
PMPIANO.ZIP Play external MIDI units/sound cards from PC keyboard/mouse.
PROXY13.ZIP Proxy 1.3: Interpreter for a language like C.
REGEXP3.ZIP Pattern matching routines for C programmers. Very nice.
SCROLL2.ZIP Program Sprite Graphics in C With Scrolling.
TLALI10.ZIP CodeWright for Windows Commands 1.0 for C/C+/MASM.
TOPICDMP.ZIP Converts Windows Help files to ASCII. C Source Code Included
TSTDEV.ZIP Test device sample program 2. Determines DASD device types.
WRITEJAM.ZIP The write-to-jam C function.
XLIB06.ZIP Excellent Freeware routines for C to help with video games.
║ 50 - Basic and Visual Basic Source Code ║
2PAWS.ZIP QB program (COM/BAS) mouse or keyboard input continues batch
BASTRUC1.ZIP Re-structures BASIC source code.
BOZOL2.ZIP PowerBASIC 3.0 design your own Application Specific Language
BS2FR202.ZIP BASIC to FORTRAN language translator.
CLOCKZ.ZIP Sample Clock Program. True 32 bit in Borland C for OS/2.
DBENG3.ZIP A custom control interface to the Paradox Engine 3.x.
DBFM2.ZIP PowerBASIC 3.0 - BTree database Engine code.
DFVB19.ZIP DoorFrame 1.9: Door Development Library, VBASIC/DOS.
FLDPAK.ZIP FieldPack. 3 useful data management add-ons to VB/Windows.
FMDROP10.ZIP File Manager Drag and Drop Control. VB.
GETMONEY.ZIP GetMoney - VB3 source code demo for printing an order form.
ICONB220.ZIP View/print/manage icons. Req: VBRUN300.DLL.
INICON25.ZIP INI File Manager: Custom Control. VB.
IPROJ.ZIP VB Questionaire program using Access for Networks.
JOYSTK10.ZIP Joy Stick Custom Control. VB.
KLUTZ1.ZIP Win Programming for the Complete Klutz using Liberty BASIC.
LANG20.ZIP Language. Makes a binary file used to get fixed-strings.
MLIST4.ZIP Visual Basic list box custom control breaks 64k barrier.
NIFTOM.ZIP NiftoMeter. Custom control for Visual Basic.
PBFORMT2.ZIP Disk format: Written in PowerBasic. Source code only.
PBTCL132.ZIP PBTools: Classic 1.32 PowerBASIC 3.x library update.
PBTL111.ZIP PBTLIB 1.11 ■ PowerBASIC 3.0 Library Manager.
PBWIZ19.ZIP PB Wizard's Library 1.9 for Spectra's PowerBASIC 3.0.
PERCNT23.ZIP Percentage Bar Custom Control. VB.
PNTR11.ZIP POINTERS.DLL. Function returns the Pointer of any variable.
POW_1_0.ZIP POW!: An exciting new SB library for PBASIC 3.0.
PPM116.ZIP Project manager for controlling BASIC/Builder programs.
PROG913.ZIP Simplifies BASIC Language programing.
PROG914.ZIP Program Generator: Writes/Edits BASIC programs for you.
PRVB13C.ZIP PRINTVB is a Visual Basic "pretty" printer for source code.
ROTEXT12.ZIP Rotated Label Custom Control. VB.
SCROLVB.ZIP Scroll 1 & Scroll 2. Free VB for Windows sample code.
SOUNDX11.ZIP Soundex and Metaphone Control. VB.
TBTN20.ZIP Custom control for true VB3 "buttons" on a toolbar.
VBCALN.ZIP Calendar uses drop-down boxes to switch months or years.
VBEVNT.ZIP Visual Basic 3.0 application used to test Click, Change, etc
VBKB_BUG.ZIP Visual Basic Knowledge Base: Help.
VBSETUPK.ZIP Updated Setup Kit 1.00.004 for VBASIC.
VBTIPS13.ZIP Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 1.3.
VB_SMPL.ZIP Visual Basic Code Samples.
VCC.ZIP VideoSoft Custom Controls. 3 powerful VB custom controls.
VCONTROL.ZIP Allows programmers to backup revisions of code automatically
VIEWMEM.ZIP PowerBASIC 3.0 source code to a core memory viewer.
║ 51 - DBase and Paradox Files and Utilities ║
DB22DART.ZIP DB2/2 1.11: Database Analysis Recovery Tool.
DB4EDI.ZIP Electronic Data Interchange in dBase IV 2.0.
DBF061A.ZIP DBFModifer 0.61Aß. Copy, Edit, Join, Append & Zap DBF files.
DBINDE.ZIP An ASCII PRG file for dBaseIII+ to indent program files.
DV10B2.ZIP DBVU 1.0 b2. Browse multiple .DBF (xBase) files.
NEWUTI.ZIP Utility bar for MS-Access: Intended for creating DB apps.
SPLUSDBX.ZIP dbMAX is an xBASE utility that allows multi-user access.
VXBASE_1.ZIP vxBase. Create database applications for Windows.
║ 52 - Clipper and Foxbase Utilities ║
CLPVAR.ZIP A Clipper utility to save you time!
CL_CLK10.ZIP Clockdisplay and program for CLipper 5.x.
DDEIO.ZIP DDE Library for Clipper: Communicate with Windows programs.
FRANKLIB.ZIP The library of mouse user interface engines for CA-Clipper.
HELPSY.ZIP Help system and Library for Clipper 5.x.
OBJPROB.ZIP Clipper Objects 2.1: Professional edition DEMO.
SV14BUS.ZIP Sound & Vision 1.4b for Clipper: Complete Package.
_BASE16.ZIP 7 UTILITIES For Clipper, dBase, FoxPro, and Codebase.
║ 53 - Programming Source Code - ADA to Z80 ║
BMPLST15.ZIP List Box with Bitmaps Control.
CMCRC10.ZIP Compute CRC-16 and CRC-32. Written in 386/8088 ASM.
CPPTBA.ZIP IUCL Toolbar source code uses Frame Extensions.
C_LSODE.ZIP LSODE libraries for GNU GCC/2 and IBM C Set.
DAYBKFIX.ZIP Extend dates in Toolbook's Daybook.
DE100.ZIP Detect & Execute detects whether an application is running.
DFQBX31.ZIP DoorFrame 3.1: Door Development Library, BASCOM/PDS 7.1.
DFRAME46.ZIP DoorFrame 4.6: Door Development Library, QuickBasic 4.x.
DIGIPROG.ZIP Digiboard Programming w/examples.
DNALIB40.ZIP DNA lib: A PB3 PowerBASIC add-on library.
DVPG30FS.ZIP Dvpeg 3.0f JPEG/GIF DOS image viewer source.
DWNSRS59.ZIP DOWNSORT 5.9: Complete source material.
ECJDLL11.ZIP WinECJ Dynamic Link Library 1.1. JPEG decoding routine.
EUPHOR12.ZIP Euphoria Programming Lang. 1.2 PD Edition for DOS/Windows.
FGIN130.ZIP Line Input programming library for use with Fastgraph.
GA2.ZIP Genetic algorithm source code.
GETPIXEL.ZIP Toolbook file to get the RGB value of a pixel.
INIFIL.ZIP IniFile. An INI file function set for DOS programs.
INIRDR.ZIP Toolbook file to read from and write to INI files.
ITEMLIST.ZIP A set of calls to manage a last file loaded list facility.
LOADGIF2.ZIP GIF and LZW decompression routines - now in protected mode.
NSWITCH2.ZIP Traps loading of Win Notepad if file too big.
NUI.ZIP Use 3-D dialog boxes in Toolbook.
PKTD11A.ZIP Crynwr 11.x packet drivers source. (1 of 3).
PKTD11B.ZIP Crynwr 11.x packet drivers source. (2 of 3).
PKTD11C.ZIP Crynwr 11.x packet drivers source. (3 of 3).
VGAKIT60.ZIP VGA Kit 6.0: Routines to support a large number of VGA/SVGA.
VPRMODE.ZIP Latest VESA driver for Diamond Viper VLB 2meg video card.
XLIB30.ZIP Library of procedures for protected-mode programming.
║ 54 - Miscellaneous Goodies ║
BATLRAFT.ZIP BATTLE RAFT 1.0 for GeoWorks 2.0: Game like Battleship.
BUICK94A.ZIP 1994 Buick Dimensions program (1 of 2). Req: 2.5Mb HD space.
BUICK94B.ZIP 1994 Buick Dimensions program (2 of 2). Req: 2.5Mb HD space.
C64TAPES.ZIP C64 tapes for the C64s emulator.
CONG303I.ZIP New Congressional Locator with Letter Writer and Editor.
CS_INI.ZIP Use your own .INI files from Access macros!
DAC360.ZIP Configurable DOS-prompt Clock/Alarm: TSR.
DWRK11.ZIP Demo Workshop 1.1i. Demo/Tutorial Maker.
FAXDOS20.ZIP How to use GeoWorks Ensemble 2.0.
FMTFIX62.ZIP DOS 6.2 format enhancer with ASM source.
FONTMG02.ZIP Geoworks Ensemble 2.0 New version of Fontmagick, utilities.
GB_02_94.ZIP GEOBYTES February 1994: The newsletter of GeoWorks Ensemble.
GCDPLAY.ZIP Geoworks 2.0 CD Player.
GEOBTLE.ZIP Geoworks Ensemble 2.0 Battle Raft Game.
GEOFNT02.ZIP 2 fonts for GeoWorks Ensemble 2.0 with Morton Dingbats font.
GEOSBLST.ZIP Geoworks Ensemble 2.0 Soundblaster Driver.
GEOTARC.ZIP Geoworks Ensemble 2.0 Appliance: Wrap text around an arc.
GEOVGBKD.ZIP Geoworks Ensemble 2.0 Background Van Gogh's Starry Night.
GWBKGND.ZIP 2 GeoWorks Ensemble backgrounds of NEW Geoworks 2.0 logo.
GWDPHLP.ZIP Geoworks Ensemble 2.0 Help File for Screen Dumper Utility.
HANDSOFF.ZIP "HandsOff!" helps protect your home or office.
ILLUST.ZIP Program files to execute Grolliers CD.
JP4REF.ZIP Complete reference manual for 4DOS 5.0/4OS2 2.0.
KREMLIN.ZIP Take a tour of the Kremlin: Good graphics. Text is Russian.
K_SPD401.ZIP K-speed 4.01.Cpu benchmark.
LS351.ZIP Sort/Merge Utility for DOS 3.x, OS/2 1.x, Windows 3.0.
MACSE32B.ZIP MacSEE 3.2B: Read/write Macintosh disks on your PC.
MAXMEM.ZIP Geos 2.0 memory support documentation.
MHPCMCIA.ZIP Card services client for Megahertz PCMCIA modems.
MORECASH.ZIP This is a hot new way to put your PC to work for you!
MUD29B.ZIP Mud 2.9B: Mac/Unix DOS translator/reformatter.
NOLIST2A.ZIP Remove PM, OS/2, DOS, WIN-OS/2 programs from window list.
PAGAND10.ZIP The Pagan Daybook for DOS 1.0a Lists pagan festivals.
PCCAI21A.ZIP PC-CAI 2.10. Computer Assisted Instructional tool. (1 of 3)
PCCAI21B.ZIP PC-CAI 2.10. Computer Assisted Instructional tool. (2 of 3)
PCCAI21C.ZIP PC-CAI 2.10. Computer Assisted Instructional tool. (3 of 3)
PGPFRONT.ZIP PGP-Front 0.99ß: A user-friendly shell for PGP 2.xx.
TAS533.ZIP Technical Analysis Scanner 5.33, for Stock Charting Programs
TODAY36.ZIP TODAY 3.6 What happened today in history?
TPPCM112.ZIP ThinkPad 720 PCMCIA Drivers Diskette Version 1.12.
TSEP62.ZIP Toshiba Enhancements for DOS 6.2.
USADOD_1.ZIP Over 800 US military weapon systems detailed. 1 of 2.
USADOD_2.ZIP Over 800 US military weapon systems detailed. 2 of 2.
VEND15.ZIP Vending Machine 1.5. Custom Installation Kit.
WCTIMES.ZIP MS Works file for World Circuit racers. Keep track of time.
ZIPBRAND.ZIP ZIP Brand FAST! ß0.13 (DOS & OS/2). Quickly "brands" ZIPs.
ZL_CLR10.ZIP The ZenList Colorizer 1.00: Adds ANSI to ZenLists.
║ 55 - Frequently Asked Questions ║
2600FAQ.ZIP FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from the alt.2600 newsgroup
ACAPEL10.ZIP Internet FAQ: Acapella singing.
ADDR1193.ZIP How to find people's E-mail addresses on the Internet.
ALTGROUP.ZIP Explains "alt." and how to create a newsgroup.
ALTHIST1.ZIP Internet FAQ on "what if?" histories.
ALTPGPFQ.ZIP PGP FAQ: From Internet alt.pgp.security.
ALT_CD.ZIP FAQ: Basic information about your CD-ROM, data formats, etc.
ASC_FAQ.ZIP FAQ: How to submit ST material for contests or to sell.
ASTROL12.ZIP Internet FAQ (frequently asked questions) on astrology.
BEARD30.ZIP The coming bear market? Internet/Usenet misc.invst chatter.
BIG_LANS.ZIP BIG LANS FAQ: comp.dcom.lans.misc newsgroup.
BIOETHIC.ZIP Vatican pronouncements concerning invitro fertilization.
BREWFAQ.ZIP Home brewers FAQ from rec.crafts.brewing.
BUYSEL01.ZIP Internet FAQ: Buying/Selling over net.
CAFFAQ12.ZIP Internet FAQ re: caffeine. 12/93 version (replaces all).
CA_EMF12.ZIP Internet FAQ re: cancer & electro-magnetic fields.
CELTMAIL.ZIP Internet FAQ on Celtic music by mail order.
CGRAPH09.ZIP Internet FAQ: Computer Graphics.
CLASSC12.ZIP Internet FAQ re: classical music. Dec. 1993 version.
CMUSIC01.ZIP Internet FAQ: Computers/Electronics.
DIPLYVAR.ZIP From Internet - Various variations of Diplomacy.
DMFAQ25.ZIP The "Official" DOOM FAQ 2.5.
DMFAQ50.ZIP The "Official" DOOM FAQ 5.0.
DOOMFQ50.ZIP "Official" DOOM FAQ 5.0. Q&A about ID Software's DOOM game.
DV_FAQ14.ZIP DESQview/QEMM FAQ List: From the Usenet.
ECONNET.ZIP Internet Resources of interest to economists.
FAXAMF.ZIP WinWord 6.x: Macro that allows you to easily fax.
FAXFAQ01.ZIP Internet FAQ: FAXing.
FOLK1293.ZIP Internet FAQ: Folk Music.
FONTS194.ZIP Internet FAQ: Fonts and Fontography.
GRPS1193.ZIP Usenet Newsgroups Listing.
HAM0194.ZIP Internet FAQ: HAM Radio.
IA003772.ZIP Disneyland FAQ.
INETQUES.ZIP INET USER QUESTIONS. Answers to new Internet users.
INTERN2.ZIP Internet Networking Group - Request for comments document.
INTERNT.ZIP "The Beginner's Guide to the Internet." A tutorial.
LAW1293.ZIP Compendium of law-related resources on the Internet, 12/93.
LNXJAN94.ZIP Latest FAQ file for LINUX 1.03; January, 1994.
MIXED01.ZIP Internet FAQ: Inter-racial marriage.
MK2NFAQ.ZIP Mortal Kombat FAQ - Complete Guide for Jan 19th, 1994.
OS24WFAQ.ZIP OS/2 for Windows, Special Edition FAQ.
PATFAQ.ZIP Purchasing Amateur Telescope FAQ from Usenet sci.astro area.
PFAQ221.ZIP Programmer's FAQ 2.21: for OS/2. ASCII and INF format.
PGPFAQ.ZIP PGP FAQ from the Internet.
SCIFIFAQ.ZIP FAQ: Movies and Sci-Fi TV Shows.
SEWFAQ_1.ZIP UseNet alt.sewing Frequently-Asked Questions: Part 1 of 3)
SEWFAQ_2.ZIP UseNet alt.sewing Frequently-Asked Questions: Part 2 of 3)
SEWFAQ_3.ZIP UseNet alt.sewing Frequently-Asked Questions: Part 3 of 3)
SHNANGN1.ZIP Internet FAQ: Practical Jokes.
STARFAQS.ZIP FAQ: Star Trek. Upcoming TV shows, movies, and more.
TCPIPFAQ.ZIP The TCP/IP FAQ from the Internet.
TRANSPL1.ZIP Internet FAQ: Organ Transplantation.
VIDEOFAQ.ZIP FAQ: Consumer Video Equipment.
WNBFF20A.ZIP WinBiff 2.0A: Windows version of UNIX biff program.
ZYXFAQ35.ZIP ZyXEL modems frequently asked question list.
║ 56 - Icons, Icon Libraries ║
45ICONS_.ZIP 45 Windows icons!
ICNDOS17.ZIP Graphical icon-based application launcher for DOS. Req: VGA.
ICONCHR.ZIP A collection of 12 Christian-oriented icons.
ICONJES.ZIP Christian Icons: Dozen icons with Christian themes.
IKONIZE.ZIP Ikonize: A shareware icon maker for Windows.
IKONMST.ZIP Nice MS Windows Icon Editor.
MARSIC25.ZIP Mars Icon for Windows. Shows surface temp. and more!
MHII_ICN.ZIP Icons to use with MHPCBMNU.ZIP.
MOSTICON.ZIP 965 Icons in a single .DLL file for Windows 3.1.
MSICON.ZIP Nice MS Windows Icon Editor.
TIBICONS.ZIP 125 New Windows Icons: The BEST ever!
║ 57 - Windows NT Applications and Games ║
4DOSNT20.ZIP 4DOS/NT 2.0 Award winning command processor for Windows NT.
4N20B.ZIP 4DOS/NT 2.0 Patch file: Updates rA-rB. Req: 4DPATCH.ZIP.
4N20C.ZIP 4DOS/NT 2.0 Patch file: Updates rB-rC. Req: 4DPATCH.ZIP.
CFINDE.ZIP ColorFinish for Windows NT Photo CD Imaging Software.
EMSCLA.ZIP C class for accessing EMS memory in a very transparent way.
EXIT32.ZIP Exit32 version 1.4 - Exit NT Utility.
FMANT11C.ZIP FM Applic (NT) 1.1c. Windows NT 3.1 File Manager extension.
KMN077.ZIP Kermit 0.77 For Windows/NT: Implementation of the protocol.
LS351W.ZIP Sort/Merge Utility for 32 bit Windows NT. Fast.
NTCSD002.ZIP CSD002 Readme for U.S. Service Pack: NT & NTAS Update Num 2.
NTNWINFO.ZIP Information and Setup for Windows/NT Novell Requestor.
NTUNZI.ZIP PKUNZIP for Windows NT: NTFS Compatible.
NTZIP.ZIP PKZIP for Windows NT: NTFS Compatible.
PSRCN1.ZIP Print Source for Windows NT.
QRLOGI.ZIP Quick Rlogin Daemon for Windows NT.
SCSINT.ZIP Acculogic SCSI Driver for Win/NT.
SECDEL.ZIP Drag-n-Drop Secure Delete Utility for Windows-NT.
TECHNE.ZIP Net2Com 1.0 for Windows NT: Modem Pooling.
WIMAMP20.ZIP WINIMAGE 2.0: The Windows Disk Imager. Runs in background.
ZM5NT.ZIP ZipManager 5.0 for Windows/NT.